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I will be in charge of the

Я отвечаю за организацию данной

arrangements and will be assisted

встречи, и моим помощником будет (имя).

by (name).





We are looking forward to a

С нетерпением ждем встречи и надеемся

very successful meeting.

на ее успех.


If you have any questions,

Если у Вас возникнут вопросы, прошу

please feel free to contact me at

без колебания обращаться ко мне в любое

any time.












Inferior or Damaged Product

от продукции плохого качества




или испорченной продукции

This is to inform you that our

Настоящим сообщаем, что наш заказ под

order No. … was received today.

номером … был получен Вами только









has revealed



осмотре было

many damaged items.








повреждённых изделий.


Enclosed are

samples of

Образцы …, не подлежащие продаже,

unsalable …




Please have your representative

Просим Вашего представителя связаться

contact us to review the shipment

с нами для осмотра груза и внесения

and make an adjustment.

соответствующего изменения.

By copy of this letter, we are

Копию данного письма мы направляем в




Вашу бухгалтерию, с тем чтобы сообщить им

department that payments will be

о необходимости задержки платежей до

delayed pending settlement of the

окончательного разрешения проблемы.









Wordy phrases








add the point that


add that



a great deal of




a great number of times



а period of several weeks


several weeks


as regards





at present




at regular intervals of time




based on the fact that


due to/because


cannot be possible




cost the sum of





due to the fact that


exactly alike


few in number


for the purpose of


from time to time


if and when


in accordance with


in case of


in favor of


in light of the fact that


in order to


in the course of


in the near future


in view of the fact that


it is clear that


make application to


make contact with


notwithstanding the fact that


of very minor importance


ought to


prior to


relative to


repeat again


take appropriate measures


there is no doubt that

doubtless/no doubt

until and unless



Global Trends

Photo 1

What can you see on the photo?

What kind of building is it?

Where on the globe is it situated?

What kinds of events are held there?

Photo 2

What do you think the man on the photo is?

What country is he from?

Why is he talking to the audience?

What event is he taking part in?

How are the photos connected with the term globalisation?

Globalization is the “inexorable integration of markets, nation states and technologies…..the spread of free market capitalism to virtually every country in the world.”

(Thomas Friedman, NY Times journalist)


Let’s Talk Global.

Look through the following information and answer the questions below.

The end of the Cold War, symbolized by the disintegration of the Soviet Union has resulted in the emergence of a new global era where the competition between the former super powers is being replaced by a consumer

driven social, political






tightly controlled

economies of

the Cold War era

have yielded to free trade. The Berlin wall came down and so did the trade barriers between countries, opening up the doors to technological advancement and an age of communication where the Internet has revolutionized the availability of information, creating a knowledge based economy. Information is the new mantra that spells success in the modern world. Intellectual capital is important and the use of business worldwide webs spells power. The Internet has been described as “a decentralized, global medium of communication comprising a global web of linked networks and computers.” It enables instant communication across geographical boundaries and thereby has fostered the growth of an era of capitalism and consumerism, where the focus has shifted to economic interests, with political, social and cultural aspects being subordinated to the dominant capitalist trend.

What is there you see on the picture? What kind of tree is it?

What is the crone made of? Where do the roots plant in?

Can you recognize the brands and the names of the global companies? What can you say about the quality of the goods of those brands?

What is a global company?


What is Globalization? (Text 1)

Many critics of globalization say that it is a major cause of poverty, that it opens up developing countries to exploitation by big foreign corporations, and that it results in people in wealthy countries losing jobs when cheaper foreign imports put their companies out of business. They also criticize foreigners for “buying up” local companies and creating a homogenized world run by multinational corporations not accountable to any government.

In spite of all the disadvantages mentioned, globalization helps economies grow which means improving standard of living for billions of people around the world. The United Nations Human Development Index, an indicator of literacy, longevity, and standard of living in countries around the world, shows that during the last years of the twentieth century, more than a billion people around the world escaped absolute poverty through economic growth. Those countries that embraced globalization, especially in the Third World, have enjoyed rates of growth that were, on average, 50% higher than those with closed borders.

For many people in developing countries, economic growth is the ultimate antipoverty weapon. It means access to clean water, a safe house to live in, and a chance to educate their children to prepare for a better future. Countries with expanding economies also enjoy greater political freedom, and more social spending.

The U.S. economic boom of the 1990s was motivated by globalization. Open borders allowed new ideas and technology to flow in freely from around the globe, driving an increase in productivity. Living standards went up when consumers and businesses were able to buy from countries producing better-made products at better prices. In addition, export-oriented jobs generally pay more than those that are dependent on the local economy.

Globalization does benefit some people more than others. On the one hand, access to technology and capital has created many new jobs for workers in developing countries. Countries and companies with high technology and capital to sell have also benefited enormously from globalization. For example, millions of information technology jobs have been created in Ireland and India – not just in the U.S. Silicon Valley.

On the other hand, the high-salary workers in developed countries with little or no education, watched millions of jobs being taken away by newly productive Third World workers. This means that they need additional training and education to find new jobs.


1 Read the text and give English equivalents to the following:

ведёт к банкротству местные компании; за то, что они скупают…; не отвечающий перед правительством; мир, управляемый мультинациональными корпорациями; грамотность, продолжительность жизни, уровень жизни; которые были открыты глобализации; экономический рост; главное оружие против бедности; темпы роста; развивающиеся страны; обладать политической свободой; расходы на социальные нужды; выиграли от глобализации; труд, связанный с применением информационных технологий; развитые страны; оказались очевидцами.

2Answer the questions on the text:

1.Is there a single view on whether globalization does people harm or good?

2.What do some of the critics say about the disadvantages of globalization?

3.In what way does globalization help economies grow?

4.How can you explain that “economic growth is the ultimate antipoverty weapon” for people in developing countries?

5.What are the advantages of globalization?

6.What global tendencies show the IT impact?

7.What are third world/developing/developed countries? What is a corporation?

3Listen to the interview (Market Leader, Intermediate, cassette 1/1), be ready to match the following Russian and English equivalents:

a) конкуренция

1) welfare benefits

b) безработица

2) wages

c) переговоры

3) taxes

d) обученное население

4) negotiation

e) заработная плата

5) give-and-take

f) утечка капитала

6) unemployment

g) пособие по социальному обеспечению

7) profitability

h) налоги

8) low-cost

i) с низкой себестоимостью

9) skilled population

j) прибыльность

10) flight of capital

k) система социального обеспечения

11) competition

l) взаимная уступка, компромисс

12) welfare system

m) набирать темп

13) gather pace

n) задавать тон

14) rule the roost


4Use the above words in the following sentences:

1.The great advantage of globalization is that it increases … .

2.One of its disadvantages is that it hurts local government’s ability to deal with issues like …, … and … .

3.Governments can smooth problems of globalization with the help of … between governments and companies.

4.It’s a government but not a company that is responsible for a national … .

5.Another problem of globalization is … in the Western world.

6.Companies want to improve their … so they’re going to look for the … centres.

7.China and India are going to provide a … .

8.So we’re going to see a … from the West.

9.In spite of the negative opinion about the process of globalization it … .

5Now listen to the interview again and answer the questions:

a)Is Stephen Haseler generally in favor of globalization or against it?

b)What is the advantage of globalization according to Stephen Haseler?

c)What are two disadvantages of globalization?

6 Make up a list of advantages and disadvantages of globalization.

7 Before reading the text “Flight plan from Seattle” answer the following questions:

1.What is a global company? Can you name any global companies?

2.Have you heard of “Boeing”?

3.Where is it based?

4.Is it big or small?

5.Why do you think the article touches upon this company?

6.What business is British Petroleum in?

7.How do you understand the word combination “to go global”?

Flight plan from Seattle. (Text 2)

In the last thirty years, Philip Condit says, not much has changed. The problem, he says, is not just that employees at Boeing think of other countries as being exotic. They take the same attitude to anywhere in the US outside Seattle, where the company


has its headquarters and its most important factories. Boeing staff talk about something as being ‘in plant’ or ‘out plant’. In-plant means Seattle. Out-plant means one of the group’s other locations, such as Wichita, Kansas.

Condit, who became Boeing’s chairman in February, wants to change all that. Over the next 20 years, he wants Boeing to become a global rather than a US company. Boeing employees could be forgiven for thinking that being a Seattle company has served them well enough. Boeing is the world’s most successful aircraft maker.

Condit believes, however, that Boeing cannot stand still. There are too many examples in aviation and other sectors of what has happened to companies that have tried to do that.

Last year, in a speech to managers, he described his vision of what the group would look like in 2016, its centenary year. He told them that Boeing would be an aerospace company. It would not repeat earlier mistakes such as attempting to enter the train or boat-building business.

Second, he said, Boeing would be a ‘global enterprise’. This would mean increasing the number of countries of operation. He is impressed, he says, by the way in which oil companies have benefited from losing national images. “BP is probably the most global company in the world. It is interesting to see that in the US its nationality has begun to disappear. Almost everybody in the US says BP and not British Petroleum. It is a local kind of company.” Royal Dutch/Shell is another group which manages to present itself as a local company in the countries in which it operates.

Would he be happy if 20 years from now people did not think of Boeing as being a

US company? “Yes,’ Condit says, ‘I believe we are moving towards an era of global markets and global companies.”

8 Now read the article and find the following Russian equivalents in the English text:

компания должна развиваться; проектирование и производство самолётов; годовщина; компания, производящая самолёты и космические корабли; страны с созданным в них производством; выиграли от потери национальной принадлежности; глобальные рынки.

9Say which of the following is true or false?

1.Boeing employees seem to be rather conservative and inward looking.

2.The chairman of Boeing believes the company must make changes.

3.Boeing is going to expand.


4.Boeing used to be in train business.

5.The chairman thinks that Boeing is the most global company in the world.

6.British Petroleum didn’t go global.

7.The chairman wants people to identify Boeing as the US company.

10 Make up sentences using the word chains below. Match the names of global companies to their activity.

LG Electronics

Mc Donald’s





Levi Strauss

Mercedes Benz

a)this branded holds a share leading in the globally company quick service segment restaurant of the informal market eating-out;

b)the way they found of producing coffee a world’s cup of best;

c)miners they began their business selling to hard-working in California clothes;

d)devices a global household leader and the developer of innovative technologies in the market of consumer, and mobile electronics phones;

e)United States it’s sportswear and supplier, based in the major equipment;

f)company “Because I’m worth it” slogan of this the is;

g)quality they clothes to who people want good at sell reasonable price;

h)this is a high-quality German making, expensive company cars;

Latin America Turns to the East. (Text 3)

(the e-version summary of the 2010 World Economic Forum reports on Latin America.) The World Economic Forum (WEF) is an independent, international organization incorporated as a Swiss not-for-profit foundation. The WEF was first conceived in January 1971. This world organization has achieved a proud record of accomplishments in advancing progress on key issues of global concern.

The WEF, known for its Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, also organizes half a dozen regional meetings around the globe. The economists of the Forum publish the annual Competitiveness, Information Technology, Gender Gap, Travel and Tourism Reports.

There’s World Economic Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, on the photo on page 63


While much of the West has reduced demand for Latin American exports during the economic downturn, the East, including the Middle East, India and China, has increased investment, trade and international cooperation with the region.

The increasing rapport between Asia and Latin America was hastened by the global economic meltdown. The problems that occurred in Europe and North America forced Asia and Latin America to try to do more business together. Both Asian and Latin American companies do not look to the West as they once did. They have a newfound confidence and are more and more willing to take the lead.

China has grown to be the region’s third largest trading partner and Brazil’s first. Trade with China is 9% of Latin America’s trade and trade with India is less than 2% of the total. For China, trade with Latin America is only 4.5% of its total. The possibilities are huge.

Distance is a significant barrier between Latin America and Asia. There are no direct flights from Asia to South America, so travel takes between 30 and 35 hours. That means only big companies with resources can afford to travel and do business.

Language is another barrier. India deals with the English-speaking world, but needs to get more comfortable with countries that speak Spanish and Portuguese. One suggestion was that both continents adopt English as the language of business facilitation.

Participants agreed that the two continents need to learn more about each other and become more familiar. Familiarity will reduce the fear factor that some companies feel in doing business with the unknown. There are opportunities, but the two sides need to be more aware of each other and their needs.

Asian companies and business people are used to dealing with bureaucracy and red tape. They face both obstacles at home and are not daunted by coming across them in Latin America. Corruption is a thorny issue, but the solution is good governance and accountability, not simply democracy.

Governments can do more to promote bilateral cooperation by hosting trade treaties and organizing conferences and meetings. They could also relax often difficult visa processes to facilitate business visits. Special incentives could be provided for special talent pools.

In 1995, only five of the Fortune 500 global companies were from India and China; today that number has risen to 45 and companies from those two nations are projected to fill one-third of the list. There is a lot of room to start alliances with these new global champions. Latin America must also take care to think of China and India and other Asian nations as separate countries with separate competencies. China alone


has 200 cities with populations of over 1 million people. If conditions are right, companies might try to compete in new markets. But if conditions suggest otherwise, companies should not shy away from trying to partner with rivals. Pragmatism is key.

11 Give Russian equivalents to the words in bold.

12 Complete the following sentences to emphasize key points of the above summary.

1.There are extraordinary opportunities for … . Trade between the two regions is growing but … .

2.The two regions are different but similar. They are … . However, language and distance … .

3.Governments and the private sector must cooperate and work out where public policies are necessary to help promote trade.

4.More and more Asian companies … .

5.Latin America must … .

13 Answer the questions.

a)How is the economic policy of the East conducted during current economic downturn?

b)Do the figures say about the growth of trade or its downturn?

c)What are the disadvantages of cooperation between Asia and Latin America?

d)Latin American companies face bureaucracy and red tape at home, don’t they?

e)How can governments of both regions facilitate bilateral cooperation?

When Asia’s Youth Speaks, is the Rest of the World Listening? (Text 4)

(the e-version summary of the 2010 World Economic Forum reports on East Asia.)

In Asia's high-growth markets, companies face intense competition from customers with disparate incomes and preferences, and low-cost local competition. How are business leaders adapting corporate strategies to cater to Asia's young demographic profile and diversity of tastes to develop brand loyalty?


Globalization, the international media and the Internet have created a global youth culture. They have common tastes and values, so much so that a young Indonesian may relate more to a young Filipino than to a fellow citizen of a different age. They still put a priority on freedom and fun, but are more aware than ever of current events.

This is good news for global brands, which this youth culture is drawn to. Asia’s fast growing population makes its youth demographic – which combined would represent one of the world’s largest nations – an irresistible lure to companies hungry for growth.

While some tastes of youth are universal and abiding, others are part of a rapidly shifting landscape. Smart brand builders are learning to use the Internet and social networking sites to track these trends. East Asia’s youth are particularly tech savvy, moreover, despite having lower incomes than their Western counterparts. Indonesia, where half the population is below 30, is now the second-largest market for Facebook users after the US.

Asian youth has traditionally aspired to Western lifestyles, but the current crisis has sparked a wider reflection of this pattern. Some are looking to traditional values and a more sustainable way of life. Global media has also enabled Asian youth to break the stranglehold of American music and movies. Hollywood films and Korean pop music are sweeping the region. Likewise, mid-tier local brands are starting to challenge more established foreign names.

Young people look for a variety of qualities in a brand, and price is far down the list. At the top is the quality of the product, followed by its luxury value. But beyond that, young people weigh a brand against how well it reflects their particular values, how well it supports national development, for example, or environmental sustainability.

Brand image is also of paramount importance when trying to attract young, talented workers. Japanese, for example, decide based on a company’s image for which they would like to work before even deciding what kind of work they would like to do.

Global culture notwithstanding, there remains room for companies to win over young Asians by appealing to local values and concerns. Most Asians still live in rural areas, for example, and marketers can win them over by identifying with their unique needs rather than applying a McDonald’s-like approach. While foreign and local values used to vie for acceptance, today they are not mutually exclusive.

14. Give English equivalents to the following:

различные доходы и предпочтения; дешёвая конкуренция (рынок); доверие к торговой марке; угодить молодому населению; мог соотнести себя (сравниться); больше знают; соблазнительная приманка; постоянный вкус; резко меняющийся;


следовать направлениям; сообразительные в технике; привлекает западная культура; нынешний кризис побудил; устойчивый образ жизни; освободиться от засилья американской музыки и кино; охватить регион; бросать вызов известным иностранным именам; экологическая устойчивость; взывая к индивидуальным ценностям; применять подход в стиле компании McDonald’s; соперничать (о ценностях).

15. Complete the following sentences to emphasize key points of the above summary.

1.The Internet, the global media and growing international trade … .

2.Some youth tastes never …; others are constantly … . Brand builders … and determine what’s hot and what’s not.

3.While in the past Asian youth … . But the financial crisis and greater interaction between Asian cultures … .

4.Price is low on the list of … .

5.… are more important.

6.Young Asians appeal to local values and concerns not only in buying a product, but also in … .

16. Answer the questions.

a)Do global companies move off Asian consumers or try to cater to their tastes?

b)What is an irresistible lure to global companies in the region?

c)Is Asian youth still aspiring to Western culture?

d)Do you prefer American or Russian films? Give your arguments.

e)Has anything changed in the values of Asian youth?

f)Do you agree to the fact that the youth of the XXI century prefers only global brands rather than local producers’ goods?

g)Can you name at least one global brand you use in your everyday life? What do you value in it?

h)Do you know any brands that are loosing their power?

i)Are you tech-savvy?

j)Name a local brand. What are its values?

k)What do you put priorities on?


The Power of Music (Text 5)

There was the session “Enrichment through Music” at the annual meeting of the WEF on 28 January, 2010. During the discussion with artists from around the world Lang Lang talked to the audience to explore how music can enhance the way humans interact in modern global world. (photo on page 63)

Music is the only true international language. As it is much less prone to being misunderstood than words, music can break through political and cultural barriers, bringing together people of widely differing views, creeds, religions and convictions to

share a communal experience. It is a great equalizer. Listening to a Chopin [


nocturne [

], an audience from widely differing national and


backgrounds can relate in unison to the romanticism and the tragedy in the composition.

In international relations, music has often been an ice-breaker. Leonard Bernstein took the New York Philharmonic to the Soviet Union when the cold war still dominated global politics and won a rapturous reception. The same orchestra has recently played in North Korea, perhaps establishing a legacy of goodwill and recognition of a common humanity that will emerge – if not immediately – in years to come. Although the problems of the Middle East appear intractable, music can bring performers and audiences from Israel and the Arab countries together in sharing a common uplifting and emotional experience.

Music can also play an important social role in offering the deprived a way out of poverty. This has been a key achievement of Venezuela’s 25-year-old El Sistema (The System) experiment that has provided some 300,000 young people largely from the country’s urban slums and rural shanty areas with the training that has created youth orchestras that have won acclamation around the world. In the south side of Chicago, a district where many lives are dominated by crime and hopelessness, a class of scruffy, ill-dressed teenagers displaying no interest in education and seemingly destined to drop out, ending up as gang members or unmarried mothers on drugs, was turned around by a program in which jazz musicians gave them regular classes in music. Grades across the board rose markedly, the students’ dress improved and, just a few years later, many of them started university. Learning to perform, or at least appreciate, the music gave them the self-esteem they were missing and enabled them to integrate in society at large. This was similar to the experience with the young Venezuelans who have passed through El Sistema.


The power of music is also illustrated by the attitude to it of some authoritarian or dictatorial forms of government. In the Soviet Union, the ruling Communist Party and its leaders sought to turn music into an arm of propaganda. In Afghanistan, under the Taliban, music was banned as something that could lead people away from what the group viewed as the path of true faith. In the early years of the development of US society, some strictly religious communities would only permit the performance of sacred music. In China, during the Cultural Revolution, old instruments and the scores of the great Chinese classical operas were sought out and destroyed by the Maoist Red Guards.

A new development showing a previously unsuspected element of musical power is being offered by some of the latest discoveries and experiments in brain sciences, or neural psychology [ ], showing that music stimulates the brain far more than words. One study has indicated that small babies exposed to the music of Mozart [ ] develop skills more rapidly than their peers who have had no exposure to such sound. One of the challenges facing educators – and human society at large – is how these advances can be best exploited for the benefit of humankind.

17. Give English equivalents to the following:

склонный к ч.-л.; объединяя людей; различное национальное и социальное происхождение; был принят с восторгом; всеобщая гуманность; всеобщий духовный подъём и эмоциональные переживания; неимущее население; городские трущобы и деревенские лачуги; завоевали единодушное одобрение; неряшливые подростки; на грани отчисления; самооценка; дало возможность стать частью общества; истинная вера; партитуры китайских опер были найдены и уничтожены; непредсказуемая сила музыки; исследование мозга; намного больше чем слова.

18. Complete the following sentences to emphasize key points of the above summary:

1.Music can bring people from different countries together in … .

2.With the help of music children from slums … .

3.Authoritarian and dictatorial governments used music … .

4.The power of music … .


19. Answer the questions:

1.Do you agree that music goes through political and cultural barriers?

2.What does Lang Lang mean by saying “music is the only true international language”?

3.Have you heard of such names as Chopin, Bernstein, Rahmaninov, Shostakovich? Did you listen to their music? If yes can you, please, express what it was like?

4.Do you think many people like listening to classical music?

5.In what way can music help people and their countries develop?

What is Globish? (Text 6)

A lot of the last 50 years, Jean-Paul Nerriere was an international marketing

executive for IBM and for




companies. This is what he

says about Globish: “… I heard a

lot of variations of English.

When I traveled to Japan, to





the Americas,

people seemed happy to do

their business in English with


because my English

was as limited as their English. It

was easier for us to speak

English with each other because





(difficulties in learning English).

But they were never very different problems. And this was my discovery: If we all had the same limitations, it would be almost as if we had no limitations at all. That was when I developed Globish, the language tool - based on English - that would allow everyone to talk, across the world. I codified those limitations, so that people could learn just those things…”

Jean-Paul Nerriere continues: “And when people understand each other's GLOBISH, then that saves a lot of time and that saves a lot of money…” “Because I was a businessman, it seemed to me that if we could all speak the same kind of simple Globish, then the world could do much more business. Globish will give us a high return on investment … If people can use a lot of English - but not all of it - they can already do any kind of global business. The easy training in Globish costs much less time and much less money than English… which is endless… and very soon, more employees can use more of their skills …to help their organizations compete in a global marketplace.”


A century ago, their world (British) was their country. Now their world is…. much more. Most people now speak a local language which is often their national language. Now they must communicate to the whole globe. We know that only 4% of international communication is between native speakers from different Englishspeaking nations - like Americans and Australians. So 96% of the international English communication takes place with at least one non-native speaker.

It is very important that the Globish name is not “English for the World” or even “Simple English.”

So Globish is a word that tells native English speakers – and nonnative speakers – that Globish has a different meaning. Globish speakers should understand Passive and Conditional forms. But it is usually best for Globish users to create messages in Active Voice if possible. Who or what is doing the action must be clear in Globish. English may say: The streets were cleaned in the morning. But Globish would say: The workmen cleaned the streets in the morning.

The limitations of Globish can easily fit texting as it is happening now. hi joe, OMG! i cnt blv this. u r rght. thats gr8! so stephano hs

invited us to go to italy this summer! cool. and it means we cd visit many oder countries and all of our frnds over there. im so excited. lets meet and talk abt it asap.

But are people just “lazy”, texting when they should write out whole words? Not really…. Most of the important discoveries are somehow about Time and Space. When people are “chatting” online, or using instant messaging between computers or mobile phones, they demand speed of answering back. Why? Because “chat” is real-time, like being on the phone, and young people don’t want to appear stupid because they seem slow to answer. Also these tools help give a quick response, and that is part of Timing.

"Globish… teaches us that the more English becomes an international language, the more the ownership of the language will move away from the Anglo-Saxons,"- Iman Kurdi, one of those in favor of Globish, said in Arab News on December 23rd, 2006.

20. Answer the questions:

1.What is Jean-Paul Nerriere?

2.What language/languages does he speak?

3.What does he mean by saying that his English as well as most English in the world is “limited”?

4.Do you speak English? Is your English good?

5.Learning English is endless, isn’t it?


6.Do (or did) you have any difficulties in learning English? What are (were) they?

7.Do you think Globish is easier than English?

8.Would you like to learn Globish?

Topics for making reports, projects or presentations:

1. Globalization and African countries. http://www.weforum.org/en/knowledge/Events/2010/WorldEconomicForumonAfrica/i ndex.htm

2.Global companies.

3.Global cities. (Best world cities, World’s richest cities) http://citymayors.com/features/cost_survey.html

4.Global consumer.

5. Consumerism: advantages and disadvantages.

6.Russia in a modern global world.

7.Global youth culture: tastes, priorities, values.

8.Global brands.

9.China (India) is going global.

10.Unsuspected element of the power of music.

11.The English language and globalization.

12.Choose one of the definitions of globalization and dwell on it. Give brief information about the author:

A.Robertson characterizes it as the “compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world”.

B.Waters views it as a “social process” in which the limitations imposed by geography are receding.

C.Albrow equates it to a “historical transformation” achieved by the dissemination of “values, technology and other human products” throughout the globe.

D.Mittelman also refers to globalization as a historical transformation - “a political response to the expansion of market power” resulting in a transformation “in the economy, of livelihoods and modes of existence.”

E.McMichael corroborates this view, seeing the process of global integration taking place on the basis of “market rule on a global scale.”



1.Добсон Энн. Как писать деловые письма : практ. руководство для всех / Энн Добсон ; пер. с англ. – Челябинск, 1997. – 293 с.

2.Израилевич Е. Е. Коммерческая корреспонденция и документация на английском языке / Е. Е. Израилевич. – СПб., 1992. – 446 с.

3.Коробова Н. Б. Деловая переписка : учеб. пособие на английском языке / Н. Б. Коробова. – СПб., 2000. – 232 с.

4.Петренко Е. А. Английский язык. Деловые письма / Е. А. Петренко. – Хабаровск : РИЦ ХГАЭП, 2000. – 36 с.

5.Эмерель Н. И. Английский язык. Business Letters / Н. И. Эмерель, Н. Ю. Павлова. – Хабаровск : РИЦ ХГАЭП, 2006. – 224 с.

6.Ashley A. Commercial Correspondence / Oxford University Press, 2003.

7.Tonya Trappe, Graham Tullis Intelligent Business : style guide. Longman, The Economist

8.Tonya Trappe, Graham Tullis New Insights into Business. Longman, 2002

9.http://www.weforum.org/en/knowledge/Events/2010/WorldEconomicForumonLatin America/KN_SESS_SUMM_31842?url=/en/knowledge/Events/2010/WorldEconomic ForumonLatinAmerica/KN_SESS_SUMM_31842 [дата обр. 29.07.10]

10.http://www.weforum.org/en/knowledge/Events/2010/WorldEconomicForumonEast Asia/KN_SESS_SUMM_32031?url=/en/knowledge/Events/2010/WorldEconomicForu monEastAsia/KN_SESS_SUMM_32031[дата обр.19.07.10]

11.http://www.weforum.org/en/knowledge/Themes/ArtsandCulture/Music/KN_SESS_S MM_30151?url=/en/knowledge/Themes/ArtsandCulture/Music/KN_SESS_SUMM_301 51[дата обр.19.07.10]

12.www.globish.com [дата обр. 1.10.10]

13.www.izibook.eyrolles.com www.amazon.com [дата обр. 5.10.10]

14.www.FastEssays.co.uk [дата обр.23.10.10]



Introductoin (Предисловие) ….………...……………………………………………..3

Business letters

An introduction to business letters……………………………………………….4 Structure of a business letter……………………………………………………..8 Style of a business letter………………………………………………………...11 Enquiries. Orders. Replies to them……………………………………………...24



Handling a complaint (adjustment letters)………………………………………44 Good / Bad News Letters……………………………………………………….48

Miscellaneous correspondence………………………………………………….53 Supplementary materials………………………………………………………..55 Some useful phrases to help you write a letter………………………………….55 Some more phrases to help you write letters of different types………………...57 Wordy phrases…………………………………………………………………..61

Global Trends

Let’s Talk Global………………………………………………………………..64 What is Globalization? (Text 1)………………………………………………...65 Flight plan from Seattle. (Text 2)……………………………………………….67 Latin America Turns to the East. (Text 3)………………………………………69

When Asia’s Youth Speaks, is the Rest of the World Listening? (Text 4)……..71

The Power of Music. (Text 5)…………………………………………………...74 What is Globish? (Text 6)……………………………………………………….76 Topics for making reports, projects or presentations……………………………78 Sources………………………………………………………………………………..79


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