10.7 Кб
// Copyright (C) 1991 - 1999 Rational Software Corporation

#if defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1000)
#pragma once
#ifndef _INC_GRAPH_470A7E3D0232_INCLUDED
#define _INC_GRAPH_470A7E3D0232_INCLUDED

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "GraphStructureException.h"
#include "Iterator.h"

template<class T  >
class Graph 
	int** rel_matrix;

	int current_size;

	int elems_num;

	T* elems;

	bool is_initialized;

	int** init_matrix(int size) {

		if (size == 0) return NULL;

		int**matrix = NULL;

		matrix = new int*[size];
		for (int i = 0; i<size; i++) {
			matrix[i] = new int[size];

			for(int j =0;j<size;j++)
		return matrix;

	T* init_vector(int size) {
		if (size>0) {
			new_vector = new T[size];
			for (int i=0;i<size; i++) {
		} else {
			new_vector = NULL;
		return new_vector;

	void expand(int new_size) {
		if(new_size <= current_size) return; // Expansion is not needed

		int**new_matrix = init_matrix(new_size);
		T*new_vec = init_vector(new_size);

		for (int i = 0; i < current_size; i++) {
			for (int j=0; j<current_size; j++) {

		for (i = 0; i < current_size; i++ ) {
			new_vec[i] = elems[i];

		delete[] elems;
		for (i = 0; i < current_size; i++) {
			delete[] rel_matrix[i];
		delete[] rel_matrix;

		elems = new_vec;
		rel_matrix = new_matrix;
		current_size = new_size;

	void collapse() {
		int real_size = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i<current_size; i++) {
			if (elems[i] != NULL) real_size = i+1;

		int new_size = real_size;

		if (real_size == current_size) return;

		int**new_matrix = init_matrix(new_size);
		T*new_vec = init_vector(new_size);

		for (i = 0; i < real_size; i++) {
			for (int j=0; j<real_size; j++) {

		for (i = 0; i < real_size; i++ ) {
			new_vec[i] = elems[i];

		delete[] elems;

		for (i = 0; i < current_size; i++) {
			delete[] rel_matrix[i];
		delete[] rel_matrix;

		elems = new_vec;
		rel_matrix = new_matrix;
		current_size = new_size;



	int getCurrentSize() const
		return elems_num;

	int getRealMemSize() {
		int real_size = 0;
		for (int i=0;i<current_size;i++) {
			if(elems[i]!=NULL) real_size = i+1;
		return real_size;

	int getNumberOfElements() const {
		return elems_num;  

	int getNodeByVal(T& elem) {

		int position = -1;

		for (int i = 0; i < current_size; i++ ) {
			if (elems[i] == elem) { 
				position = i;	

		if (position == -1) throw GraphStructureException("node doesn't exist");

		return (position+1);

	T getValByNode(int node) {
		if (node > current_size ) throw GraphStructureException("node doesn't exist"); // throw exception

		if (this->elems[node-1]==NULL) {
			throw GraphStructureException("node doesn't exist");
		return elems[node-1];

	T* getNodesFrom(int node, int* size) {
		T* array = NULL;
		int realsize=0;
		for (int i=0; i < current_size; i++) {
			if ( rel_matrix[i][node-1] == 1 ) {realsize++;}

		if(realsize!=0) { // there are some elements
			array = new T[realsize];
			int j=0;

			for (i=0;i<current_size; i++) {
				if(rel_matrix[i][node-1] == 1) {
					array[j++] = getValByNode(i+1);
		*size = realsize;
		return array;

		// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
		elems_num = 0;
		current_size = 0;
		is_initialized = false;
		rel_matrix = init_matrix(current_size);
		elems = init_vector(current_size);

		pInnerIterator = new GraphIterator(this);

	virtual ~Graph()
		// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
		for (int i = 0; i < current_size; i++) {
			delete rel_matrix[i];
		delete rel_matrix;
		delete elems;

	void add(T & elem, int num, int num_attach)
		if (num <= 0) throw GraphStructureException("wrong node value");

		if (!is_initialized) throw GraphStructureException("graph not initialized"); // throw exception.

		if (num_attach > current_size ) throw GraphStructureException("node to attach doesn't exist"); // throw exception

		if (num == num_attach) throw GraphStructureException("can not attach node to itself");

		if (this->elems[num_attach-1]!=NULL ) {


			if (this->elems[num-1]!=NULL) throw GraphStructureException("node already exists"); //throw exception. Already exist!

			rel_matrix[num_attach-1][num-1] = 1;

		} else {
			throw GraphStructureException("node to attach doesn't exist");



	void add(T& elem, int num) {

		if (num <= 0) throw GraphStructureException("wrong node value");

		if (!is_initialized) {


		if (this->elems[num-1]!=NULL) throw GraphStructureException("node already exists"); //throw exception. Already exist!



	void add(T& elem) {
		int num = current_size+1;

	void link(int node, int to) {

		if (!is_initialized) throw GraphStructureException("graph not initialized"); // throw exception.

		if (node > current_size ) throw GraphStructureException("node doesn't exist"); // throw exception

		if (node == to) throw GraphStructureException("can not attach node to itself");

		if (this->elems[to-1]!=NULL && this->elems[node-1]!=NULL) {

			if (rel_matrix[to-1][node-1] == 1) 
				throw GraphStructureException("link already exist");
			else rel_matrix[to-1][node-1] = 1;

		} else {
			throw GraphStructureException("node to attach doesn't exist");

	void unlink(int from, int to) {

		if (!is_initialized) throw GraphStructureException("graph not initialized"); // throw exception.

		if (from > current_size || to > current_size) throw GraphStructureException("node doesn't exist"); // throw exception

		if (rel_matrix[from-1][to-1] == 1) {

			rel_matrix[from-1][to-1] = 0;

		} else {
			throw GraphStructureException("link doesn't exist");

	void removeByNode(int node) {
		if (node > current_size ) throw GraphStructureException("node doesn't exist"); // throw exception

		if (this->elems[node-1]!=NULL) {
			for (int i = 0; i < current_size; i++ ) {
				rel_matrix[node-1][i] = 0; // remove all ways from this node.

			for (i = 0; i < current_size; i++) {
				rel_matrix[i][node-1] = 0; // remove all ways to this node.

			elems[node-1] = NULL;


		} else {
			throw GraphStructureException("node doesn't exist");

	void removeByVal(T elem) {
		int position = -1;

		for (int i = 0; i < current_size; i++ ) {
			if (elems[i] == elem) { 
				position = i; break;	

		if (position == -1) throw GraphStructureException("node doesn't exist");

		for (i = 0; i < current_size; i++ ) {
			rel_matrix[position][i] = 0; // remove all ways from this node.

		for (i = 0; i < current_size; i++) {
			rel_matrix[i][position] = 0; // remove all ways to this node.

		elems[position] = NULL;


	void setRelMatrix(int** matrix) {
		rel_matrix = matrix;

	int** getRelMatrix() {
		return rel_matrix;

	Iterator<T>* iterator() {
		Iterator<T>*i = new Graph::GraphIterator(this); 
		return i;

	void init(T& elem, int num) {
		if (is_initialized ) throw GraphStructureException("already initialized");

		elems[num-1] = elem;
		is_initialized = true;
		elems_num = 1;

	class GraphIterator :virtual public Iterator<T>
			int position_index;
			Graph<T>* graph;
			GraphIterator(Graph<T>* g) {
				position_index = 0;
				graph = g;
			virtual ~GraphIterator() {
				graph = NULL;
			T next() {
				for (int i = position_index; i < graph->current_size; i++ ) {
					if (graph->elems[i]!=NULL) {
						return graph->elems[i];

				return NULL;
			bool hasNext() {

				for (int i = position_index+1; i < graph->current_size; i++ ) {
					if (graph->elems[i]!=NULL) return true;
				return false;
			bool hasPrevious() {
				for (int i = position_index-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
					if (graph->elems[i]!=NULL) return true;
				return false;

			T previous() {

				for (int i = position_index; i >= 0; i-- ) {
					if (graph->elems[i]!=NULL) {
						return graph->elems[i];

				return NULL;

			T first() {
				for (int i = 0; i < graph->current_size; i++) {
					if (graph->elems[i]!=NULL) {
						return graph->elems[i];

				return NULL;

			T last() {
				for (int i = graph->current_size-1; i>=0 ; i--) {
					if (graph->elems[i]!=NULL) {
						return graph->elems[i];

				return NULL;

			T current() {
				if (graph->elems[position_index] != NULL)
				return graph->elems[position_index];
				return NULL;

			bool endNext() {
				if (position_index == graph->current_size) return true;
				return false;


			bool endPrevious() {

				if (graph->current_size == 0) return true;

				int tmp = position_index;
				for (tmp;tmp>=0;tmp--) {
					if(graph->elems[tmp] != NULL) {
						return false;

				return true;

	friend class Graph<T>::GraphIterator;
	Graph::GraphIterator* pInnerIterator;

#endif /* _INC_GRAPH_470A7E3D0232_INCLUDED */

Соседние файлы в папке Лабораторная работа 23