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Good verbal and written English skills, good communication and presentation skills in front of small and large audiences of technical people are essential. Ability to quickly obtain good understanding of the technical and commercial environment of business software development. Ability to generate crisply articulated communications to software developers and technical management. A natural team player with successful inter-personal skills and customer relations experience.

Ex. 21. Describe the profession of a salesperson (a human resources manager, a secretary, a fashion model) according to the plan below.

1.Job description (full / part time, temporary / permanent, salary, location, special features)

2.Essential requirements for professional qualities

3.Necessary skills

4.Personal qualities required.


interview – собеседование application – заявление

datum (data pl.) – сведение, данное signature – подпись

to fill in – заполнить

salary, earning – зарплата, заработок requirement – требование

essential – существенный to include – включить

to exclude – исключить announcement – объявление to employ – нанимать

to state – утверждать

to complete – завершить permanent – постоянный temporary – временный flexible – гибкий

compulsory (education) – обязательное (образование) optional – необязательный, факультативный

extracurricular – дополнительный, внешкольный, внеклассный to meet requirements – отвечать требованиям

to provide (with) – обеспечивать, снабжать, предоставлять



Ex. 1. Read the text, translate and answer the questions.

Meet Harry Smith

Harry George Smith is an assistant manager. He works for Rob and Bob Co. The company is very large and it does business in the sphere of retailing.

Every day Harry wakes exactly at a quarter to seven. He never sets the alarm because there is no need to. He pulls on his heavy track suit, puts on a pair of woolen socks and thick, gum-soled tennis shoes and goes out of the apartment. Usually Harry runs half an hour a day in the park, which is located near his house. After jogging around the track he does some exercises and returns home.

Harry takes a shower changing water from hot to ice-cold and towels himself off. Then he squeezes orange juice and makes coffee. Harry keeps himself hard so he eats a little munching some toast instead of traditional sandwiches, porridge and eggs. He always dresses in a dark business suit. Harry’s working day starts at 9 a.m. but he comes to the store earlier.

His office is neat, with two desks, the second for Miss Wells, his secretary. There are documents and magazines on the wide shelves and in the bookcases, computers on the desks and some arm-chairs. Harry looks through the mail making notes in his desk pad. He studies magazines in details because he combs the information there for ideas for various departments of the store. In the morning Harry speaks over the phone making contacts with partners and customers, making appointments or asking for some information. He meets with employees and clients and solves their problems. At 11 a.m. Harry makes his first round of the store for the day walking slowly, noticing everything. Later, back in his office Harry dictates memos to the appropriate department head that the ventilation in the tearoom is not sufficient, that shoes aren’t arranged neatly and that information bureau is not open.

Harry has his lunch at 1 p.m. Usually he has potato salad, chicken, fried potato and tea. He hates fizzy drinks. Sometimes he orders a white coffee with cakes for dessert.

After lunch Harry meets with customers. They come to the company to discuss some business matters like prices, terms of payment, shipment and delivery, as the company works both like a retailer and a wholesaler. He speaks with specialists discussing marketing strategy and organizing demonstrations of new goods and fashion shows. Harry plans advertising actions and annual sales. Sometimes he travels abroad to visit exhibitions, fashion shows and to study the latest models of goods.

Harry is a busy man. Harry’s secretary, Kate Wells, helps him manage with his daily routine. She works on a computer, translates regular letters and catalogues, receives and sends faxes, e-mail and letters. She also looks through


the mail, meets clients, makes appointments. Kate does all filing procedures and takes short-hand dictations when it is necessary.

At 6 p.m. Harry can go home. He says good-bye to Kate Wells. Usually he comes home and spends evenings with his parents and younger brother. Then he watches TV, trains his dog or learns the Chinese language. He likes Chinese very much. Harry thinks he will cooperate with some Chinese companies in the nearest future. He has Chinese lessons on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. But when Harry has his spare time he likes meeting with his friends, playing basketball or riding his motorcycle. He always has a lot of things to do and he wishes a day would never come to an end.

Ex. 2. Look at Harry’s note to his secretary and say that she has already done his assignment.


Model: - Meet clients!

- Kate has met clients.

Dear Miss Kate, please, do the following:

1.Meet Mr. Henry Lane and

2.Show him our catalogues and quotations

3.Don’t give him our price list, it’s out-of-date

4.Phone bank manager

5.Go to the Quality Control Department and

6.Remind of tomorrow visit to the Toys Factory

7.Translate Mr. Brown’s letter

8.Don’t send the letters to Japan because I need to change them.

Thank you, Harry.

Ex. 3. Match the signs on the left with the places listed on the right.


Don’t smoke!

a) outside a private car park



b) in a supermarket


Don’t park here

c) in a museum


Pay here

d) on a door


Follow me, please!

e) in a school


Don’t touch!

f) during an excursion

Ex. 4. Put the phrases into order. Use appropriate forms of the verbs (Present Perfect, Present Simple or Present Continuous?). Read and translate the dialogue.

1.Secretary: Orient Manufacturing, may I help you?

2.Miller: I’d like to, but I (to leave) for New York tomorrow and I (to go to visit) some plants outside London today in the evening.


3.Henn: It (to be) good hearing from you, Mr. Miller. I (to be) afraid I (to have) a meeting this afternoon. But I (to have got) an idea. I would like to invite you to our company’s black tie event tomorrow. Would you like to come?

4.Secretary: One minute, please, I’ll put you through.

5.Miller: Yes, please. This (to be) Peter Miller from Easy Foods Co calling for Ron Henn.

6.Henn: Then would you like to join me for dinner tonight?

7.Miller: Thank you, Miss.

8.Henn: Ron Henn (to be) here.

9.Miller: With pleasure. Thank you.

10.Miller: Good morning. This (to be) Peter Miller from Easy Foods Co. I (to call) you regarding your trip to New York. Could we set up a time to meet? I would like to schedule an appointment with you this afternoon.

11.Henn: Thank you for calling.

Ex. 5. Find equivalents from the above dialogue.

1. Я хотел бы запланировать встречу с вами сегодня во второй половине дня. 2. Тогда не хотели бы вы поужинать со мной сегодня вечером? 3. Я звоню относительно вашей поездки в Нью-Йорк. 4. Я соединю вас. 5. Я бы хотел пригласить вас на мероприятие "при галстуках" в нашей компании, которое состоится завтра.

Ex. 6. Translate the sentences using Present Perfect.

1. Господин Миллер посетил Лондон в первый раз. Он только что осмотрел заводы компании за городом. 2. Вы когда-либо встречались с Роном Хенном? 3. Мы уже запланировали встречу с менеджером компании. 4. Это самое интересное мероприятие "при галстуках", которое я когда-либо посещал. 5. Вы обсудили поездку? 6. Секретарь еще не позвонила в отдел контроля качества. 7. На этой неделе компания организовала демонстрацию новой продукции. 8. Где он недавно ужинал с господином Миллером?

Ex. 7. Give appropriate form of the verb and translate the sentences.

1.My secretary always (to interfere) with questions she (not to understand).

2.We (to meet) at the Company’s black tie event lately. 3. I am afraid, Bob can’t speak, he (to have lunch) now. 4. They (to discuss) Ron’s trip to the USA and now he (to prepare) material to take with. 5. This position (to be) temporary, our engineer (to start) working from January. 6. He (not to set up) time to meet

yet. He (not to know) when Mr. Miller (to arrive). 7. This is the first time my husband (to receive) an enquiry from Easy Foods Co. - … he (to go to call) them to clarify some details? 8. Our assistant manager always (to make) his round of


the store. At the moment he (to examine) the Electric Household Appliances Department. He (not to come) yet.

Ex. 8. Translate the sentences into English. Use Present Simple, Present Continuous or Present Perfect.

1. Когда последний раз ты навещала своих друзей? 2. Я иду на собеседование сегодня. 3. Она стенографирует и печатает быстро. 4. Они уже сотрудничали с этим коммерческим предприятием. 5. Инженеры закончат проект вовремя. 6. Это первый раз, когда переводчики ошиблись. 7. Мы часто проводим семинары по маркетингу. 8. Он улучшил свой английский со времени командировки в США. 9. Наша фирма намеревается рекламировать товары, проводить конкурсы и распродажи. 10. Эти классные специалисты бывали в различных ситуациях. 11. Он не обеспечивает порядок, его дело – принимать сообщения. 12. Сейчас все служащие ходят на курсы делового английского. 13. Вы обучаете составлению программ? 14. Кто отправил почту? 15. Вы сегодня пойдете на конференцию? 16. Это самая большая зарплата, которую я получала.

Ex. 9. Here are some subjects you can use for a small talk with a foreign visitor at first-time meeting. Choose odd ones.

Weather, good news, religion, sports, money, politics, travel, places of interest, prices, entertainment, food, the challenges of learning a foreign language, health, positive comments about one’s host country, nationality / residence, place he / she is from, customs, details about family and children, natural calamities, criminal situation, work.

Ex. 10. Read and act out the dialogue.

Ms. Taniyama: Welcome to our company. I am Ms. Taniyama. Very nice to meet you, Mr. Miller.

Mr. Miller: Nice to meet you, too. Ms. Taniyama: How was your trip? Mr. Miller: Very nice, thank you.

Ms. Taniyama: How do you like this weather?

Mr. Miller: Well, it’s pretty warm, isn’t it?

Ms. Taniyama: Yes, in Japan it gets hot and humid in the summer.

Mr. Miller: Well, New York is no better; it’s like being in a tropical rain forest, only without the trees.

Ms. Taniyama: May I ask what kind of work you do?

Mr. Miller: I’m in retailing sector. And I have come here to discuss some of our proposals.

Ms. Taniyama: That’s good. I also have some ideas for you. Let’s get started.


Ex. 11. Make up a small talk of your own. Predict you are in your Khabarovsk office receiving a foreign visitor. Use the following plan.



3.Where you are from.

4.Nationality / Customs.



Ex. 12. Match the two parts of these statements.


If you want to smoke

a) our driver will pick you up at the hotel


If you learn to speak Chinese well

b) we won’t leave the city


As soon as we leave the office

c) he will visit plants outside the city


When I call you

d) you will go to Beijing without your





Unless we finish our talks

e) you will do it in the free smoke zone


If he orders a bus tour of

f. you won’t receive an enquiry from T&T




When you get up

g) Bob will take us to a very luxurous





As soon as they buy the plant

h) he’ll see a historical part of the city


If he has a spare time

i) I will tell you everything about the tour

10) Unless you improve this model

j) they will start to reconstruct shops

Ex. 13. Find Russian equivalents to the phrases:

1. My watch is fast. 2. My watch is slow.

Мне нужно торопиться. У меня быстрые часы. Я тороплюсь за часами. Мои часы спешат. Я опаздываю за временем. Мои часы опаздывают.

Ex. 14. Choose hour or o’clock when translating.

Ждать два часа, прийти к двум часам, встретиться в три часа, длиться три часа, в сутках 24 часа, с 7 до 8 часов вечера.

Ex. 15. Complete using watch or clock.

By my … , where is your … ? A tower … , a … on his arm, look at the … .

Ex. 16. What time is it?

7-00; 19-00; 8-15; 5-20; 3-25; 4-55; 7-10; 6-35; 9-30; 4-45.


Ex. 17. Translate the following. Put attention to prepositions.

в 8-00; в 9 вечера; утром; завтра вечером; вчера в 18-00; сегодня; через 2 часа; в 1998 году; в субботу; в июне; тринадцатого марта; во вторник 15 декабря 2000 года; через год; в этот момент; на этой неделе; утром в 10 часов; к пятнице; 14.01.2002; зимой; от 10:00 до 19-00; в будние дни с 10:00 до 20-00; на выходных с утра до полудня.

Ex. 18. It is 2:30 p.m. Ask what (where, when, how, with whom…) Paul

Santocs has (already) done.

9.15 a.m.

Meet Sergei Volkov

10 a.m.

Talk to his company’s executives

11 a.m.

Study their proposals

12 noon


1 p.m.


1.45 p.m.

Call to Portland, look through e-mail

2.30 p.m.

Discuss terms of payment and delivery

3.30 p.m.

Visit factories

5 p.m.

Tour of the city

6 p.m.

Visit education institutions

7 p.m.


8 p.m.


Ex. 19. Choose entertainment and home chores from the list below. Say what you like doing and what you suggest doing at weekends.


Eating out

Washing up

Doing shopping


Going to concerts



Listening to music



Visiting museums

Watching television


Watering flowers


Walking the dog



Mending different things

Ex. 20. Speak on the topics.

1)Your weekday.

2)Working day of a businessman.

3)Business visit to another city.

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