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search by Faraday. In 1831, in his fortieth year, Faraday showed that the relation between magnetism and electric­ity was dynamic and not static-that a magnet had to be moved near an electric conductor for the current to arise. This most important observation showed that not only was magnetism equivalent to electricity in motion, but also, conversely, electricity was magnetism in motion. Thus both sets of phenomena could only be discussed in the new joint science of electromagnetism.

Faraday's discovery was also of much greater practical importance than Oersted's, because it meant that it was possible to generate electric currents by mechanical ac­tion, and conversely that it was possible to operate ma­chinery by electric currents. Essentially, the whole of the heavy electrical industry was in Faraday^s discovery. However, Faraday himself had little inclination to move in the direction of practical application. He was con­cerned, as his note-books show, with a long-range project of discovering the interrelations between all the "forces" that were known to the physics of his time - electricity, magnetism, heat, and light - and by a series of ingenious experiments he was in fact able to succeed in establish­ing every one of these, and to discover in the process many other effects the full explanation of which has had to wait till our time.

The formal translation of Faraday's qualitative intu­itions into precise and quantitative mathematical equations required the genius of Clerk [klak] Maxwell, who sum­marized in a brief but informative form the whole of electromagnetic theory.

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