Факультет ИКСС, группа ИКВТ-61 Опубликованный материал нарушает ваши авторские права? Сообщите нам.
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LAB / WORK_9 / Euler / chessboard

10.95 Кб
#include "chessboard.h"
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

static short method1;
static short method2;
short cR = 9, cC = 9, fR = 9, fC = 9;

void ChessBoard :: initializeBoard ()
    for ( short i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
        for ( short j = 0; j < 8; j++)
            board[i][j] = 0;

void ChessBoard :: setCurrentRow ( unsigned X )
    currentRow = X;

void ChessBoard :: setCurrentColumn ( unsigned Y )
    currentColumn = Y;

unsigned ChessBoard :: getCurrentRow ()
    return currentRow;

unsigned ChessBoard :: getCurrentColumn ()
    return currentColumn;

void ChessBoard :: setBoard ( int number )
    board[currentRow][currentColumn] = number;

void ChessBoard :: setAccessibility( int accessibility[][8], int currentRow, int currentColumn )
    short const n = makePossibleMove(0, currentRow, currentColumn);
    accessibility[currentRow][currentColumn] = 0;

    for ( short i = 0; i < n; i++)
        makePossibleMove(i, currentRow, currentColumn);
        for ( short j = 0; j < i; j++)
            if ( horizontal[i] == horizontal[j] && vertical[i] == vertical[j] && j != i )


    for ( short i = 0; i < n; i++)
        accessibility[currentRow + vertical[i]][currentColumn + horizontal[i]]--;


int ChessBoard :: makePossibleMove ( int counter, int currentRow, int currentColumn )
    register int v[8] = { -2, -2, -1, -1, 1, 1, 2, 2 };
    register int h[8] = { -1, 1, -2, 2, -2, 2, -1, 1 };
    register short possible_moves = 8;
    for (register short i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        if ( ((currentRow + v[i]) < 0) || ((currentRow + v[i]) > 7) ||
             ((currentColumn + h[i]) < 0) || ((currentColumn + h[i]) > 7)
             || board[currentRow + v[i]][currentColumn + h[i]] != 0 )
            v[i] = 0; h[i] = 0; possible_moves--;
    if (possible_moves == 0)
        return 0;

    short random = rand()%8;
    while (v[random] == 0)
        random = rand()%8;
    vertical[counter] = v[random];
    horizontal[counter] = h[random];

    return possible_moves;

void ChessBoard :: setPosition( int accessibility[][8], int counter )
    if (method1 != 0)
        register short min = accessibility[currentRow + vertical[counter]][currentColumn + horizontal[counter]];
        register short minRow = vertical[counter], minColumn = horizontal[counter];
        register short const n = makePossibleMove(counter, currentRow, currentColumn);
        for ( short i = 0; i < n; i++)
            makePossibleMove(i, currentRow, currentColumn);
            for ( short j = 0; j < i; j++)
                if ( horizontal[i] == horizontal[j] && vertical[i] == vertical[j] && j != i )

        for ( short i = 0; i < n; i++)
            if ( min > accessibility[currentRow + vertical[i]][currentColumn + horizontal[i]] )
                min = accessibility[currentRow + vertical[i]][currentColumn + horizontal[i]];
                minRow = vertical[i];
                minColumn = horizontal[i];
            else if ( (min == accessibility[currentRow + vertical[i]][currentColumn + horizontal[i]]) &&
                      (minRow != vertical[i] || minColumn != horizontal[i]) && method2 == 1 )
                if ( prediction(accessibility, minRow, minColumn, counter, currentRow, currentColumn) >
                     prediction(accessibility, vertical[i], horizontal[i], counter, currentRow, currentColumn))
                    min = accessibility[currentRow + vertical[i]][currentColumn + horizontal[i]];
                    minRow = vertical[i];
                    minColumn = horizontal[i];
        vertical[counter] = minRow;
        horizontal[counter] = minColumn;
    currentRow += vertical[counter];
    currentColumn += horizontal[counter];
    board[currentRow][currentColumn] = counter + 1;
    if (method1 != 0 && counter < 63)
        setAccessibility( accessibility, currentRow, currentColumn );

void ChessBoard :: printBoard ()
    cout << endl << endl;
    for (short i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        cout << "\t\t" << 8 - i;
        for (short j = 0; j < 8; j++)
            cout << setw(4) << board[i][j];
        cout << endl << endl;
    cout << "\t\t" << setw (5) << "a" << setw(4) << "b" << setw(4) << "c" << setw(4) << "d" << setw(4) << "e" <<
            setw(4) << "f" << setw(4) << "g" << setw(4) << "h"<< endl << endl;

int ChessBoard :: prediction ( int accessibility[][8], int vertical, int horizontal, int counter, int currentRow, int currentColumn )
    ChessBoard object1;
    short min2;
    short minRow2, minColumn2;
    int A[8][8];
    for ( short i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
        for ( short j = 0; j < 8; j++)
            A[i][j] = accessibility[i][j];
    for ( short i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
        for ( short j = 0; j < 8; j++)
            object1.board[i][j] = board[i][j];
    currentRow += vertical;
    currentColumn += horizontal;
    object1.board[currentRow][currentColumn] = counter + 1;
    object1.setAccessibility(A, currentRow, currentColumn);
    short const n = object1.makePossibleMove(0, currentRow, currentColumn);

    if ( object1.makePossibleMove(0, currentRow, currentColumn) == false )
        return 8;
    for ( short i = 0; i < n; i++)
        object1.makePossibleMove(i, currentRow, currentColumn );
        for ( short j = 0; j < i; j++)
            if ( object1.horizontal[i] == object1.horizontal[j] && object1.vertical[i] == object1.vertical[j] && j != i )


    min2 = A[currentRow + object1.vertical[0]][currentColumn + object1.horizontal[0]];
    static_cast<void>(minRow2 = object1.vertical[0]), minColumn2 = object1.horizontal[0];
    for ( short i = 0; i < n; i++)
        if ( (min2 > A[currentRow + object1.vertical[i]][currentColumn + object1.horizontal[i]]) && (A[currentRow + object1.vertical[i]][currentColumn + object1.horizontal[i]] >= 0) )
            min2 = A[currentRow + object1.vertical[i]][currentColumn + object1.horizontal[i]];
            minRow2 = object1.vertical[i];
            minColumn2 = object1.horizontal[i];

        else if ( (min2 == A[currentRow + object1.vertical[i]][currentColumn + object1.horizontal[i]]) &&
                  (minRow2 != object1.vertical[i] || minColumn2 != object1.horizontal[i]) &&
                  (A[currentRow + object1.vertical[i]][currentColumn + object1.horizontal[i]] >= 0) )
            if ( object1.prediction(A, minRow2, minColumn2, counter, currentRow, currentColumn) >
                 object1.prediction (A, object1.vertical[i], object1.horizontal[i], counter, currentRow, currentColumn))
                min2 = A[currentRow + object1.vertical[i]][currentColumn + object1.horizontal[i]];
                minRow2 = object1.vertical[i];
                minColumn2 = object1.horizontal[i];
    return min2;

void ChessBoard :: interact(int argc, char **argv)
    char begin[3], end[3];
    string reply;

    if (argc < 2){
        cout << "Do you want to select the starting position? (Yes/No): ";    cin >> reply;

    else {
        reply = argv[1];

    if (reply == "Yes" || reply == "yes" || reply == "y" || reply == "Y")
        if (argc < 2)
            cout << "Enter the starting square: ";    cin >> begin;
        else {
            strcpy(begin, argv[2]);
        case 'a':   cC = 0; break;
        case 'b':   cC = 1; break;
        case 'c':   cC = 2; break;
        case 'd':   cC = 3; break;
        case 'e':   cC = 4; break;
        case 'f':   cC = 5; break;
        case 'g':   cC = 6; break;
        case 'h':   cC = 7; break;
        default:    cC = 9;
        case '1':   cR = 7; break;
        case '2':   cR = 6; break;
        case '3':   cR = 5; break;
        case '4':   cR = 4; break;
        case '5':   cR = 3; break;
        case '6':   cR = 2; break;
        case '7':   cR = 1; break;
        case '8':   cR = 0; break;
        default:    cR = 9;

    if (argc < 2){
        cout << "Do you want to select the final position? (Yes/No): ";     cin >> reply;
        reply = argv[3];

    if (reply == "Yes" || reply == "yes" || reply == "y" || reply == "Y")
            if (argc < 2){
                cout << "Enter the final position: ";     cin >> end;

                strcpy(end, argv[4]);

            case 'a':   fC = 0; break;
            case 'b':   fC = 1; break;
            case 'c':   fC = 2; break;
            case 'd':   fC = 3; break;
            case 'e':   fC = 4; break;
            case 'f':   fC = 5; break;
            case 'g':   fC = 6; break;
            case 'h':   fC = 7; break;
            default:    fC = 9;
            case '1':   fR = 7; break;
            case '2':   fR = 6; break;
            case '3':   fR = 5; break;
            case '4':   fR = 4; break;
            case '5':   fR = 3; break;
            case '6':   fR = 2; break;
            case '7':   fR = 1; break;
            case '8':   fR = 0; break;
            default:    fR = 9;
            if (cR == fR && cC == fC)
                cout << "Impossible path!" << endl;
        while (cR == fR && cC == fC);

    if (argc < 2){
        cout << "Use Random pick method or Strategy? (Random/Strategy): ";       cin >> reply;

        reply = argv[5];

    if (reply == "Random" || reply == "random")
        method1 = 0;
        method1 = 1;

        if ( argc < 2 )
            cout << "Shall I use Modified Warnsdorff's Algorithm or Normal? (Modified/Normal): ";      cin >> reply;

            reply = argv[6];

        if (reply == "Modified" || reply == "modified")
            method2 = 1;
            method2 = 0;

Соседние файлы в папке Euler