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Unit 12. Crime

12.1. Vocabulary

accident, to have an accident,

alibi, to have an alibi from … , to have a water-tight alibi,


anti-social, anti-social adults/ children,


autopsy report

burglary, a burglar, to deter burglars, to burgle


case, to investigate a case, a criminal case, the case goes to a Crown Court, a court case, to present a case

charges, to be charged with doing smth., to be charged with doing smth.

claim, to make an insurance claim,

credit card, to order smth. on the credit card, a credit card holder,

crime, a perfect crime, to commit crime, to solve a crime, criminal, the causes of criminal behavior, to prevent crime, the crime rate, petty/ serious crimes, a crime report, to be responsible for the crime, the scene of the crime, violent crime, street crime

criminal, a cyber/ an Internet criminal,

defence, defence lawyers, defendant


fingerprints, to leave one’s fingerprints, to take fingerprints,

fraud, fraud squad, Internet fraud,


getaway, to make one’s getaway, a clean getaway

guilty/ not guilty, to be found guilty, to be guilty of theft, to find smb. guilty/ innocent

gun, to own guns



jail, to go to jail, to be in jail



juvenile, juvenile delinquency

law, the law and order, a lawyer

legal, he cannot be named for legal reasons,

murder weapon


prison, to be in and out of prison, prisoner

prosecution, prosecutor

punishment, to apply the correct punishment,

ransom, kidnapping for ransom, to pay some money in ransom,


reform school, to send smb. to a reform school

remorse, remorseful

robbery, a spectacular robbery, a bank robber

sentence (prison, fine, community service), to sentense, to be sentenced to … years in prison


suspect, suspicion



verdict, to give/ deliver a verdict, to reach a verdict


wallet/ purse

will, to be in somebody’s will, to inherit,

to be accused of doing smth.,

to be arrested

to be involved in smth.

to be permanently disabled

to catch smb.

to cooperate fully with the police

to decide on punishment

to dig

to disable/ avoid an alarm system

to kidnap, kidnapping, to be kidnapped, a kidnapper, a kidnap victim

to remain undiscovered

to search

to snatch

to stab

to trace bank notes

to use excessive force

to witness, a witness


12.2. Exercises

1. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English

1. Подозреваемому предъявили обвинения в похищении, изнасиловании и убийстве.

2. Вчера захватчики потребовали выкуп за 5 заложников, которых они похитили в прошлую среду.

3. Силами полиции была наконец обезврежена банда, которая вот уже год наводила ужас на весь город.

4. Суд приговорил серийного маньяка к пожизненному заключению.

5. Поскольку не было достаточных доказательств, что преступление было совершенно, всех подозреваемых по данному делу освободили.

2. Translate the following quotations and comment upon them.

“When you go into court you are putting your fate into the hands of twelve people who weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty.”

Norm Crosby

“The trouble with the laws these days is that criminals know their rights better than their wrongs.”

Author Unknown

“Justice is incidental to law and order.”

John Edgar Hoover

“Somebody recently figured out that we have 35 million laws to enforce the ten commandments”.

Attributed to both Bert Masterson and Earl Wilson

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