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2.Proper-Jane, class – radio, shop, purchases, nouns of material – toast,coffee, abstract – breakfast, pride,refund,replacement.

3.1were imported 2have been seen 3had been spent 4will have been baked 5was still being braised 6are usually counted 7was the computer invented 8am being served 9had been scaled 10were Levi’s jeans launched

4.Alex promised to serve the table.2.Joanna suggested us having a barbecue the following day.3. He told Adolf not to pour the milk into the glass.4.Mrs.Chilton offered us a cup of tea. We answered we would.5.Andy’s cook refused to buy the milk because it was sour.6.He advised Ann to drink the tea while it was hot.7.John exclaimed that it was a mouth-watering dish.8.Mrs.Smith reminded her husband to buy some bread adding that the loaf they had was state.9.Helen’s sister denied taking her new dress.10.The waiter asked us what we would like to have for afters.


6. 1’s 2’s 3s’ 4s’ 5 s’ 6’s, ‘s 7’s, ‘s 8s’

7. the,a,the 2.-,-,a,the 3.a,the 4.- 5.the 6.the,a,- 7.a,-,the,the 8.- 9.the,a,a 10.a,-,- 11.a,the,-,the.

8.1. Max complained that he was badly served at the hairdresser’s yesterday.2.The tasty layered cakes can always be bought at the confectionary, which is located within 10 minutes’ walking distance from our office.3. Since potato is the main food product in Ukraine, many dishes are cooked from it.4.This tart’s recipe will always be referred to. 5. He isn’t a fussy eater. Coffee and a bun - it's his usual breakfast.6. I asked two policemen how to get to the railway station. 7. Jane boasted that she bought a luxurious dress for nothing yesterday. 8. The fourth house from the right is one of the Stevenson’s butcher’s. 9.She complained to her friend that everyone has beautiful Sunday attires, but she hasn’t. 10. Borrowing money from friends was the only way to buy expensive diamond earrings.


1.D ,2.S, 3.C, 4.D, 5.C, 6.C, 7.S, 8.D, 9.C, 10.S

2.Proper-Kate; Class-tokens,stores; Collective-merchandise,game; Material-soup, fur; Abstract-lunch,warmth,taste

3.1.is made; 2.was first grown; 3.have been learned; 4.had been bought; 5.was still being skewered; 6.is paid; 7.are usually held; 8.will have been cooked; 9.Had been counted; 10.hasn’t been papered.

4.1.Hanna wanted to know if I would be cooking at that time the following afternoon.2.Kyle promised to wash the dishes/said that he would have washed the dishes before they returned. 3.Sam told Greta to take the glass of milk and drink it/insisted on Greta’s talking the glass of milk and drinking it. 4.Ted gave an exclamation of delight adding that he could really pig out on the patties. 5.Helen suggested dining out together. 6.She denied eating/having eaten the trifle. 7.Kate asked John to pay a fare for her as/because she had left her purse at home. 8.Ann accused Jane of taking her new shoes. Jane replied she hadn’t. 9.Father forbade his son to eat the ice-cream because he would have a sore throad. 10.Ted reminded his friends to punch their tickets adding that they would be fined(if they didn’t).

5.1.is; 2.is; 3.are; 4.isn’t; 5.finds; 6.is; 7.like; 8.does; 9.are; 10.are; 11.happens; 12.is; 13.is; 14.belongs; 15.is.

6.1.‘s; 2.‘s, ‘s; 3.s; 4.‘s,(‘); 5.s; 6.‘s; 7.s; 8.‘s,‘s.

7.1.a,the,the,a; 2.the,an; 3.-,-; 4.the,-,-; 5.the,the,-,the,the; 6.a,the; 7.a,a; 8.-,the; 9.the,the; 10.a,a,the; 11.-,the,-.

8.1.He asked two passers-by how to get to the nearest hairdresser’s. 2.At the bakery, which is located within 3 minutes’ walking distance from our university you can always buy fresh bread.3.Since wheat is the main food product in Africa, in these countries many dishes are cooked from it. 4. More than one tourist has already bought souvenirs today. 5.Jane told her friend that she would give her a recipe for a delicious cheese cake tomorrow.6.He boasted, that two days ago he bought the glasses for nothing at the optician‘s. 7. The third house from the right is one of the bookshops of the Jones‘ family. 8.Two hryvnias is not enough to pay fare for a trolley bus.9.Yesterday he was treated to a succulent steak.10.She complained that the pajamas were very loose on her, so she did not buy it .



2.Class nouns: receipt, farmers, cows, sheep.Collective nouns: livestock, seeds.Noun of material:soil.Abstract nouns: proof, purchase, spring.

3.1.Were still being held,2.Was first drunk,3.Has been promoted,4.Is bought,5.Had been sold out,6.Are your clothes being made,7.Will have been delivered, 8.Was displeased,9.Have you been shown,10.Was being baked

4.1.Walter promised to cook the pike himself the following day.2.Tom suggested having some coffee.3.Mrs. Piper offered me a piece of cherry pie adding that it was delicious. I thanked her but refused.4.Granny insisted on Bob’s taking the sandwiches.5.Liz begged her mum to let her have some more cake.6.Mr. Greave asked where I had bought the lovely necklace.7.She apologized for having spoilt the cake.8.Lisa complained to John of getting burnt to a crisp at the beach the day before.9.Bob admitted eating the tart.10.Mother warned her daughter not to touch the oven adding that it was hot.




7.1.-, a, the,the,2.the,a,the,3.a,a,4.the,a,the,5.the,-,a,-,6.-,7.a,the,a,a,8.-,a,9.the,a,a,-,10.-,-,the

8.1.I have been already treated to delicious pancakes with raspberry jam.2.The second building from the left is one of the footwear shops of Brauns’.3.Ms.Smith forbade her daughter to eat chocolate.4.Since rice is the main food product in the East, it is used to cook many dishes in these countries.5.Fresh fish can always be bought in the fish store, which is situated within 5 minutes’ walking distance from our house.6. Neither a beret, nor a kerchief goes with this coat.7.He complained about the judge’s verdict and denied having taken bribes.8.Jane asked two passersby how get to the nearest baker’s.9.Ann told her friend that two days ago she was given a recipe of a tasty tart.10. One of my relatives is the famous tailor. He is one of those, who has bought real estate in the rich district recently.

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