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Юрьева Л. Н., Больбот Т. Ю. - Компьютерная зависимость формирование, диагностика, коррекция и профилактика - 2006

1.91 Mб


and psychopathological structure of computer dependency, its results and development will optimize not only criteria of diagnosis, differential diagnosis and systematizationof this type of addiction but also principles of its therapy and prophylaxis.

In Chapter 1 authors shows the way of formation of computer subculture from cuneiform writing to internet (historical and psychological aspects).

In Chapter 2 authors discuss the problem of addictive behavior. It was paid attention to factors that initiate the development of addictions and to pathological propensity to gambling.

Chapter 3 gives us overview of the worldwide research that reviews the influence of uncontrolled computer activity. Authors present approaches of different researchers, psychological mechanisms of interactions between person and computer, analyses the spread of this problem among young people.

In chapter 4 the results of investigation of 463 pupils that study computer technologies a lot in lyceums of physic-mathematic and informatics type permit to determine risk factors and risk group of development of computer addiction, peculiarities of computer activity (duration, experience, preferable kind of activity, feelings, influence of computer on education, work, family and others) and create program of primary prophylaxis of computer addiction. Authors describe symptoms at first stage as well as factors that provoke computer dependency. In work the psychological features of persons of young age are explored on the first stage of computer addiction formation.

In chapter 5 on the base of a complex clinical-psychopathological and psychological examination of 38 patients with different forms of mental pathology (F 91.1 -91.2, F 06.4 -07, 70 and others) (1CD-10) that have computer addiction, clinical peculiarities of computer addicts, social-demographical peculiarities and the dynamic of development of computer addiction, and some psychological mechanisms of this pathology were investigated. First on the basis of complex clinical psychopathological and psychological research new findings were obtained in relation to the risk factors, terms and clinical dynamics of computer dependency formation.

It was determined that computer addiction can be primary or symptomatic pathology. Mostly-symptomatic. Symptomatic computer dependency comorbides with other mental disorders.



Addictive mechanism of development of computer addiction has been confirmed. Authors also described that computer dependency is formed in people having tendency to addictive behavior i.e. alcohol and substances abuse according to a dynamic of a classic addictive process or it is a new addiction in already formed addict. The complex approach used in the work allowed working out criteria for diagnosis of computer addiction, and scientifically ground steps of corrective program of computer addictive behavior.

Chapter 6 is dedicated to diagnosis of computer addiction. Method of computer dependency diagnosis is developed by authors and patented (patent of Ukraine on the invention (11) 72366 A (51) 7 G09B3/00, G09B3/08, G09B3/00, A61B10/00 15.02.2005. Bui. №2) as the result of conducted research which allowed estimating risk group, diagnosing computer dependency and conducting prophylactic program on time.

Chapter 7 deals with prevention of computer addiction. Authors suggest new prophylactic programs that include different technologies: informative, educational, technologies of employment, corrections of domestic relationships, religious; directed on the improvement of mental adaptation of students, interpersonal relationships, on the acquaintance with personalities of development of computer dependency and its possible consequences.

In Chapter 8 first applications of the stage-by-stage psycho correction program are offered by authors in computer addiction treatment, the practical use of which increased efficiency and reduced the term of computer dependency treatment. In general, complication explored to the phenomenon determines the necessity of application of both medical help and psychotherapy. Main place belongs to psychotherapy correction that focuses on a behavioral-cognitive approach. Authors concentrate that system of correction based on principles of complexity, sequence, differentiations and stages.

Problems that authors raise in their book are of great interest not only for the medical workers but also for the teachers, psychologists and parents who are interested in this topic. If we do not control computers, they will end up controlling us!


Наукове видання ЮР'бВА Людмила МиколаУвна

БОЛЬБОТ Тетяна Юривна



Рошською мовою

Вшповшальна за випуск Р. О. Лазарева Художн1й редактор В. В. Якименко Техшчний редактор В. В. Якименко

Коректор В. М. Орищш

Здано на складання 29.03.06. Пшписано додруку IS.0S.06. Формат 84x108 '/п- rianip офсетний. Гарнггура лггературна. Друк офсетний. Умовн. друк. арк. 10,29 Умовн. фарб.-вшб. 10,029. Обл.-видавн. арк. 10,6. Тираж 1000 прим. Замовлення Ns> 1169.

Видавництво «Пороги», 49000. м. Дшпропетровськ, пр. К. Маркса, 60

Свшоцтво про внесения до Державного реестру серы ДК № 7 вш 21.02.2000.

Друкарня ТОВ «Салвей», 49008, м. Дшпропетровськ, вул. Театральна, 6

Свшоцтво про внесения до Державного реестру серЫ ДП № 28 от 23.08.2000.

ISBN №966-525-697-1