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Borchers Andrea Ann (ed.) Handbook of Signs & Symptoms 2015

15.81 Mб

Cluster headache, miosis and Coagulation disorders

epistaxis and hematemesis hematochezia and hematuria and hemoptysis and

Coarctation of aorta absent/weak pulse and ptosis

Cogwheel rigidity drugs

history and physical examination marking

medical causes patient counseling

Cold, common

nonproductive cough and productive cough

Colitis, hematochezia and Colon cancer

abdominal mass and hematochezia and melena and

Colorectal polyps, hematochezia and Coma, shallow respirations Common cold

nonproductive cough and productive cough rhinorrhea

throat pain Compartment syndrome

arm pain and leg pain

Concussion vision loss

visual blurring Confusion

alcohol drugs

herbal remedy

history and physical examination medical causes

patient counseling prevention severe arises

Congenital absence of ovaries

of uterus

Congenital hip dysplasia, with gait, waddling Conjunctivitis

edema of face and with eye discharge eye pain and photophobia pruritus

Consensual light reflex Constipation

definition diagnostic tests drugs

and fecal incontinence

history and physical examination indicate

medical causes patient counseling

surgery and radiation therapy Contact ulcers, throat pain Conversion disorder

with gait, bizarre paralysis

Cor pulmonale, dyspnea and Corneal abrasions

eye pain and photophobia visual blurring

Corneal dystrophies hereditary, visual blurring Corneal endothelial dystrophy, and halo vision Corneal foreign bodies

miosis and visual blurring

Corneal reflex

definition eliciting

history and physical examination medical causes

patient counseling patient preparation

Corneal ulcers

with eye discharge eye pain and miosis and photophobia

Coronary artery bypass surgery, edema of leg and Corpus luteum cysts, amenorrhea and

Cortical necrosis anuria and and flank pain hematuria and

Costovertebral angle (CVA) Costovertebral angle (CVA) tenderness


history and physical examination indicates

medical causes monitor, patients patient counseling

Cough barking

child with croup syndrome

emergency interventions

history and physical examination medical causes

part of

patient counseling mechanism nonproductive

cause chronic complaints

diagnostic tests

history and physical examination

medical causes paroxysmal patient counseling with TB treatments

productive causes

causes and findings chronic

diagnostic tests drugs

emergency interventions

history and physical examination medical causes

patient counseling respiratory therapy


causes and findings diagnostic tests emergency interventions

history and physical examination indicate

medical causes occur

patient counseling Crepitation



history and physical examination medical causes

patient counseling patients preparation

subcutaneous definition diagnostic tests

emergency interventions

history and physical examination managing

medical causes monitor, patients patient counseling

respiratory treatments thoracic surgery

Crepitations. See Crackles Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

aphasia and ataxia and myoclonus and

Crohn’s disease abdominal mass and abdominal pain and anorexia and

with diarrhea Crohn’s disease

excessive weight loss hyperactive bowel sounds and

Cry, high-pitched acute onset of

history and physical examination medical causes

patient counseling Cryoglobulinemia, mottled skin Cryptosporidiosis, excessive weight loss Cushing’s syndrome, hypertension and Cyanosis

classification emergency interventions factors

history and physical examination medical causes

patient counseling patient with COPD

Cyst, and hearing loss Cystitis

dysuria and hematuria and nocturia and

Cytomegalovirus infection low birth weight and lymphadenopathy and



edema of face and with exophthalmos


edema of face and eye pain and

Decerebrate posture characteristics diagnostic tests elicite

emergency interventions

history and physical examination medical causes

patient counseling patients preparation vs. decorticate

Decorticate posture characteristics emergency interventions

history and physical examination medical causes

monitor, patients patient counseling sign

vs. decerebrate Deep tendon reflex (DTR)

documenting hyperactive

corticospinal tract and diagnostic tests

history and physical examination medical causes

motor weakness accompany neurologic findings

patient counseling reflex arci

hypoactive drugs

history and physical examination medical causes


patient counseling

patient protection sign

Deep vein thrombophlebitis (DVT), with Homans’ sign Deep vein thrombosis, cyanosis and


decreased skin turgor and fontanel, depression and muscle spasms and

Deltoid muscle, testing muscle strength Dementia

agitation and

and fecal incontinence Depression

affects alcohol abuse characteristics criterion drugs

excessive weight loss with fatigue

high-risk patient, caring

history and physical examination medical causes

patient caring patient counseling postpartum period

Dermatitis erythema and pruritus scaly skin

vesicular rash Dermatomyositis

erythema and papular rash

Dermatophytosis, scaly skin

Detrusor muscle hyperactivity, enuresis and Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) Diabetes, enuresis and

Diabetes insipidus nocturia and polydipsia

polyuria Diabetes mellitus

diplopia and excessive weight gain excessive weight loss with fatigue

with hepatomegaly nocturia and

ocular deviation and oligomenorrhea and paresthesia polydipsia polyphagia

polyuria Diabetic ketoacidosis

bradypnea and hypotension and

level of consciousness in tachycardia

Diabetic neuropathy ataxia and

urinary incontinence Diabetic retinopathy

vision loss visual blurring

Diagnostic tests abdominal pain and

accessory muscles and anorexia and

anuria and aphasia and bradycardia and

decerebrate posture and edema of face and edema of leg and

generalized tonic-clonic seizures headache and

and hematuria hemoptysis and

with hyperactive DTR productive cough and


subcutaneous crepitation and tachycardia

vertigo Diaphoresis

autonomic system signs drugs

dumping syndrome emergency interventions

history and physical examination intermittent

medical causes parasympathetic reaction patient counseling pesticide poisoning sympathetic reaction understanding

Diarrhea acute causes chronic drugs

emergency interventions herbal remedy

history and physical examination listeria infections

medical causes

monitor and document intake and output patient counseling

radiation therapy treatments

Diastolic murmurs Diphtheria, ataxia and Diplopia


eye surgery

history and physical examination medical causes

monitor, patient’s neurologic tests patient counseling

Direct light reflex

Discoid lupus erythematosus butterfly rash and mouth lesions

Dislocated lens, visual blurring

Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) purpura Distal small-bowel obstruction, fecal breath odor and Diuretics, urinary frequency


abdominal mass and abdominal pain and hematochezia and hematuria and nausea and

Dizziness aggravate

diagnostic tests drugs

emergency interventions herbal remedy

history and physical examination medical causes

patient counseling vertigo

Doll’s eye sign

cold caloric testing detection


history and physical examination medical causes

neurologic status patient counseling testing

variant of

Dorsal interossei muscle, testing muscle strength Drooling

aspiration in cause

history and physical examination medical causes

patient counseling