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Section D

1. Watch the section.

2. Are these statements true or false?

a) Hoverspeed’s original hovercraft service wasn’t very reliable in winter. b) Hoverspeed’s Seacats are designed to cope with high seas.

c) Sailings of the Seacats have never had to be cancelled because of bad weather. d) The main challenge in the future will be to improve on board services.

e) Hoverspeed transport 2.5 millions cars every year. 3. Complete this extract.

The Straits of Dover … bad weather, and the hovercraft service often … during the winter months when the sea…

4.Now make a sentence to describe an aspect of your suppliers or competitor’s service which you think is poor.

5.What tense does Nick Stevens use to talk about the company’s current and future strategies for continued success?

current strategy:… future strategy: …

Final viewing

1.Watch the whole report again.

2.Which positive and negative adjectives are used in the report to describe these?


Customer service


type of travel experience


jorney time

3.Complete these extracts about a travel company. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.

a)Throughout the 90s the market for our exotic holidays … (grow) steadily; but recently the market … (slow down) because of security fears in many countries, which … (create) problems for companies like ours.

b)Since Easyjet … (launch), our main competitors in Europe … (be) the low cost airlines.

c)We … (see) a bright future for exotic package holidays in the long-term. So we

and we … (include) them in our exciting new brochure for next year.

4.Describe your advantages over your competitors.

Step 1

Work in pairs. Discuss the benefits of using Hoverspeed over Channel Tunnel for: business travellers families with young children


a courier company delivering packages around Continental Europe

Step 2

Present your conclusions using comparatives and the phrases from the box.

much / far + adj. + er … than… much / far more + adj. … than

The main advantage / benefit is that …

Compared with …

The other major / Another important benefits that …

3. Meetings and Presentations

Before you watch

1.Use Business English Dictionary to translate the following words and wordcombinations.

1) an advertising campaign

10) to appeal to

2) customer

11) disposable income

3) to customize

12) income

4) to focus on

13) brand awareness

5) target

14) market share

6) to target

15) customer profile

7) storyboard

16) bar chart

8) a commercial

17) pie chart

9) a player

18) marketing intelligence report

Define the highlighted words and word combinations.

2.Discuss the problem: If you were designing an advertising campaign to attract business customers to a luxury hotel group, what hotel features would you focus on?

First viewing

1.Watch the whole episode.

2.Answer the questions:

1.Have Joanna and Stephanie met before?

2.What kind of changes do Mike and Alex want to make to the TV commercial for Wodehouse Hotels?

3.How does Ed Clark react to their suggestions?

4.What kind of business is Omnitour in?

5.Where is Sonia when she phones the office towards the end of the episode?

Section A

1.Watch the section.

2.Answer the questions:

1.Why did Stephanie arrive late?


2.What is the reason for the meeting between Joanna and Stephanie?

3.How does Stephanie apologize for being late, and how does Joanna reply? Complete the dialogue.

Stephanie: Hello Joanna, …

Joanna: Hello Stephanie, … Good to see you. What is the common way to apologize in your country in personal and in business situations?

4. Ben offers Stephanie and Joanna tea or coffee. What do they say?

Is it normal to offer visitors to your office some refreshment in your country? Which way/What do you offer them?

5.Interpret the expression’’ by the way’’. When do you use this expression?

6.Steve and Caroline are two of Stephanie’s colleagues. They asked Stephanie to say hello to Joanna. How does Stephanie do this? What is Joanna’s reaction?

Section B

1.Watch the section.

2.Are these statements true, false or there is no enough information?

a.Mike and Alex have completely changed the ideas for the TV commercial.

b.They think that the businesswoman was too rich in the first version.

c.Wodehouse Hotels have refurbished all their conference facilities.

d.Ed Clark disagrees with all of Alex and Mike’s changes.

e.Ed Clark wants woman to appear in one of the refurbished bedrooms.

f.Mike and Alex believe that showing a bedroom is not the best way to attract business customers.

g.In the end, Mike and Alex agree to do two scenes, one in the bedroom and one in a conference room.

3.What explanations does Alex give for changing the appearance of the woman? Does Ed agree or disagree with Alex in this point? What does he say?

4.How does Ed react to the second set of pictures? Complete the dialogue.

Mike: …, Ed we’re trying to attract business people, and … that the focus on business facilities will appeal to our target market.

Ed: …, bit I want people to see the beds, the baths, the curtains.

Mike: … the conference facilities are a major part of that refurbishment? Ed: … to see the new bedrooms.

5. What is Ed’s final suggestion and how do Mike and Alex react to it?

Section C

1.Watch the section.

2.In her presentation to Stephanie, Joanna makes these 4 main points. Put them in the right order

Brand awareness of Omnitour has increased this year because of the advertising campaign.

Younger professionals with high disposable incomes should be the target for the next campaign.

Omnitor’s market share of flexible holiday packages has increased. The majority of Omnitour’s customers are older people.


3.Joanna gives an informal presentation to Stephanie reviewing the results of the advertising campaign that Bluestream ran for Omnitour.

Complete the extracts to show phrases Joanna uses in her presentation.

Match the extracts with the presentation’s points:


… how the latest campaign has been

a. Introduce the third part of the


presentation about customer profile

2. ... how your market share has increased

b. Start the presentation

3. … how our ad campaign has contributed

c. Give her recommendations for the

to Omnitour’s success

next advertising campaign


…, brand awareness of Omnitour tailed

d. Move to the second part of her

off towards the end of last year



Now, …

e. Direct attention to the graph about



brand awareness


And it’s this …

f. Introduce the first part of her




4.What is the name of the technique Joanna uses to introduce the third part of her presentation? What effect does it have?

5.Find words or phrases in Joanna’s presentation which mean:

1)to go up

2)to succeed

3)to go down

4)to reach the highest point

5)to remain at the same level.

Section D

1.Watch the section.

2.Complete these sentences

1.Sonia is at…

2.Her flight was diverted due to…

3.Sonia asks Ben to:



4.Emma invites Ben …

5.Ben declines Emma’s invitation because …

Final Viewing

1.Watch the whole episode again

2.Match words to form compound nouns connected with marketing and advertising.














3. Look at graphs and charts from Joanna’s presentation, prepare and give a similar presentation.

Here are some words and phrases to help you to comment graph, bar chart and pie chart.

1) remain constant

2) reach a peak

3) level out

4) go up

5) tail off

6) curve

7) horizontal axis

8) rise

9) fluctuate

10) level off

11) fall

12) increase

13) vertical axis

14) drop

15) decrease

16) reach a low point

17) go down

18) remain stable

4. Trade and ethics


Before you watch

1. Translate the following words.

1) trade

8) retailer


15) benefit

2) item

9) shipper


16) to aid

3) to influence

10) roaster


17) a government body

4) package

11) distribution

18) to promote

5) additive

12) taxes


19) issue

6) value

13) wholesaler

20) to be involved in such

7) passer(s)

14) ripener



2. coffee




Look at the food items above.

a.Where do you buy them?

b.About how much do you pay for them?

c.Do you know which countries these products come from?

d.What’s the standard of living in these countries?

3.Which of these factors influence you when choosing what to buy?

brand name

cosmetic appearance-color, shape attractive packaging

quality / freshness organically grown free from additives price

country of origin

ethical reputation of the producer

4.Work in groups. Look at the diagrams and discuss who gets which proportion on the final price of these products.



10 %


10 %




55 %




25 %


5 %


4 %



11 %



9 %


17 %


5 %


15 %



34 %


36,8 %


34,1 %




10,4 %




3,9 %


14,8 %






shippers and roasters

distribution & retail, international transport, export costs,

import licences, producer, taxes,

wholesalers & ripeners

tax supermarket brand farmers

overheads & other ingredients

Who benefits most / least?

Why is the distribution of income as it is? 5. What is “Fair Trade”? Give your predictions.

Fair trade

First viewing

1.Watch the whole report.

2.What is the Fair Trade? Tick the correct statements.

Aid money from governments in developed countries to improve farming in developing countries.

An alternative way of trading between rich industrialized countries& poor producers in the developing world.

Financial support from big companies to help producers in poor countries.


A trading partnership between producers in developing countries & companies in the developed world.

A way of trading which gives producers in developing countries a faired deal.

3. What is the Fair Trade Foundation?

a government body to administer aid for farmers in developing countries.

an organization responsible for certifying & labeling products which meet the criteria for the Fair Trade.

an international organization set up by big business to promote better working conditions in pooper countries.

4.What is the connection between Oxfam & Fair Trade?

5.Does Fair Trade exist in your country? What do people think of inequality in trade?

Section A

1.Watch the section.

2.Who have been the winners & losers in the growth of global trade? Give your


consumers in industrialized countries

poor farmers & producers in the developing world big companies in the developing world

3.What are the 2 main aims of Fair Trade?

a)pay producers …

b)help producers to develop …

4.Which way does Fair Trade help the producers they work with? Comment your choice.

improving social conditions in the local community accessing the right markets for their products negotiating better pay & working conditions meeting quality standards for particular products reducing environment damage

developing the right organizational structure for their business setting up quality control procedures

5.Where can you buy Fair Trade products in the UK? Are there any Fait Trade stores in your country?

6.The narrator explains 2 main purposes of Fair Trade. How does she introduce them? … Fair Trade … pay poor producers a fair price … help them develop their business so that they can work their way out of poverty.

7.Diana starts her explanation of Fair Trade by giving a definition of the concept in her own words. Complete the extract. Fair Trade … trading in the world trading environment; helping producers to access markets; helping producers to that might be, ….,marginalized or poor…

8.How would you define these concepts?

corporate ethics social responsibility equal opportunities


Section B

1.Watch the section.

2.Are these statements true or false?

a.Oxfam has been interested in Fair Trade for the last 30 years.

b.The first products with the Fair Trade mark came from China & India.

c.Oxfam was responsible for setting up the Fair Trade foundation.

d.Fair Trade labeling organizations only exist in the UK.

e.Oxfam was involved in setting up a successful Fair Trade brand of coffee.

3.Complete the extracts about Oxfam’s role in the development of Fair Trade using these verbs.


start out

be involved






a.Oxfam … for about 30 years in Fait Trade

b.We … by buying products from China from India, bringing them into the UK to sell through our shops network.

c.Since then, our involvement … along; we … establish in this country the

Fair Trade Foundation.

What verb tenses are used in the extract above & why?

Section C

1.Watch the section.

2.Answer the questions.

1.How many UK products carry the Fair Trade mark?

2.What kind of products does she mention as examples of Fair Trade products?

agricultural products industrial products

3.What are the reasons to support Fair Trade?

4.Work in groups. Make a list of reasons why you think these groups would support Fair Trade

Consumers Retailers Producers

5. “Social Responsibility” - What is it for you? What’s mentioned in the report?

Final Viewing

1.Watch the whole report again

2.Complete this paragraph using the Past Simple of Present Perfect.


Oxfam ... (be) one of the early pioneers of Fair Trade more than 40 years ago. Since then, it ... (involve) in every aspect of Fair Trade and, ... (contribute) to its success in the UK. Since its launch in the 1960s, the main objective of Fair Trade ... (be) to help the world’s poorest communities achieve sustainable livelihoods. The programme ...

(have) a huge impact & ... (help) many thousands of poor producers to improve their skills, confidence, business understanding & income.

3. Give your reasons pros & cons Fair Trade.


5. A Business Lunch





Before you watch


1. Translate the words


1) determined

6) departure time

2) resigned

7) arrival time

3) fed up

8) to book

4) annoyed

9) suitcase

5) frustrated

10) reluctant

2.Think of a typical business lunch in your country. What do people usually have for a business lunch? Use the word map.

What are your predictions about a business lunch in GB?

3.What words or phrases could you use during a telephone conversation to:

a)ask someone to speak louder;

b)explain that the quality of the telephone connection is very bad;

c)say that you will try ringing again;

d)ask if that is a better connection;

e)say that it is a better line;

f)ask for the time of the quickest train to London;

g)ask someone to reserve a taxi in advance?

First viewing

1.Watch the whole episode.

2.Answer the questions

1.Will Sonia be able to get back to London for her meeting with Stephanie?

2.What does Ed arrange with Joanna?

3.What are Ed’s eating habits?

Section A






Watch the section.





Choose all words which describe Sonia’s feeling in this episode.





fed up









Complete the information






Departure time of train that Ben recommends to Sonia: …




Departure time which Sonia thinks Ben says…




Departure Station: …






Arrival Station: …






Arrival time: …






Time Ben will book a taxi for Sonia: …



Sonia says: “My suitcase still hasn’t turned up”. What does it mean?

Section B

1.Watch the section.

2.Answer the questions.


1.Where are Joanna and Stephanie planning to have lunch?

2.Why does Ed want to have lunch with Joanna?

3.Which day does Ed suggest for lunch?

3.Put there words of Ed’s in the right order: secretary / get / this / later / fix / my / call / time / you / I’ll / to / week / a / to

Section C

1.Watch the section.

2.Are these statements true, false or there is not enough information?

a.Ed has never heard of the restaurant.

b.It is Mike’s favorite restaurant.

c.Ed’s very impressed with the menu.

d.Ed doesn’t like lamb.

e.Ed decides to choose a vegetable dish.

f.Alex is a vegetarian.

g.As this is a working lunch they drink mineral water.

h.They all order risotto.

i.Mike is the only one to order meat.

3.Answer the questions.

1.Apart from the food, what does Mike like about the restaurant?

2.Ed asks Mike for a recommendation. What does he say?

3.How does Mike describe the roast lamb?

4.Ed explains that he is a vegetarian. What does he say?

5.What other dish does Alex suggest?

6.How does Mike suggest having some wine?

7.After they have ordered, Mike says: “Will anyone have a drop more of this?”

What does he mean?

8.Are many people vegetarians in your country? Is it difficult to eat in restaurants if you are a vegetarian?

Final Viewing

1. Watch the whole episode again.

After you watch

1.Here are some common phrases people might use as a host or guest in a restaurant. Match the phrases with appropriate responses.

1.Can I get you a drink?

2.What do you recommend to start?

3.How do you like your steak?

4.What would you like to drink?

5.Did you enjoy your meal?

6.How about a desert?

7.What are you going to have as a main course?

8.I’d like to get the wine?

9.What’s shepherd’s pie?

10.Thank you very much for the meal. It was quite delicious.


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