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Year "1 1904 1947 1958

Device Vacuum tubes Transistors 1C (Chips)

Advantages Shortcomings

For all its sophistication of design, the vacuum tube developed as early as 1904 was unstable, power-hungry, and subject to burnouts and internal short circuits ['sa:kits]. It also took up a lot of space. All these short­comings led to the development of the- transistor, which was to replace the millions of electromechanical relays then used in computers, central telephone stations, etc. Essentially, the transistor was a solid-state version of the vacuum tube, but much smaller and considerably more reliable.

The key [ki] to the transistors rapid development was |he use of silicon instead of wire as the basic conductive material. Comprising 28 per cent of the earth's crust (ко­ра) this element is not only stable over a wide range of temperatures, but also offers dependable (надежный) manufacturing control [ksn'troul]. It was not long ago un­til transistors were being manufactured in great quantities and as many different configurations as had been vacuum tubes earlier.

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