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Быстро, но внимательно прочитайте текст за 3 минуты и скажите, как Ампер объяснял магнетизм и в чем заключается гениальность его объяснения.

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circuit fsa:kit] n - ал. цепь, контур; align [a'lam] v - выстраивать в ряд, ориентировать; precede [pri'sid] v - предшествовать

The discovery of force between a moving charge and a magnet was made accidentally by Hans Christian Oer­sted, a Danish physics teacher. At the end of a lecture on the subject he attempted to demonstrate the lack of relationship between electricity and magnetism by turning a current-carrying wire next to a magnetized needle. To his great surprise he saw the needle making a great os­cillation. In 1820 Oersted published his discovery, which was followed by a great number of researches conducted in many countries by many physicists and among them was Ampere.

*In 1836 Ampere proposed as an explanation of the behaviour of a magnet that it is really a solenoid with a "built in" current running around the outside surface. Ampere considered it impossible to doubt that there are really such currents about the axis of a magnet.

But where does this continuous current come from? * Ampere explained this by picturing the molecules of a ferromagnetic material as having associated with them a circular current in a closed electric circuit of zero resistance. *He also proposed an external magnetic field

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