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Презентация Творческий менеджмент на английском - Creative management.pptx
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Заломова К. БкУП-201


Amidst the fast-changing business landscape, organizations are moving ahead from classical criteria of cost and performance to integrating creativity and innovation for overall efficiency.

Creativity as a skill involves bringing something new into being and as a process involves management. It encompasses all the processes oriented towards value addition. In this conceptual age, where businesses continue to implement creativity-intense activities, it becomes an inevitable component for continued success.


Marketing is one of the complicated tasks of management.

Marketing strategies include creativity-intensive activities to enhance brand recognition, improve advertising campaigns, liaison with media as well as to better communicate the marketing goals.

Additional marketing tasks include ensuring continued customer satisfaction and real-time engagement . To achieve these tasks marketing strategists produce creative concepts. Implementation of such concepts involves making forecasts, adopting new marketing techniques.


Advertising also comes under the creative management owing to its core tasks of communicating product information to customers. Further, advertisers are also concerned with designing strategies for product/service launch or trial, using persuasion for optimizing sales, monitoring demand-supply levels. Advertising strategies targeted at customers demand creativity and consequently provide scope for this techniques and processes.

Brand Management

Brand management strategies could be complex involving extensive market research, product differentiation, maintaining brand reputation, creative communication and constant evaluation. Creative management enables brand managers to effectively communicate about their brand.

Media Management

The digital revolution has the greatest impact on marketing, making media management a core component of marketing strategies. Popular choices as marketing tools are messaging apps and social media.

The tools allow media managers to seek diversity in their approaches, have an open mind to new ideas, permit failures, reward risk takers as well as manage and control creative activities.


The vast scope of creative management, especially within marketing offers a great career opportunity. The industry needs creatively passionate business managers with the ability to grasp technology-related strategies.

Anyone seeking to pursue a career in this field should develop certain essential attributes such as creative thinking, strong observatory instincts, effective communication, patient listening and an eye for detail.