38.91 Кб

Active Voice(Действительный залог) Выражает действия, совершаемые самим предметом





Simple (Indefinite)

факты, повторяющиеся действия

Every day, usually, sometimes, always

+ V1 swim, go

+ He, she, it V1+ s

? do, does + V1

-- don’t, doesn’t + V1

He goes to work.

Does he go to work?

He doesn’t go to work.

Yesterday, ago, last week

+ V2 (Ved)

? Did + V1

-- didn’t + V1

He went to work.

Did he go to work?

He didn’t go to work.

Tomorrow, next day, in 2 days, soon

Will + V1

Shall (I, we)+ V1

-- won’t, shan’t + V1

? Will /shall + V1

He will go to work.

Will he go to work?

He won’t go to work.

Continuous (длительные действия, происходящие в определенный момент)

Now, at the moment, Look! Hush!


Is + Ving


He is going to work.

Is he going to work?

He isn’t go to work.

Yesterday at this time

Was (ед. ч.)

Were + Ving

He was going to work.

Was he going to work?

He wasn’t going to work.

Tomorrow from 5 till 6

Will be + Ving

He will be going to work.

Will he be going to work?

He won’t be going to work.


(действия, предшествующие указанному моменту или действию)

Already, just, ever, never, yet

Have + V3 (Ved)

Has (He, she, it)

He has gone to work.

Has he gone to work?

He hasn’t gone to work.

By last week

Had + V3 (Ved)

He had gone to work.

Had he gone to work?

He hadn’t gone to work.

By next week

Will have + V3 (Ved)

He will have gone to work.

Will he have gone to work?

He won’t have gone to work.

Соседние файлы в предмете Английский язык