2.7 Кб
  $Id: serpent-reference.h,v 1.4 1998/06/07 08:07:21 fms Exp $

  # This file is part of the C reference implementation of Serpent.
  # Written by Frank Stajano,
  # Olivetti Oracle Research Laboratory <http://www.orl.co.uk/~fms/> and
  # Cambridge University Computer Laboratory <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~fms27/>.
  # (c) 1998 Olivetti Oracle Research Laboratory (ORL)
  # Original (Python) Serpent reference development started on 1998 02 12.
  # C implementation development started on 1998 03 04.
  # Serpent cipher invented by Ross Anderson, Eli Biham, Lars Knudsen.
  # Serpent is a candidate for the Advanced Encryption Standard.


#include "serpent-api.h"
          "$Id: serpent-reference.h,v 1.4 1998/06/07 08:07:21 fms Exp $")

/* stuff called by the NIST API */
int blockEncryptOrDecrypt(cipherInstance* cipher, keyInstance* key, 
                          BYTE* input, int inputLen, BYTE* outBuffer);
int makeUserKeyFromKeyMaterial(char* rawHexData, WORD* userKey);
int doOneBlock(BLOCK input, BLOCK output, 
               cipherInstance* cipher, keyInstance* key);

/* Functions used in the formal description of the cipher */
void IP(BLOCK input, BLOCK output);
void FP(BLOCK input, BLOCK output);
void IPInverse(BLOCK output, BLOCK input);
void FPInverse(BLOCK output, BLOCK input);
void SHat(int box, BLOCK input, BLOCK output);
void SHatInverse(int box, BLOCK output, BLOCK input);
void LT(BLOCK input, BLOCK output);
void LTInverse(BLOCK output, BLOCK input);
void R(int i, BLOCK BHati, keySchedule KHat, BLOCK BHatiPlus1);
void RInverse(int i, BLOCK BHatiPlus1, keySchedule KHat, BLOCK BHati);
void makeSubkeysBitslice(KEY userKey, keySchedule K);
void makeSubkeys(KEY userKey, keySchedule KHat);
void encryptGivenKHat(BLOCK plainText, keySchedule KHat, BLOCK cipherText);
void decryptGivenKHat(BLOCK cipherText, keySchedule KHat, BLOCK plainText);

void shortToLongKey(KEY key, int bitsInShortKey);

/* Auxiliary bit-twiddling stuff */
void setBit(WORD x[], int p, BIT v);
BIT getBit(WORD x[], int p);
BIT getBitFromWord(WORD x, int p);
BIT getBitFromNibble(NIBBLE x, int p);
NIBBLE getNibble(WORD x, int p);
NIBBLE makeNibble(BIT b0, BIT b1, BIT b2, BIT b3);
void xorBlock(BLOCK in1, BLOCK in2, BLOCK out);
void applyPermutation(permutationTable t, BLOCK input, BLOCK output);
void applyXorTable(xorTable t, BLOCK input, BLOCK output);
NIBBLE S(int box, NIBBLE input);
NIBBLE SInverse(int box, NIBBLE output);
WORD rotateLeft(WORD x, int p);
void shiftBlockLeft(BLOCK b, BIT in);

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