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Слова для понимания текста:

amplification n - усиление; intermittent a - прерыви­стый; diverge v- расходиться; dim а-тусклый


The word "laser" means "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation". What is a laser beam and what special is there about a laser beam, that makes it different from other beams of light?

We know that light consists of waves. These waves are very short - much too short to be seen directly. *An ordinary light consists of waves all out of phase, out of step with each other. White light or sun-light is also a mixture of every possible wavelength. *Waves of red light are about twice as long as waves of blue light.

All the waves in a laser beam have the same wave­length. A laser beam has a very definite colour. The red colour of the ruby is one of the most widely seen colours in them. But the difference between an ordinary beam of ruby red light and a laser beam of ruby red light is that in the laser beam the waves are all in step with each other. This orderly behaviour of the laser


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