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As a last scenario, the nature of the routine extraction that a dentist expects might suddenly change. For example, the crown of the tooth might snap off at the gum line. If so, a switch to a surgical approach would be likely. Additionally, there can be a number of situations when surgical technique might be used (either as a planned anticipated or even impromptu procedure). They include: broken or fragile teeth, anatomical issues (long or curved roots), impacted teeth (wisdom teeth), dense or inelastic bone, root tip removal

There are 3 basic surgical techniques to be utilized during a tooth's extraction. The first is raising a gum tissue flap. Creating a flap allows access to the jawbone and broken tooth. A gum tissue flap is created and raised (peeled back) when the tooth or bone lying underneath needs to be accessed during the extraction procedure. Once the tooth has been removed, it is positioned back into place and stitches are used to hold i there during the initial phases of its healing process.

The second technique is trimming bone from around the tooth by removing some of the bone that encases a tooth's root. The dentist can reduce the level of force that is needed to loosen and remove it. The method a dentist applies to trim bone tissue will depend on their access to it. If there is a bone within and immediately around the tooth's socket, a dentist will often just use their dental drill to remove a bone. In cases where the dentist can see directly into aspects of the tooth's socket, they generally have the access to the bone to be removed The surgeon trims alongside and around the tooth creating a trough. This method can be a quick and simple way of establishing better access for the instruments (forceps or elevators)

The third technique applied is sectioning teeth. Tooth sectioning. or "controlled tooth division can help lower an extraction's level of difficulty. Splitting can transform the procedure into a simpler one, because each part can be removed individually. Nowadays, teeth are usually sectioned using a den handpiece (drill. the past, into parts using a mallet and chisel. During this process, the teeth were broken dentist will flush the working area with water. This removes any chips or continuously fragments that are created. It also helps reduce the amount of bone-traumatizing heat to a minimum. After the tooth has been sectioned, the individual pieces are teased out using conventional extraction instruments (forceps and elevators). The area is carefully dressed.

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