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IV. Find the equivalents to the following English terms.

1. Gradient a) боковые откосы насыпи

2. Elevation b) возможность

3. Side ditch c) уклон

4. Possibility d) кювет

5. Towed grader e) высота

6. Sides of fills f) прицепной грейдер

V. Find the equivalents to the following Russian terms.

1. Мощные автогрейдеры a) running gear

2. Земляное полотно b) small repair

3. Производительность с) powerful power graders

4. Ходовое оборудование d) capacity

5. Мелкий ремонт e) earth bed

VI. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the translation of the verbs “to be”, “to have”.

Помните, что глаголы «to be» и «to have» переводятся «долженствованием», если после них стоит инфинитив глагола с «to».

1. Heavy graders are used when large volumes of soil have to be handled.

2. A powerful grader is a highly manoeuvrable machine.

3. The principal parts of an elevating grader are the main frame, a vertical frame, a share arm and a conveyor, etc.

4. When a scraper has to operate on heavy soil, the pull of one tractor may be insufficient to cut a slice and fill the bowl.

5. A bulldozer is a pendant attachment mounted on crawler and wheel tractors.

6. The weight of the load is to be estimated (оценивать) beforehand.

7. Cranes have to be provided with outriggers.

8. Bearing surface of a crane has to be increased by outriggers.

VII. Use the Complex Subject and the Complex Object in the following sentences.

Example: We know that winches are widely used in construction.

Winches are known to be widely used in construction.

We know winches to be widely used in construction.

1. We know that towed graders are less manoeuvrable and have a smaller capacity.

2. It is considered that towed graders do not have great possibilities.

3. We believe that elevating graders are used for digging irrigation ditches.

4. We know that scrapers are used with tractors.

5. It is proved that forced discharge is the most reliable.

6. It is proved that forced discharge involves a greater consumption of power.

7. We know that a hoist is a simple suspension-type small-size mechanism.

VIII. Read and translate the following text.


Power and towed graders are used in road construction to excavate side ditches, shape the surfaces and sides of fills and cuts and give them the required gradient. It should be noted that powerful self-propelled graders can also be used for laying earth beds, for building platforms and making profile cuts and banks. In winter-time power graders are used to clean roads of compacted snow.

A powerful grader is a highly manoeuvrable machine and its blade can be set at various angles both horizontally and vertically or brought out sideways.

Towed graders which perform the same functions as self-powered machines have no engine or transmission of their own and are driven by crawler tractors. Towed graders are known to be much less manoeuvrable and have a smaller capacity. This type of machine is not considered to have great possibilities and is not being developed. The basic operating members of a grader are a blade and a scarifier.

Power graders can be classified as follows:

a) by weight: light ( up to 9 tons), medium (up to 10-12 tons), heavy (13-15 tons), and very heavy (17-23 tons);

b) by the design of running gear: four wheelers (with one or two driving axles) and six-wheelers (with two or three driving axles;

c) by the type of control used: with the operating member, with mechanical (reduction gear) or hydraulic control.

Light power graders are employed to maintain and carry out repair on roads and to construct earth beds at zero elevation.

Medium graders are used to lay earth beds at small elevations and for repair jobs.

Heavy and very heavy graders are used when large volumes of soil have to be handled or when the soil is difficult to move.

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