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Судоводы - 9 семестр / Видищева Т.В., Монастырская О.И. - English in Maritime Business and Law (2014)

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ОДЕССА -2014

ББК 81.43 УДК 811.111:34

В 42

Утверждено ученым советом ОНМА в качестве учебного пособия Протокол № 10 от 29 мая 2008 года

Рецензенты: зав. кафедрой теоретической и прикладной фонетики английского языка факультета романо-германской филологии Одесского национального университета им. И.И. Мечникова к.ф.н., доцент Григорян Н.Р.; доцент кафедры морских перевозок Одесской национальной морской академии, капитан дальнего плавания Ярмолович Р.П..;

к.т.н., доцент, профессор Одесского национального морского университета, академик транспортной академии Украины Марков В.В.

В 42 Английский язык в морском бизнесе и праве [Текст]: учебное пособие. Изд. 2-ое, дополненное, исправленное / Т.В. Видищева, О.И. Монастырская; - Одесса: ОНМА, 2014-244 с.

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов старших курсов морских высших учебных заведений, изучающих морское право и менеджмент морских организаций, магистров судовождения, а также для широкого круга читателей, занимающихся правовыми вопросами в сфере морского бизнеса.

В учебном пособии приведены текстовые аутентичные материалы на английском языке, подробно освещающие основные темы профессионального общения в сфере морского бизнеса и права (условия оплаты в международной торговле, различные виды транспортировки грузов, типы судов и грузов, транспортно­ логистическая схема их транспортировки, инкотермины, обязанности транспортно­ экспедиторского агентства, виды чартер-партии, коносаменты, страховые документы, общая и частная авария и другие).

Все вышеуказанные темы проиллюстрированы образцами деловых писем, договоров, банковской документацией, образцами типовых чартеров, коносаментов, аварийных расписок и гарантий. Пособие содержит англо-русский словарь и приложение.

Пособие предназначено для тех, что уже владеет английским языком и кому необходимо усовершенствовать свои знания в области морского бизнеса и права.

ББК 81.43 УДК 811.111:34

ISBN 978-966-7591-30-4

© Т.В. Видищева, О.И. Монастырская, 2008



UNIT 1. SALES CONTRACT.........................................................................................................


UNIT 2. COMPLAINTS AND ADJUSTMENTS.........................................................................


UNIT 3. TERMS OF PAYMENT...................................................................................................


UNIT 4. TERMS OF PAYMENT IN FOREIGN TRADE ................................................


UNIT 5. TERMS OF PAYMENT IN FOREIGN T R A D E . A...............................................


UNIT 6. CUSTOMS.......................................................................................................................


UNIT 7. CUSTOMS........................................................................................................................


UNIT 8. TRANSPORTATION OF CARGO................................................................................




P a rti..................................................................................................................................


Part 2..................................................................................................................................


UNIT 10. INTERMODAL TRANSPORTATION........................................................................


UNIT 11. CLASSIFICATION OF SHIPS. KINDS OF CARGOES...........................................


UNIT 12.INCOTERMS................................................................................................................


/ UNIT 13: CHARTERING (GENERAL).......................................................................................


' UNIT 14. AGENCY......................................................................................................................


UNIT 15. VOYAGE CHARTER A G R E E M E N T Sikm ..........................................................


UNIT 16. VOYAGE CHARTER AGREEMENTS.&.*.+.ft..........................................................


UNIT 17. TIME CHARTER AGREEMENTS...........................................................................




UNIT 19. BILL OF LADING Part 1...........................................................................................


UNIT 20. BILL OF LADING .&?.&+ft...........................................................................................


UNIT 21. MARINE INSURANCE..............................................................................................


UNIT 22. MARINE INSURANCE..............................................................................................


UNIT 23. TYPES OF LOSS..........................................................................................................


UNIT 24. GENERAL AVERAGE AND THE YORK-ANTWERP RULES..............................




UNIT 26. NOTING PROTEST.....................................................................................................






Part 1

Negotiating and drafting of contracts


Party to a contract -договаривающаяся сторона

To be legally protected - быть юридически защищенным

To sue (for) - подавать иск

A suit - иск

In the interim - в промежуточный период

To make up (for)- возместить

Litigation- гражданский судебный процесс, тяжба

Upfront - заранее

To address - (зд.) заниматься (вопросом, проблемой)

Ambiguities- неясность, двусмысленность

То draft the contract- составлять проект контракта

Background - исходные данные

A reference - характеристика, рекомендация

A court docket - досье производства по делу, выписка, копия решения

A form contract- типовой (стандартный) контракт

То iron out (details)- сглаживать, устранять(детали)

То evaluate performance- оценивать выполнение контракта

An internal monitoring system- внутренняя система наблюдения

Solvency o f the company - платежеспособность компании

То result in - привести к ....

Exercise 1. Read the text and answer the questions

1.A contract is only as good as the relationship with the other party in the contract. Many lawyers see contracts as a legal end-all - if you have it signed and in writing, you are legally protected. From a business perspective, however, a contract only gives you the right to sue. Furthermore, even a successful suit may not solve your problems. You may win a case because your supplier failed to supply you, but how do you stay in business in the interim? Who makes up for the lost time until you win the judgment? And, perhaps most importantly, who explains to your customers that the matter is “in litigation”? In short, relying on written contract alone to get you through a deal is poor legal strategy. Fruitful negotiations and a good working relationship with the other party or parties will be far more effective in limiting contract problems, avoiding litigation, and keeping your business moving forward.

2.The best legal strategy for contracts is to negotiate everything up front. You also need to have a good understanding of your business and that of the other party so that the contract is appropriately written, addresses the needs of both parties, and anticipates the types of problems that can arise of the nature of both businesses. The signing of the contract should be the end of a great deal of work, not the beginning of the relationship. Poor investigation and negotiation can result in ambiguities, disputes, and, litigation.


Step s to fo llo w in th e n e g o tia tio n a n d drafting o f contracts a re su m m a r iz ed in th e

ch ec k lists.

1.Preliminary steps - contract homework. Do background checks - check references, number of complaints at state and private agencies, court dockets.

2.Negotiation. Determine the purpose of the contract. Avoid reliance on form

contracts. Iron out details.

3.Contents of the agreement. Draft the contract. Check authority of negotiating and signing parties. Keep the contract term short.

4.Evaluating performance (employee monitoring system). Establish an internal monitoring system. Check performance through employeefeedback.

C h e c k list fo r d ra ftin g c o n tr a cts

IDENTIFY both parties clearly. Make sure the parties have the proper authority to enter into the transaction (Are copies of board resolutions approving the contract available?)

DEFINE the terms used in die contract.

DESCRIBE any industry customs and terms that apply.

LIST ALL TERMS: price, subject matter, quantity, delivery, payment term.

ANSWER “what if’ questions: e.g. What if payment is not made? What if deliveries are late?

DETERMINE whether the parties can be substituted.

Q u e stio n s to a sk w h en e v a lu a tin g c o n tr a ct p e r fo r m a n c e

1.Are deliveries made on time?

2.Who makes the deliveries? Is it a reputable shipping company?

3.Are the shipments arriving in good condition? What is the damage rate?

4.Are payments made in a timely manner?

5.Are there complaints about the quality of the goods?

6.Are service representatives cooperative?

7.Are they easy to get in touch with?

8.Have replacements been made where requested?

9.Have refunds been made where requested?

10.Are there any communication difficulties between employees of our company and


11.Is the company experiencing difficulty on its other contracts?

12.Are there questions about solvency o f the company?

13.Is there a procedure for correcting defects?

1.Explain if a contract gives you full legal protection.

2.I f you sue and win thejudgement, how do you make upfor the lost time?

3.What can help you avoid litigation and keep your business movingforward?

4.What is the best legal strategyfor contracts?

5.What can poor investigation and negotiation result in?

2.Fill in the gaps with the prepositions

1.Relationship_________ the other party_______ the contract

2.How do you stay________ business?

3.Who makes u p ________ the lost time?

4.Who explains_______ your customers that the matter is______litigation?


5.Relying______ a written contract alone

6.The best legal strategy________ contracts

7.Your business and that_____the other party

8.The beginning_______ the relationship

9.The signing_______ the contract

10.Can result________ ambiguities

Exercise 3. Multiple matching. Match the extractsfrom the contract with the headings.

1.Subject of the contract

2.Total value of the contract

3.Payment terms

4.Delivery period

5.Packing and marking




Exercise 4. Read the passages from the contract Check your translation by finding the correspondingpoint in Russian.

Underline the key points in both variants and compare them

A.Payment will be effected by 100% prepayment or with part advanced payment or with net terms.

B.The Seller has to ship the goods in export packing which is to provide the full preservation o f the goods from any damage and corrosion during its transportation as well as loading, transhipment and storage at stocks. The Seller is responsible for the loss and damage owing to the improper or insufficient packing and marking.

C.The Seller guarantees that the delivered goods conform to the highest level o f technology and highest standards o f the Seller/Manufacturer’s country for the period o f the execution o f the contract.

D. The Seller sells and the Buyer buys phototechnical materials hereinafter called as the product on CIP Odessa, Ukraine according to the specifications enclosed to this contract and

being its integral part.

E. The delivery o f the product is carried out within 6 weeks. For the delay o f the delivery (the term is fixed by this Agreement cl. ), the

1.Продавец гарантирует, что поставляемые товары соответствуют наивысшему уровню технологий и стандартов, существующих в стране продавца/изготовителя в течение срока действия настоящего контракта.

2.Цена по настоящему контракту включает стоимость материалов, перевозку, страхование и упаковку. Общая сумма контракта составляет 45 тысяч евро.

3.Поставка товара осуществляется в течение 6 недель. За несвоевременную поставку товара (срок указан настоящим Договором п.____ ), Продавец выплачивает Покупателю штраф в размере 0,1% от стоимости недоставленного товара за каждую неделю просрочки.

4.Все споры и разногласия, которые могут возникнуть из настоящего контракта или в связи с ним, должны быть разрешены дружественным путем.

5.Оплата может производиться как путем 100% предоплаты, так и частичной предоплаты или на условиях отсрочки


Seller will pay a fine to the Buyer o f 0,1 % from the value of undelivered product for each week of delay. ‘

F. According to this contract the price includes value o f the materials, freight, insurance, packing. Total value is 45000 (forty five thousand) euro.

G Neither party shall bear responsibility for the complete or partial non-performance o f the obligations under the contract, if it results from such circumstances as flood, fire, earthquake and other acts o f God as well as war etc. In this event the delivery time is extended for the period equal to that during which circumstances will remain in force.

I. All disputes and differences which may arise out ofror in connection with the Contract will be settled on an amicable basis.


6.Стороны освобождаются от ответственности за полное или частичное неисполнение своих обязательств по контракту, если оно явилось следствием обстоятельств непреодолимой силы, таких как стихийные бедствия, военных действий и других. В этих случаях срок исполнения обязательств по контракту отодвигается соразмерно времени действия этих обстоятельств.

7.Продавец продает, а Покупатель покупает на условиях CIP Одесса, Украина, фототехнические материалы , в дальнейшем именуемых как товар, в соответствии со спецификациями к настоящему контракту и являющимися его неотъемлемой частью.

8.Продавец должен отгрузить товар в экспортной упаковке, которая обеспечивала бы сохранность груза от всякого рода повреждений при транспортировке, погрузке, перевалке и хранении в закрытом складском помещении. Продавец обязан возместить Покупателю убытки, возникшие вследствие ненадлежащей упаковки, а также неправильной маркировки


a)In your opinion, what points should be identified in preliminary discussion?

b)What terms should be defined in the negotiation?

c) If You are the Seller, what terms in this contract don’t satisfy you or your company? d) What ‘if-questions’can you ask?

P a r t 2


Sales contract- договор купли-продажи

To conclude a contract -заключать договор

Tofluctuate - колебаться

Binding agreement - юридически обязательный договор

Non-binding agreement -юридически необязательный договор

Тоfulfill liabilities - выполнять обязательства

Title - право собственности

Document o f title -товарораспорядительный документ


Breach o f contract - нарушение контракта

To claim compensation - требовать компенсацию

An injuredparty - пострадавшая сторона

To suffice - удовлетворять, быть достаточным

Sufficient - достаточный, подходящий

Enforceable (contract)- имеющий юридическую поддержку

Exercise 1. Read the text and answer the questions

A contract to sell is a contract in which ownership of goods is to transfer in a sale in the future. A sales co n tr a c t is a legally binding agreement reached by the seller (vendor) and the buyer (vendee) - the parties to the contract. A sales contract may be made in any manner sufficient to show agreement, and the contract suffices if the parties by their actions recognize the existence of a contract. It can be made orally or in writing, although it is usual for the contract to be drawn up in writing to prevent disputes.

There are 3 ways to conclude a sales contract:

1. This is the most normal way of concluding a sales contract, because most offers are non-binding. As non-binding offers can be changed or withdrawn at any time, a sales contract doesn’t exist until the parties confirm the order, making any changes impossible.

2. Sellers tend to make firm offers when trading in goods where the prices fluctuate a lot. They set a fixed price and if the buyer doesn’t place an order within the period of time where this price is valid, the offer expires. The seller can then make another offer with new prices to keep up with the prices on the market.

3. In this case, if the buyer is not interested in the goods, he is expected to return them within a certain period of time, otherwise he will have to pay for them.

The price for the goods may take the form of money, services, or other goods. However, when the parties to a sale exchange only goods for goods, without involving money or services, the sale is known as a B a rte r . The price for goods is usually fixed in the contract. However, the parties may indicate that the price is to be set in a certain way at a later date. This method is usually used in long-term contracts when considerable instability of prices is expected. In such a case the buyer is required to pay the price that is reasonable at the time of delivery.

Payment occurs when the buyer accepts the agreed price and the seller delivers the goods.

Receipt of goods means that the buyer takes physical possession or control of them. Receipt usually involves actual delivery.

Acceptance of goods means that the buyer has agreed, by words or conduct, that the goods received are satisfactory. Acceptance is shown when the goods are used, resold, or otherwise treated as if they were owned by the buyer.

A Merchant is a seller who deals regularly in a particular kind of goods or otherwise claims to have special knowledge or skill in a certain type of sales transaction.

A casual seller is one who sells only occasionally and doesn’t meet the definition of merchant.

After a sales contract has been concluded the seller and buyer have to fulfill certain liabilities.

T h e s e lle r ’s lia b ilitie s are:

1. To deliver the goods on time and in perfect condition

2. To ensure that the title to the goods is transferred to the buyer - in other words, the seller has to make sure that the buyer becomes the owner of the goods. This is normally

done by passing a special document, the document of title, to the buyer. The buyer’s liabilities are:

1.To accept delivery of the goods (this prevents him from changing his mind after the goods have been sent)

2.To pay for the goods within the time agreed.

If one party doesn’t fulfill its liabilities, the contract is broken (this is called the breach of contract). It means a breaking of the obligation which a contract imposes, which confers a right of action of damages on the injured party. If the contract as a whole is broken the injured party has the right to treat the contract as ended or discharged. In this case the other party (the injured party) can claim compensation. If a less important term is breached, damages alone may be claimed.

When a contract has suffered from non-performance, the injured party may have several courses of action open to him to remedy the breach.

-to refuse further performance of the contract -to bring an action for damages

-to sue on a pro rata payment

-to sue on specific performance (made to carry out the contract) -to sue for an injunction.

1.What’s the obligatory condition while concluding a sales contract?

2.Why does an offer expire?

3.What does ‘afirm offer ’mean?

4.Enumerate sellers ’ and buyers ’ liabilities.

5.What is a Barter?

6.Can the price be non-fixed?

7.What does ‘receipt o fgoods’mean?

9.What is the difference between a merchant and a casual seller?

10.What remedy is due to the injuredparty?

Exercise 2. Match each item to its definition

1. Validcontract

A. Money paid to someone because they’ve suffered injury or


loss, or because something they own has been damaged






B.An agreement (contract, promise) which must be obeyed

C.A document, agreement is legally or officially acceptable

D.An actual failure by a party to a contract to perform its obligations

E.The legal right to have or own something

F.Legal responsibility for something, especially for paying money that’s owed, or for damage or injury


Соседние файлы в папке Судоводы - 9 семестр