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VI. Make up a brief rendering of the text, considering the following

a)Look through the whole text again

b)divide the text into several parts

c)put a question to each part

d)find out the main idea of each part

e)make up a short topic

Texts for additional reading

1. China's Attractions

The Chinese Mandarin (official language) is used by the world largest population. Chinese is the most ancient language in the world, used currently by over one billion people and it is also one of the five working languages of the United Nations. Chinese characters are the only remaining ideographs with a history of five to six thousand years.

Chinese ancient architecture is unique in the world. The exemplary masterpieces are the Great Wall, Forbidden City, gardens of Suzhou, grottos of Dunhuang, temples and towers, stone arch bridges, etc.

The traditional medicine of China has benefited mankind. Chinese medicine boasts a history of five thousand years and has fully shaped a comprehensive and independent medical system which brings hope and possibilities to patients. Facts prove that Chinese medicine, herbs and acupuncture have had a magic effect on many difficult and complicated cases.

Chinese food enjoys great popularity. China's long history and large land coverage give rise to its unique culture of cuisine. There are eight food systems consisting of Sichuan, Guangdong, Giangsu, Fugian, Zhejiang, Anhui and Hunan, each with its own distinct taste and fame.

Chinese philosophy is broad and profound. The philosophies of Confucianism, Taorism and Buddism, all of which either originated in China or were propagated from abroad, have been all integrated with Chinese culture. The thinking born out of this assimilation has cleer-cut Chinese characteristics.

The Chinese spirit is eternal. The world is for all; without a belief people cannot stand stead; be impervious to the temptation of wealth and high position; do not knuckle to intimidation; bend one's back to the task until the dying day; share other's joys and sorrows' serve the people heart and soul. These are parts of the Chinese spirit, handed down for hundreds of years.

The World-famous Great Wall lies in China as an enormous flying dragon. It starts from Yalu River bank in the east through high mountains, vast steppes and boundless deserts to reach at the snow-covered Tianshan Mountains in the west. Great architecture of ancient China, the Great Wall is considered one of the wonders of the world civilization. In 1988 the UN designated it one of the

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