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тем, что эта уступка с нашей стороны является достаточным способом решения трудного вопроса Я бы хотел напомнить, что,

согласно условиям контракта, мы можем назначить штраф, если задержка будет превышать оговоренные сроки Мы настаиваем на немедленном устранении дефектов, в противном случае, мы имеем

право отказаться от дефектного оборудования и требовать его замены Вы должны учитывать, что все

транспортные расходы, связанные с заменой будут отнесены на ваш счет Вы предприняли какие-нибудь

шаги, чтобы исправить положение?

Хорошо, я надеюсь, что мы сможем достичь понимания

concession on our part is a satisfactory solution of the difficulty

I’d like to remind you that, according to the Contract we have the right to charge a penalty if the delay exceeds the stipulated time

We insist on eliminating defects without delay otherwise we have the right to reject defective equipment and demand its replacement

You should take into consideration that all the expenses would be charge to your account

Have you taken any steps to improve the situations?

Well, I hope we’ll be able to reach understanding


Wales: Good morning, Mr. Petrov. Glad to see you.

Petrov: Good morning, Mr. Wales. I’d like to discuss your telephone message.

Wales: Well, anything the matter?

Petrov: As you know, under our order you were to deliver 1,000 pieces of item 2Д21 in the fourth quater.

Wales: That’s right.

Petrov: Moreover, during our November meeting you confirmed the original delivery schedule and promised to meet the December deadline. But on the 15th January you informed us that there was some difficulty and that we would probably receive the item only in late January.

Wales: Yes, we reached understanding on that.

Petrov: Your postponement already meant a month’s delay, but we took into account your unforseen complications then. And now you are informing us of a further delay.

Wales: I can only offer my apologies but this further delay can not possibly exceed three weeks.

Petrov: Strictly speaking, we could have applied the penalty clause after your first delay. Wales: I can only hope that taking into account our long mutually satisfactory relations you would not claim agreed and liquidated damages from us.

Petrov: Unfortunately we cannot meet your request. Our clients are suffering heavy losses. We shall charge from you 0,5% of the value of undelivered goods, beginning from January 20.

Wales: Well, if you insist, we’ll have to pay the penalty.

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