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'Europe' hotel. 11. He said: "They are leaving next Monday." 12. The clerk said to them: "You can leave the key with the maid upstairs."

Ex. 4. Put the following into Indirect Speech

1. "When I get a job. I'll buy you a warm coat," said the boy's father.2. "If you spill the milk, there won't be any for the cat," said my mother to me. 3. "When you come to see me on Sunday, I shall show you my new dress," she said to me. "If Mary arrives before seven, bring her to our house for the evening," said Jane to Henrys "5. "When your turn comes, listen very carefully to what the doctor tells you," I said to my grandmother. 6. "If you are in a hurry, we shall make only the first experiment," said the laboratory assistant to me. 7. "I shan't start anything new until I have finished this novel," said the writer to the correspondent. 8. "Don't wait until I come. As soon as you finish the exercises, begin playing volley-ball," said the PT teacher to the pupils. 9."As soon as Robert appears, ask him where he put the dictionary," said Mary to her mother.

Ex. 5. Put the general questions into Indirect Speech

1. Have you found the book? (She asked me...) 2. Are there any more books here? 3. Did she go shopping yesterday? (I wanted to know…) 4. Has she bought the dictionary? (He did not ask her…) 5. Does she know the name of the man? (I doubted...) 6. Did Boris see the man this morning? (I asked…) 7. Have they sold the picture? (I did not know…) 8. Do they know anything about it? (I wondered…) 9. Has Jack given you his telephone number? (She asked me…) 10. Is he coming back today? (I was not sure…)

Ex. 6. Put the special questions into Indirect Speech

1. Where is he going? (He didn't tell anybody...) 2. Where has he gone? (Did you know...) 3. Where is he? (Did you know...) 4. When is he leaving school? (I wanted to know...) 5. Where does he live? (Nobody knew...) 6. When will he come back? (She asked them...) 7. Where did she buy this hat? (He wanted to know...) 8. How much did she pay for it? ( I had no idea…) 9. Where did I put the book? (I forgot…) 10. Who has given you this nice kitten? (She wanted to know…) 11. Where can I buy an English - Russian dictionary? (He asked me…) 12. How long will it take your brother to get to Madrid? (He wondered…)

Ex. 7. Put the questions into Indirect Speech

1. The teacher said to Mike: "Does you father work at a factory?" 2. Mother said to us: "What are you doing here?" 3. Father said to Nick: "Have you done your homework?" 4. Tom said: "Ann, where are your friends?" 5. Kate said: "Mike,


do you like my dress?" 6. Grandfather said to Mary: "What mark did you get at school?" 7. My sister said to me: "Will you take me to the theatre with you tomorrow?" 8. Mother asked me: "Did you play with your friends yesterday?" 9. "Why don't you play with your friends, Kate?" said her mother. 10. " Do you like chocolates?" said my little sister to me. 11. "Did you see your granny yesterday, Lena?" asked Mr. Brown. 12. The doctor asked Nick: "Do you wash your face and hands every morning?"

Ex. 8. Put the commands into Indirect Speech

1. He said to us: "Come here tomorrow." 2. I said to Mike: "Send me a telegram as soon as you arrive." 3. Father said to me: "Don't stay there long." 4. Peter said to them: "Don't leave the room until I come back." 5. "Take my luggage to Room 145," he said to the porter. 6. He said to me: "Ring me up tomorrow." 7. "Bring me a cup of black coffee," she said to the waiter. 8. "Don't be late for dinner," said mother to us. 9. Jane said to us: "Please tell me all you know about it." 10. She said to Nick: "Please don't say anything about it to your sister." 11. The teacher said to me: "Hand this note to your parents, please." 12. Oleg said to his sister: "Put the letter into an envelope and give it to Kate." 13. "Please help me with this work, Henry," said Robert. 14. "Please bring me some fish soup," he said to the waitress. 15. "Don't worry over such a small thing," she said to me.

Ex. 9. Put the sentences into Direct Speech

1. George said it was very difficult to play that role. 2. He asked why there were so few people in the street. 3. The man asked the boy if he knew where he lived. 4. The woman told him not to worry go home quietly. 5. She said that she would sleep in the open air. 6. She wondered if I was going to leave St. Petersburg the next dlay. 7. He told me that he had bought that watch the day before. 8. Ann said that she had just had a telephone call from home. 9. My neighbour asked me to leave the key at my sister's. 10. He said he could not understand the rule. 11. He told me he had bought a ticket the day before. 12. When I came home, my mother told me that a friend of mine had called on me half an hour before. 13. He said that he studied at Moscow University. 14. She said that her brother was playing chess with her grandfather.

Ex. 10. Put the sentences into Indirect Speech

1. He said: "We have forgotten to take the ball!" 2. She said: "I shall be very glad to see you." 3. "Let's go to the Philharmonic. There is a good concert there tonight," said Walter. "Oh, very good," said Robert. "I haven't been to the Philharmonic for a long time." 4. Alec asked me: "Have you ever been to the


National Gallery?" "Yes, I have," said I. "I visited it last year when we were staying in London." 5. Nellie said: "Yesterday I went to see Paul, but he was not at home." "Let's go to see him today," said Nick. "I think he will be at home." "No," said Nellie, "I can't go today, I am very busy." 6. He said: "Who is this man? I don't know him." 7. I thought: "He is a very clever man: he can help me." 8. My brother said: "In two hours I shall have finished my work and then I shall go to the cinema." Then he said to me: "Let's go together." "All right," I said. 9. The teacher said: "Open your books and begin reading the new text." 10. The girl asked: "What is the price of this dress?" 11. "Please help me with this problem, I cannot solve it," I said to my father. "All right," said my father, "let's try to solve it together." 12. "Let's go to Finland for the winter holidays," said Kate. "No," said Andrew, "we have already been to Finland. Let's go to Greece. It will be very interesting to see the country we have read about so much." "All right," said Kate, "let's go."

Ex. 11. Translate into English

1. Чарльз сказал, что живет сейчас в Лондоне. 2. Я сказал, что не знаю, чем занимается Елена. 3. Он спросил нас, куда ушел Майкл. 4. Он сказал нам, что сообщит Полу о нашем приезде, если увидит его. 5. Она поинтересовалась, умею ли я водить автомобиль. 6. Он попросил нас помочь ему составить программу. 7. Мы спросили, почему Кейт не пришла на вечеринку. 8. Он сказал, чтобы мы его не ждали, так как он уверен, что опоздает. 9. Джон сообщил, что мы должны строго соблюдать новые правила. 10. Джулия пообещала, что закончит работу к трем часам, и они смогут сходить в кино. 11. Наш сосед поинтересовался, когда мы собираемся закончить строительство дома. 12. Она хотела знать, почему я опоздала на встречу. 13. Мы объяснили, что у нас занятия каждый день кроме субботы и воскресенья. 14. Я спросила, получила ли Сьюзан мое письмо. 15. Он сказал, что его отец плохо себя чувствует.

Ex. 12. Retell the following conversations in the Reported Speech


Peter: I'm so hungry I could eat a horse! Kate! Chris! Let's go to Mc Donald's. It' s not far from here.

Kate: It only seems to you it's not far. In fact it'll take us about 20 minutes to get there. Besides, we'll have to queue for I don't know how long. Why not go to our office canteen? It's not bad and it's cheaper than Mc Donald's. Haven't you been there yet?

Peter: No, I haven't. I don't even know where it is. Kate: It's on the ground floor. I'll take you there.




Great! What's the matter, Chris? We are following Kate to the


canteen. Why aren't your eyes shining?


You see, unfortunately I am on a diet…


Nonsense, Chris. I know you. You can't live on carrots. Come on!


2. A Letter


Has the post come yet, Jane?


Yes, Peter, and there's been a letter for us.


Oh? Who is it from?


Ann. Here it is.


Have you read it?


Yes, of course, I have.


Well, just tell me what she says.


Don't you want to read it?


I've left my glasses upstairs. Have they moved yet?


Yes, they moved last Tuesday.


How do they like the new house?


They love it.




They've bought one or two pieces of furniture.


Have they got rid of that awful old sofa?


Yes. And they've bought some new chairs for the kitchen.

3. What Shall We Have?

John: Hello, Pauline. I'm glad you were able to come.

Pauline: Hello, John. Sorry, I'm rather late. I'm afraid you've been waiting long, haven't you?

John: Oh no, I haven't, only a few minutes. Let's sit over there by the window, shall we?

Pauline: Yes, let's.

John: Here's an empty table. Shall I take your coat? Pauline: Thank you, John.

John: Now then, what shall we have? Tea or coffee? Pauline: Oh, I think I'd like tea, please.

John: Good. So would I. They make very good buttered toast here. Shall I order some?

Pauline: Yes, please. That'll be fine.

John: Waitress! Can we have a pot of tea and buttered toast for two, please?




4. What's the News?

Mr. Smith:

Good afternoon, Mr. White, how are you?

Mr. White:

Very well indeed, thank you, and how are you?

Mr. Smith:

Quite well, thank you. Won't you sit down? Have a cigarette.

Mr. White:

Thank you.

Mr. Smith:

Well, what's the news? How's business?

Mr. White:

Pretty good, thank you. And how are things with you?

Mr. Smith:

Well, not too good, I'm afraid, and going from bad to worse. In fact,


it's the worst year we've had for a long time.

Mr. White:

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope things will soon improve.

Mr. Smith:

Yes, let's hope for the best. And how's your son getting on?

Mr. White:

Oh, Richard's getting on quite well, thank you. He's staying in the


country just now with some of his friends.

Mr. Smith:

How long is he going to stay there?

Mr. White:

I don't know exactly, but he's having a very pleasant time and it's


doing him a lot of good, so the longer he stays, the better.

5. An Interview

Interviewer: I'd like to congratulate you on your recent success, Mr. Nikitin. Nikitin: Thank you very much.

Interviewer: Have you got any definite plans for the future?

Nikitin: Oh, yes. I'm going to make a television serial about pop singers It's going to be a screen version of a novel which is a great success with the reading public just now.

Interviewer: Are you going to work with the same team?

Nikitin: Yes, it's going to be the same team, actually We're all interested in making another film together

Interviewer: And when are you starting work on the film?

Nikitin: We have actually started. We spent a month interviewing different singers, but that's only a beginning, of course. We've go to do a lot in the next few months.

Interviewer: Well, that was all very interesting. You've made great progress these last few years, and I wish you every success with your new film.

Good luck!

Nikitin: Thanks.

6.During the Break

A:Well, how did you like the report?

B:I think they've done a wonderful job. They've investigated everything


very carefully and in such a short time, too! I was impressed.

A:I'm very pleased to hear that. I've been working with James for a long time. He's done some very important market research for the world's leading companies.

B:Then the work he's been doing for us isn't of particular interest to him, I


A:On the contrary, he's very interested. When he was offered to be head of the team, he agreed without any hesitation, because he'd always been interested in investigating the Russian market. By the way, he sounded very optimistic, didn't he?

B:Yes, very encouraging indeed. Oh, the break's nearly over. Let's go back

to the conference room, shall we?

A:Yes, let's.

7.Part of a Business Talk

A:According to the catalogue, this model can be used for several purposes. Does that mean that you want a higher price?

B:Well, the price will largely depend on the number of machines you're going to order.

A:We need twenty now, but we may require many more in the near future.

B:I think we could agree on $1.000 per unit. Would that suit you?

A:Yes, I think so.

B:Believe me, it is, without any doubt, the best equipment you can get at

this price.

B:Oh, yes. It meets all our requirements. There's another problem I'd like to

settle today. The point is we want to have the machines very soon, not later than April.

A:No, that wouldn't be easy, but we'll make every effort to do it for you. Anything else?

B:Oh, thanks, with pleasure.


A:What are you doing at the weekend?

B:At the weekend? I haven't thought of it yet.

A:Would you like to go to a football match with me?

B:Oh, I'd love to. Who's playing?

A:Two very good teams. They're both in very good form, so the match is going to be interesting.

B:Thank you ever so much. I haven't seen a good game for a very long time.






So we're playing tennis this evening, aren't we?


No. I'm afraid not. Not this evening.


Why? Didn't you promise to come and have a game with me?


Well, yes, but my people are going away on holiday, and I must see them


off. The train's at seven fifteen p.m. I only found out an hour ago.

A:It's a pity we can't have a game this evening. What about the day after tomorrow then?



Guide: Tomorrow we're visiting Kuskovo. Tourist: Are we going by bus?

Guide: Yes, as usual.

Tourist: What time's the bus leaving?

Guide: At exactly eight. Please be in time. And don't forget to take your cameras. You can take lots of beautiful photos there, and make films, too.

Tourist: Splendid! Lovely! Marvellous!

Tourist: Excuse me, what time are we getting back? Guide: At seven o'clock in the evening.
















~ ed, 3 форма глагола







(Participle II)






























Being + ~ ed, 3 форма













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