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Зачёт по английскому языку (7 класс) Тематика монологических высказываний:

1. Англия – как часть Соединённого королевства

2. Шотландия – как часть Соединённого королевства

3. Республика Ирландия

4. Уэльс – как часть Соединённого королевства

5. Знаменитые люди

6. Школы в Британии

7. Лондонский музей транспорта

8. Удивительный мир (на примере наскальных рисунков или работы художника-мультипликатора)

9. Олимпийские игры

10. Достопримечательности Лондона

1. England

The symbol of England is a red rose, and English people are crazy about gardening. Everywhere in England you will see gardens, large and small. The English are so famous for their love of animals. A lot of families have pets, especially cats and dogs.

English football is famous of course, but there is another national sport too – cricket. Many English people love cricket, but it is not so popular in Wales, Scotland or Ireland. Some cricket matches continue for five days, and often there isn’t even a winner!

In the south of England you will find some beautiful villages. Some of the houses and cottages have thatched roofs. ‘Thatcher’ is an English surname. Many English surnames are the names of jobs, for example Butcher, Baker, Wheeler, Farmer, Potter.

The two oldest and most famous universities in England are in Oxford and Cambridge. If you visit these cities, you will see amazing old buildings, beautiful gardens, rivers and punts. Punts are long boats. You have to stand up at one end of the punt, put a pole in the water and push. It’s very difficult!

Some of the wildest and most beautiful countryside in England is in the north. It is very popular with walkers, campers and climbers. If you go to the northeast, near Newcastle, you will be able to see Hadrian’s Wall. Roman soldiers built it two thousands years ago. You can still walk along parts of it – just like the Roman soldiers did.

2. Scotland

Scotland is very famous for its beautiful scenery. There are mountains, valleys, lakes and hundreds of islands. The most famous lake is called Lock Ness. It is very deep and some people believe that a mysterious creature lives at the bottom. This monster is often called ‘Nessie’. Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Great Britain (it is over one thousand metres).

An important symbol of Scotland is a special kind of material called ‘tartan’. Traditional tartan skirts are called kilts and many Scots wear them – women and men! Another Scottish symbol is a thistle. It is a plant. It is beautiful but very sharp. An ancient story says that enemies from across the sea hurt their feet on Scottish thistles. They quickly jumped back into their ships and sailed away.

The ancient language of Scotland is called Gaelic. Some people in Scotland still speak it and they also use Gaelic words when they speak English. For example, loch means lake and ben means mountain.

The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. Every summer it has a huge festival, and artists, poets, musicians and actors from all over the world go there. There is also a special military show called a ‘tattoo’ at the castle. Military bands play some very unusual musical instruments called bagpipes. There is always a lot of music, dancing and fun at ‘Hogmanay’ – that’s the Scottish word for New Year’s Eve.