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1. Why is it necessary to study English?

At present we face business globalization – it’s a process of rapid economic integration between countries. Globalization started when stock markets were linked electronically. The drivers of this process are:

- Information technology (Internet);

- global and regional organizations (WtrO – World Trade Organization, WtoO – World Tourism Organization, FTAA - Free Trade Areas of the America);

- issue organizations (i. e. organizations concerned with environmental issues, human rights issues, labor standard issues).

Business globalization makes people from different countries work according to international standards.

English is an international language and it is equally important both for business and for non-profit organizations.

English knowledge is a key (among others) to successful career. At present people can study overseas (earn MBA, MA, PhD degrees, receive training, take an internship on different programs), defend theses and raise the level of their skills.

English can help you to become competitive.

Every manager has to collect and analyze information. As most of Internet sites and majority of software are in English, knowledge of this language can facilitate the process of data retrieving and processing. Very often managers have to make contacts with people from different countries, negotiate with foreign partners and keep in touch with them. English is extremely important in such situations.


driver – движущая сила

face – сталкиваться с чем-либо, наблюдать что-либо

internship – стажировка

issue organizations – организации, занимающиеся какими-либо проблемами (социальными, экологическими, правовыми и пр.)

MA – Master of Arts

MBA – Master of Business Administration

negotiate – вести переговоры

non-profit – некоммерческий, общественный, бюджетный

Ph.D. – Doctor of Philosophy

skills – навыки, умение, практический опыт

stock market – фондовая биржа

thesis - диссертация


according to - в соответствии с

among others – наряду с остальными

at present – в настоящее время

data retrieving and processing – извлечение и обработка данных

defend a thesis – защищать диссертацию

earn degree – получать степень

keep in touch with – поддерживать связь с кем-либо

make contacts – налаживать деловые контакты

raise the level of one’s skills – повышать квалификацию

receive training – тренироваться, обучаться

take an internship – проходить практику (стажировку)

1.1 Answer the questions:

1. What is business globalization?

2. When did the process start?

3. Why is English important both for business and non-profit organizations?

4. Can English help you to achieve a success?

5. Prove that English is useful for managers.

1.2 Match the words from the text with their corresponding definitions or synonyms:

1. globalization a) now

2. at present b) unification

3. linked c)connected

4. environmental d) in other countries, abroad

5. overseas e) ecological

6. skills f) proficiency

7. facilitate g) get

8. retrieve h) make easier

1.3 Translate the following word combinations paying attention to the correct Russian variants of the international words and finding the main word of every word combination (modifier is in the preposition):

Business globalization, economic integration, stock market, information technology, World Trade Organization, issue organization, business organization, non-profit organization.

1.4 Learn the following set expressions:

At present, be concerned with, according to, a key to, raise the level of one’s skills, make contacts with smb, keep in touch with smb.

1.5 Compose the sentences using the phrases from the text:

1. Глобализация бизнеса – это процесс ускоренной экономической интеграции стран.

2. Интернет – движущая сила процесса глобализации.

3. В настоящее время люди могут обучаться и стажироваться за рубежом.

4. Каждому менеджеру приходится собирать и анализировать информацию.

5. Менеджеры часто ведут переговоры с зарубежными партнерами и поддерживают с ними связь.

1.6 Revise the structure of the simple sentence: (Adverb)+Subject+Predicate+Direct Object+Indirect Object+Adverb. Try to explain the structure of the following sentences paying attention to the fact that some components of the sentence can be missing:

At present we face business globalization.

At present people can study overseas.

Every manager has to collect and analyze information.