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Ex.7. The Psycho-Clinic in London helps people with their problems. Below is an advertisement for the clinic. Complete the sentences using “can, could, was/were able to, ’ll be able to” or their negative forms (sometimes more than one answer is correct).

PSYCHO – CLINIC The answer to your problems

1. Rosemary, Manchester.

Psycho – Clinic is wonderful. My problem was that I … fly. I wa afraid of aeroplanes. As soon as my course was over I … take a flight to the Canary Islands! I had a super holiday. Now I … fly where I like. Next summer I … go to the West Indies. (I … do that every year because I haven’t enough money). I … thank Psycho –

Clinic enough.

2. Bernard, Southampton.

Now at last I … stand up in front of a group of people! From now on my life will be different. I … do my job much better in future. I often have to give talks to sales people at work. I just … avoid it. In the old days I … sleep for a week before a talk. I … hardly do my work. But now I … give a talk without feeling too nervous. Last week I … get a good night’s sleep before talking to a group of twenty people the next day. It’s marvelous!

3. Margaret, Cornwall.

Yesterday someone asked me for my telephone number, and for the first time in my life I … give the number without looking in my book. Before I went to Psycho – Clinic, I always forgot numbers and names. I … remember them at all. Now, thanks to Psycho – Clinic. I … remember much more. If I see someone in the street tomorrow, I won’t need to hide – I … stop and say hello to them.

4. Eugene, Maryland, USA.

I didn’t like crowds of people. I … go to the theatre or the cinema. I love horse racing, and I … go to the races. But the people at Psycho – Clinic … stop me feeling afraid. Now I … do all those things. Yesterday I … stand in a crowd at a baseball game. I lead a normal life now. There’s an interesting show at the local theatre next week, and I … see it.

Activity Imagine that you were once a very shy person. You didn’t like meeting people and talking to them. Then you went to Psycho – Clinic. Write a few sentences about what the clinic has done for you.

Expressing Impossibility and Disbelief (can/could; can’t/couldn’t).

In questions: Неужели (разве)

Can (could) it be Jane? Неужели это Джейн?

Can (could) he be living in Vienna? Неужели (разве) он живёт в Вене? Can’t/couldn’t often express the idea of impossibility. (Не может быть) It can’t/couldn’t be so. Не может этого быть.

He can’t/couldn’t be so stubborn. Не может быть, чтобы он был таким упрямым.

Ex.8. Put in “can’t/couldn’t” as in the example.


Example: I’m sure you’re not serious. You can’t/couldn’t be serious.

1. I know she isn’t at home. 2. I know that isn’t Janet. 3. I am sure she isn’t stupid. 4. I’m certain they don’t make a lot of money. 5. I’m sure he’s not a teacher. 6. I know that it’s not true. 7. I am sure he hasn’t got another woman: he keeps coming home early. 8. I’m sure she’s not thirty yet. 9. I am sure it’s not ten o’clock. 10. I know she isn’t Mary’s sister. 11. He’s probably not very well even now. 12. They’re probably not in. 13. If you live near Coventry, you aren’t very far from Birmingham. 10. I’m sure he’s not feeling very well. 15. He says he knows five foreign languages but I don’t believe him.

Ex.9. Write comments with “can/could” in questions as in the example.

Example: There’s the doorbell. But it’s too early for Roger. Can it be Roger? It’s too early for him.

1. Jane always walks past me without speaking. 2. The dresses she buys are very expensive. 3. I always leave my umbrella in restaurants. 4. Don passes exams without studying for them. 5. She knows everything about our plans. 6. Fiona does the opposite of what I ask her to do. 7. She is always losing her gloves! 8. Ted isn’t at work now. 9. Carol knows a lot about films. 10. It’s a very difficult situation. 11. Look! Jack is painting on his hat and coat. 12. I always leave my bike outside the house.

Ex.10. Translate into English.

1. Неужели он живёт в таком старом доме? 2. Не может быть, что он работает в этом офисе. 3. Не может быть, что она сейчас работает там. 4. Неужели они работают над проектом с утра до вечера. 5. Неужели он хороший музыкант? 6. Неужели театр вмещает 10000 зрителей? 7. Не может быть, что он нечестный человек. 8. Неужели Джейн такая эгоистка? 9. Он не может быть таким наивным, это не похоже на него. 10. Не может быть, что они до сих пор стоят в очереди за билетами. 11. Неужели полиция не может поймать этого преступника? 12. Не может быть, что вы не помогаете своим родителям. 13. Неужели они до сих пор ждут ответа? 14. Не может быть, что он ставит этот фильм на основе её романа. 15. Разве она шьёт себе платья сама?

May = to be allowed to

You may go = You are allowed to go.




You will be allowed to go.




You were allowed to go.


















May we sit here?


May is rather formal. People of



No, you may not.


different age groups and people who





perform services, such as waiters or




May I help you?

salespeople, often use it.



Yes, I’d like a beer.




Could I use your pencil?

Could appears in formal or informal



Yes, you can.

requests for permission, but not




normally in answers.



Can I take this chair?

Can is the least formal. It appears in



Sure. Help yourself.

questions and answers.

The following expressions, which do not contain modals, are very common both in responding to a request for action and in giving permission:

Question: May I sit here? Response:

More formal Of course. Certainly. Surely.

I’m sorry, but … (my friend is sitting here).

Less formal

Sure. You bet. Okay. No problem.


Sorry. No way. (very informal)

Ex.1. Ask your teacher if you may:

1.… come a bit late for next class.

2.… fetch a piece of chalk.

3.… go to the lab and fetch some tapes.

4.… take tapes back to the lab.

5.… miss the classes.

6.… open the window and air the room.

7.… leave the class before the bell goes.

8.… read a mystery for your home reading.

9.… shut the window if you are cold.

10.… change places with somebody.

Ex.2. a) Make up short dialogues as shown, making use of the cue words.

Example: Ann: Mom, may I watch TV show?

Mother: No, you can’t.

Ann: Why?

Mother: Because father is sleeping.



1. listen to the radio

your little sister is sleeping

2. go for a walk

we have so much work

3. invite my friends to our house

I’m ill

4. read a book

you haven’t finished your work

5. stay up as late as 11 o’clock

it’s too late for you






6. switch off the light


it’s dark in the room

7. stay indoors


it’s rather cold to walk

8. buy an ice-cream


you have a sore throat

9. play chess with my father


it’s time to go to bed

b) Ask for permission to do something, using “may not/can’t” and the cue words.

Example: have an ice-cream – have a sore throat – a glass of Lemonade.

-May I have an ice – cream, Mom? I’m very thirsty.

-No, you may not/can’t. You had a sore throat a week ago. I think you may have a glass of lemonade. It won’t do you any harm.

Cue words:

1.have a cup of coffee – be too strong – a glass of tea

2.a mutton chop – be too heavy – a beefsteak

3.have another helping of the pie – have enough – a glass of juice

4.write in pencil – be an official letter – write in ink

5.go to the beach – be too cold – go to the cinema

6.buy a car – be too expensive – buy a cycle

7.invite my friends to our house – too noisy – meet them in the club

8.borrow (take) your blue dress – my favourite – the blue blouse

Ex.3. In pairs, ask for permission and respond using the following cues. Pay attention to the relationship between the speakers when you ask for permission.


1.(two strangers in a cafeteria)

sit down/no/someone else is sitting there

S1: May I sit here?

S2: I’m sorry, but someone else is sitting there.

2. (two friends)

S1: Can/could I borrow $5 from you? S2: Sure.

1.(customer and a shop assistant) have a red jacket/no/it’s sold

2.(young man applying for a job, speaking to the manager) get a job in your office/yes

3.(two strangers in a supermarket)

go ahead of you in line/no/I’m in a hurry

4.(teenager and parent) borrow the car tonight/no

5.(daughter and mother)

take your necklace/no/I am going to the party tonight


6. (two friends)

copy your notes from geography class/yes

7.(two professional people who meet at a conference) have your business card/no/I don’t have any right now

8.(two students)

lend a grammar book/yes

9.(two strangers in the post office) borrow pen/no/it’s broken

10.(student and professor)

visit you in your office hours/no/I’m busy today

11.(student and professor)

borrow calculator/yes

12.(two sisters or brothers) lend your library card/yes

2) “Might” is used

a)in reported speech according to the sequence of tenses (правило согласования времён)

He said I might get the book.

b)in conditionals (“бы”)

If you tried, you might get the book. Если бы вы постарались, вы могли бы достать эту книгу.

The past form of “may” is “was/were allowed to”.

When I was 18, I was allowed to borrow my parents’ car whenever I wanted to. The future form of “may” is “will be allowed to”.

They’ll be allowed to attend the party.

3) “May/might” can express the idea of “maybe”, “perhaps” or “it’s possible” in affirmative sentences. The speaker isn’t sure if the action is true.

He may/might have enough money to pay the bill (but I’m not sure).

Where is Mary? – She may/might be working in the garden.

Ex.4. Rephrase the sentences with “may” or “might”.

Example: It is possible that Ali will open a savings account.

Ali may/might open a savings account.

1.It is possible that he will sell his car.

2.Perhaps Michael will take exams tomorrow.

3.Ali has the opportunity to buy a motorbike.

4.Maybe Jane will look for a job.

5.It is possible that Tom will try working in a bank.

6.He has a chance to sell his house.

7.It is possible that she knows his address.

8.Perhaps he will return in May.

9.It is possible that it will rain tomorrow.

10.It is possible he is a good singer.


11.Perhaps he is in the library.

12.May be she is playing volleyball now.

13.It is possible that he knows English well.

14.Maybe she is looking for a job.

15.Perhaps they are driving a car.

Ex.5. Translate using may/might.

1. Он, может быть, зайдёт ко мне сегодня вечером. 2. Возможно, они знают об этом. 3. Товары, может быть, прибудут раньше, чем вы ожидали. 4. Этот дом, возможно, снесут на следующей неделе. 5. Может быть, Майк играет в теннис сейчас. 6. Секретарь, возможно, сообщит шефу о вашем приходе. 7. Она, возможно, получает письма от него. 8. Может быть, вы получите эту посылку позднее. 9. Возможно, завод обанкротится. 10. Возможно, банки поднимут процентные ставки. 11. Возможно, в этом регионе откроется новая компания. 12. Возможно, рейс будет задержан. 13. Может быть, они продадут свои акции. 14. Возможно, будет дождь, но я не уверен. 15. Возможно, на Ближнем Востоке возникнут проблемы.

Ex.6. Make three sentences about things you or your friends are hoping or planning to do using “may/might”.

Ex.7. Fill the spaces by inserting “can/could” or “may/might” (or the negative forms).

1. Students … bring textbooks into the examination room. 2. … you stand on your head? – I … when I was at school but I … now. 3. … I smoke here? – No, you … . Smoking is not allowed. 4. … you type? – Yes, I … type but I … do shorthand. 5. … I come in? – Please do. 6. I … remember the address. – … you even remember the street? 7. He … answer the teacher’s questions yesterday, but he … answer the same questions today. 8. … I come and see you this evening? – Of course you … . 9. When I first went to Spain I … read Spanish but I … speak it. 10. He said that we … use his flat whenever we liked. 11. There was a lot of noise in the street last night, and I … sleep. 12. … I borrow your umbrella? 13. I … walk ten miles a day when I was a young man, but now I … . 14. It’s very cold. … I shut the windows? 15. Children … read this letter easily as it is printed.

Ex.8. Translate into English using “can/could” “may/might” or their equivalents in the correct tense form.

1. Мне бы хотелось уметь играть в шахматы. 2. Передайте соль, пожалуйста. 3. Вам разрешат присутствовать на собрании? 4. Джон, ты одолжишь мне 5 долларов? 5. Я смогу увидеть его, когда он вернётся? 6. Вы можете взять эту книгу, я её уже прочитал. 7. Детям не разрешили играть на компьютере, так как было уже поздно. 8. Он не может говорить ни по-немецки, ни по-английски. 9. Я надеюсь, что смогу перевести эту статью. 10. Он сказал мне, что я могу


приходить сюда в любое время. 11. Она, возможно, приедет завтра, но я точно не знаю. 12. Неужели она приедет завтра? 13. Не может быть, что она приедет завтра. 14. Эта книга, возможно, покажется вам скучной, но я думаю, вы сможете понять основную мысль романа. 15. Можно мне курить здесь? – Извините, нет! 16. Я не смог найти этот журнал в библиотеке. 17. Вам разрешат пойти туда, при условии, что вы никому не скажете об этом. 18. Можно я сяду рядом с вами? – Да, пожалуйста (Извините, но здесь сидит мой друг, он скоро придёт).

Must = to have to

I must stay at home = I have to stay at home today.

I shall (will) have to stay at home tomorrow I had to stay at home yesterday.


1. We use both “must” and “have to” to express obligation or necessity, but there is sometimes a difference between them:

We normally use “must”.

We normally use “have to”.

When the authority comes from the

When the authority comes from outside


the speaker.

You must be home by 10 o’clock (I

I have to be home by 10 o’clock (my


parents insist).

You must drive carefully (I insist).

You have to drive on the left in Britain


(that is the law).

Note In questions and negatives with “have to”, “had to” we use “do/does” in the present simple and “did” in the past simple.

What time do you have to start work?

We don’t have to hurry. We’ve got plenty of time.

Did you have to walk home last night? Have got to is more informal.

I’ve got to hurry.

Have you got to go?

We normally use “have to”, not “have got to”, for things that happen repeatedly.

I always have to work late on Wednesday

I’ve got to work late this evening.



Do you often have to get up early?

Have you got to get up early tomorrow?

We use “got” mostly in the present. To talk about the past, we normally use “had to”. I had to work late last night. (Not: I had got to …)

Ex.1. a) Mrs. Woods isn’t very well. The doctor is speaking to her. Translate into English what the doctor says using “must” and the verbs “drink, take, stay, continue”.


Доктор: Так, Mrs. Woods, у вас немного повышена температура, поэтому вы должны оставаться в постели в течение нескольких дней. Вы можете есть всё, что хотите, но вам нужно пить как можно больше жидкости. Я вам выпишу лекарство. Вы должны принимать его три раза в день после еды. Вам необходимо продолжать принимать его в последующие десять дней.

b) Now Mrs. Woods is explaining the doctor’s instructions to Mr. Woods. Translate into English what Mrs. Woods says using “have to” and the verbs “drink, take, stay, continue”.

Mrs. Woods Врач прописал мне лекарство. Мне надо принимать его три раза в день после еды. Необходимо принимать его в течение 10 дней. Мне нельзя вставать сейчас. Я должна оставаться в постели несколько дней. Да, ещё он сказал, что мне можно есть всё что угодно, но надо пить как можно больше жидкости.

2. We use “mustn’t” when there is an obligation not to do something and use “don’t have to” when it is not necessary to do something.

Compare: You mustn’t get up today (= Do not get up).

I don’t have to get up today (= It is not necessary to get up)

We can also use “don’t need to, haven’t got to” or “needn’t” to say that it is not necessary to do something.

I don’t need to get up early = I needn’t get up early.

I haven’t got to get up today.

Note that we often use “needn’t” when the speaker gives someone permission not to do something.

You needn’t pay me back the money you owe me until next week (= I give you permission not to pay me back the money until then).

Ex.2. Choose the correct form.

1. You’ve been late for work twice this week. You mustn’t/needn’t be late again. 2. You mustn’t/don’t have to open the door before the train stops. You could fall out. 3. We mustn’t/don’t have to hurry. The train leaves platform 5 in an hour. 4. We mustn’t/haven’t got to make any noise going into the house. It is very late and everybody is asleep. 5. You mustn’t/needn’t tell Nicki about the party. I’ve already told her. 6. You mustn’t/don’t need to phone the station about the time of the trains. I’ve got a timetable. 7. I mustn’t/haven’t got to go now I can stay a bit longer if you want me to. 8. You mustn’t/needn’t wait any longer. He won’t come as he has a lot of work to do. 9. We needn’t/don’t have to do the washing up now. We can do it tomorrow. 10. Campers mustn’t/needn’t play music after 11 p.m. 11. Students don’t have to/mustn’t ask permission to stay out after midnight. 12. Bicycles must not/don’t have to be parked in the front courtyard. 13. Passengers mustn’t/don’t have to lean out of the windows. 14. You don’t have to/mustn’t pay for your tickets now. 15. You don’t have to/needn’t knock before you come into my room.


Ex.3. Translate the dialogue into English using “must, mustn’t, needn’t”.

Henry: Мы устраиваем вечеринку в нашем загородном доме завтра. Она начинается в 4. Ты придёшь, Мэри?

Mary: Спасибо, Генри. Мне бы хотелось пойти, но у меня занятия в колледже. Нужно быть ровно в 4?

Henry: О, нет, нет необходимости приходить в 4, но не надо опаздывать, а то весь торт съедят.

Mary: Но мне надо сходить переодеться, я хочу надеть новое платье.

Henry: Незачем это делать. Это платье, в котором ты сейчас, очень красивое. Mary: Нет, я должна быть в новом, в этом меня все видели. Да не стоит беспокоиться. Я опоздаю совсем чуть-чуть, буду в 16.30.

Henry: Ну, хорошо. Ты должна быть неотразимой, только не стоит употреблять слишком много косметики.

Mary: Генри, не будь таким занудой. Я была на море и загорела. Henry: Не будем ссориться, Мэри. Пока.

Mary: Пока, Генри.

Ex.4. Change the following sentences into the Past and Future.

Example: You must switch on the radio.

You had to switch on the radio.

You’ll have lo switch on the radio.

1.She must do the exercise again.

2.While Mother is absent I must cook our dinner.

3.We must take the 8.30 train to arrive in time.

4.You must always come in time to classes.

5.He must revise all the rules before writing the test.

6.I must go to the laboratory after classes.

7.We must discuss this question with the group leader.

8.He must write an account of his work.

9.You must write a business letter on one side of the paper only.

10.Everyone must leave hats and coats in the cloakroom.

Ex.5. Rewrite the sentences in the interrogative and negative form.

Example: He has to revise the whole material.

Does he have to revise the whole material?

He doesn’t have to revise the whole material.

1.She has to do these exercises again.

2.We had to work hard to learn how to solve such problems.

3.He’ll have to answer her letter without any delay.

4.You have to speak louder to make yourself heard.

5.They had to repeat their experiment.

6.I’ll have to work from morning till night to earn my living.

7.She’ll have to give a talk at the next seminar.


8.We had to change the plan for the experiment.

9.We’ll have to put it off till next time.

10.She has to stay at home today.

Ex.6. Translate the sentences into English using must or its equivalents.

1. Вам нужно взять такси, если хотите успеть на поезд. 2. Дети не должны играть со спичками. 3. Мы должны поговорить об этом завтра. 4. В то утро я должен был зайти в банк и поэтому я опоздал на работу. 5. Ему не надо было вставать рано, у него были каникулы. 6. Вы должны сойти на следующей остановке. 7. Они обязаны помочь вам в этой ситуации. 8. Им пришлось долго ждать поезда? 9. Вы не должны говорить по-русски на уроках английского языка. 10. Нам пришлось остаться дома вчера, так как шёл сильный дождь. 11. Им не надо приходить сюда каждый день. 12. Студенты должны будут остаться после уроков. 13. Нам нужно подготовить доклады к следующему занятию? – Да. 14. Когда он должен будет ответить на все письма? 15. Где нам нужно встретиться?

3) Expressing Probability (Assumptions or Deductions)





John walks five miles a day. He

Must expresses the same idea as


must enjoy walking.


Must Not

He must not have enough money to

Must does not appear in


ride the bus.

questions about probabilities.

Note We use “must” (not “may”) in the meaning of probability, because the speaker is sure of what he is speaking about.

Ex.7. Change the sentences using “must” as in the model.

Model Probably he knows about it. He must know about it.

1. He probably does his work on Sundays. 2. The text is probably very difficult as he cannot translate it without a dictionary. 3. They probably come home late, I can’t speak to them as I am asleep. 4. You probably walk very fast if you reach the station so quickly. 5. He is probably a good student because his paper is excellent. 6. Probably he knows English very well because there are no mistakes in his composition. 7. Probably the steamer arrives tomorrow morning. 8. Probably prices on the stock market are falling. 9. Probably his bank is bankrupt. 10. Probably his investments are doing extremely well. 11. Probably his wife is looking for job. 12. Probably they will wait for a while before they open a savings account. 13. Probably Ali’s father won’t visit Ali this year. 14. Probably he needs money. 15. Probably she will break up with her boyfriend.

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