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Инновационные процессы в исследовательской и образовательной деятел

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Foundations that make it possible to mechanize the construction of underground parts of buildings, reduce the amount of excavation, minimize the size of trenches and pits are optimal structures in heaving soils. Anchor and pile foundations meet these requirements [3].

Anchors are designed to receive and transmit the pull-out forces to the soil specified by technological factors and soil frost heave forces, as well as by the increase in pile foundations stability. Anchors differ in design and installation features.

Nowadays national and international experience of sheet pile wall fastening by various kinds of steel anchors has been accumulated [4]. The TPKStroy company in St. Petersburg uses “Manta Ray” and “Stingray” steel ground anchors with an ‘armature’ to fasten the sheet piling elements. Being installed the ‘armature’ starts turning round (opening) in the soil with the help of special devices. It is immersed into the soil by a shock and vibration method. The design is effective, but, like other steel anchors, it is subjected to corrosion. Moreover, the attachment unit of steel anchoring elements to the front wall is the design bottleneck. From operating experience it is the place where emergencies often occur. Therefore, up today investigations of concrete anchor design is one of the most optimal research directions. This especially concerns structures in loose and heaving soils.

The paper given considers thin reinforced concrete sheet-pile walls with concrete inclined piles. Thin retaining walls are the best solution to ensure the stability of the soil mass with the inclination to the horizon greater than the natural slope gradient. The strength of sheet-pile wall elements is provided by bending resistance. The stability of sheet-pile walls is provided by uplift resistance and frost heave forces. Inclined piles in the walls function as anchor ties. Reinforced concrete anchor ties have a larger size and rigidity than metal ones. That is why, backfill shift and deformation caused by technological factors and the forces of soil frost heaving have a significant impact on reinforced concrete piles. Inclined pile sagging and backfill chocking-up above the piles can occur when sand mat has not been compacted sufficiently enough, which also involve extra stress in the piles. These negative effects can be compensated by reinforced concrete anchors in the form of inclined plates or consoles.

Inclined anchor plates are arranged outside the wedge of failure. The use of inclined anchor plates (see. Fig. 1), supporting the backfill, can significantly reduce the soil thrust onto the structure and has a retaining action when frost heave forces arise. This creates the conditions for the reduction of materials


consumption of the retaining wall assembly adjusting elements, as well as the depth of pile setting in the soil.

Anchor consoles (see. Fig. 2) have an unloading effect on a retaining wall and increase its stability. A number of widening along the pile bar, functioning in the same way, can be used as anchor consoles.

Pile anchorage in the soil and improvement of its perception of the frost heave forces can be achieved by optimizing the cross-section, in particular, the use of biconical piles [5], [6].

The authors of the paper under discussion carried out a study of the stressstrain state of a thin sheet-pile wall with concrete front elements of the T-sections, united with inclined reinforced concrete piles by a longitudinal beam. The front wall – inclined wall junction was accepted to be hard. The wall functioned under the conditions of soil frost heaving. There were four options of the wall structure considered: without pile anchorage in the soil, with pile anchorage by inclined plates (Fig. 1), with pile anchorage by anchor consoles (Fig. 2, 3).

Fig. 1. Piles with inclined

Fig. 2. Piles with

Fig. 3. Piles with reduced

anchor plate

anchor consoles

anchor consoles

The heaving soil was represented by fine water-saturated sand with a degree of humidity of 0.8 < Sr < 0.95 and dispersion index D > 1. The depth of seasonal freezing was 2.5 m.

The test of the sheet-pile wall stability was performed, and pile stresses were determined according to the four schemes in the LIRA 9.13 program by the finite element method. The calculation was done for the following loads: the proper wall weight; the horizontal soil pressure; the vertical soil pressure on piles; the soil frost heave forces; the stresses preventing a pile from buckling as a


result of its lateral surface friction with melted ground, lying below the calculated depth of freezing; the restraining forces of anchoring elements. The calculation results are shown in the Table.

Loads and forces in sheet wall inclined piles




Pile stability


The maximum



of frost



efforts in piles from the calculated





load combinations

































t х m





Piles without



12.1~ 12.64

















Piles with an



12.1 < 15.4






anchor plate











Piles with












12.1 < 14.6















Piles with re-









duced anchor



12.1 < 13.76















The results of calculations showed that the application of anchors made it possible to reduce the bending moment and shearing force in piles, though the longitudinal force increased. In the scheme with the anchor plate the bending moment was maximal, at the same time the overall picture of the pile work was not efficient. The scheme with reduced consoles, similar to the model of piles with bumps and widening, made it possible to obtain an optimal allocation of forces and avoid putting possible uneven inclusion of anchors into operation.

A lot of other unloading and shielding devices in the form of plates and platforms, as well as backfill reinforcement by flexible and rigid elements improve the work of piles in heaving soils. However, these methods require earthworks and additional element use costs.

On the basis the research done it is possible to draw the conclusion that the best way to improve the work of thin sheet-pile walls with inclined piles in heaving soils is the optimization of anchor pile shape.


1. Цытович Н.А. Механика мерзлых грунтов. – М.: Высшая школа,

1963. – 636 с.


2.Киселев М.Ф. Предупреждение деформаций грунтов от морозного пучения. – Л.: Стройиздат, 1985. – 128 с.

3.Мангушев Р.А., Ершов А.В., Осокин А.И. Современные свайные технологии. – Екатеринбург: Изд-во АСВ, 2010.

4.Левачев С.Н., Халецкий В.С. Анкерные и якорные устройства в гидротехническом строительстве // Вестник МГУ. – 2011. – № 5.

5.Добрынин А.О. Фундаменты из двуконусных свай для транспортного строительства: автореф. дис. … канд. техн. наук. – Тюмень, 2013.

6.Юшков Б.С., Репецкий Д.С., Добрынин А.О. Рекомендации по применению двуконусных свай на пучинистых грунтах транспортных сооружений. – Пермь: Изд-во Перм. нац. исслед. политехн. ун-та, 2013. – 38 с.


A.A. Chegodaev

Perm National Research Polytechnic University


The paper discusses the phenomenon of technology and engineering thinking influence on humans and their social and political life. Consideration of this phenomenon is in line with the modern philosophy of technology. On the example of the power concept the impact of technology on the notions of the humanities and its value for contemporary culture is shown.

Key words: technology, engineering thinking, philosophy of technology.

The phrase “Knowledge is power!” belongs to the philosopher Francis Bacon. This statement contains a hidden "totality" which refers to the ability of knowledge to radically affect the "learner" and change their ideas, thinking, activities and existence.

Totality with which science has undertaken cognition of the world and of man since the beginning of modern times is even more radicalized by technology and technological progress. Technology has become a force to change not only the human being. It changes human thinking and attitude to reality and it is one of the reasons that make technology essential for philosophical reflection.

In their works Ernst and Friedrich Jungers drew attention to the process of leveling or “erosion” of concepts [1]. Following the conclusions of the authors, such concepts as “war”, “people”, “state”, “freedom”, “personality” and “power” etc., no longer express the state of the modern world and the unfolding of historical events, as well as the categories of morality, politics and aesthetics.

The cause of concepts erosion is the development of technology and engineering thinking. Engineering thinking develops in parallel with technology. The logic of this type of thinking in the twentieth century will be applied to the field of social sciences and the humanities as well as in social and political practice.

A result of the development and progress of science and technology has been the emergence of a special type of thinking called “engineering thinking”. It is characterized by high degree of abstraction, which may be designated as “technologization”. This is different, for example, from the philosophical principle of formation and work with the concepts.

To explain it, it is necessary to turn to the example that E. Junger gives. But before that, we should note that this example should not in any way be understood as a metaphor or image, it must be understood as a direct disclosure of this type of abstraction or “technologization”.


Ernst Junger noted that there is a big difference between the ancient iconoclasts and arsonists of churches, on the one hand, and an artilleryman of World War II, to which a high degree of abstraction allows considering Gothic cathedral as an aim point in the zone of the artillery fire.

What is this principle of technologizing as a special type of thinking? It can be considered in the thesis: "Nothing superfluous!"

In order to discover the essence of the concepts erosion, we need to ask what is “superfluous“ for this type of thinking.

The answer to this question may be found in the concept of gestalt introduced by E. Junger. It should be noted that the concept of gestalt in the context of the E. Junger works is read differently from the one introduced by Christian von Ehrenfels. But on the whole, gestalt in the text of E. Junger can be interpreted as some holistic structure that cannot be reduced to the sum of its parts.

Any concepts, as well as phenomena, have their image. It develops as a result of a long historical process of social and cultural development of mankind. Concepts, which the thinking operates by in different historical periods, have additional color or layer due to their evaluation by the generation through the prism of historic and cultural events. In this image you can observe the specifics of understanding by this or that generation of various concepts and ideas. For example, each generation has its own understanding of the concept of freedom, duty, responsibility, virtue, and so on. Therefore, understanding of freedom in the Middle Ages is not equal to the concept of freedom in the XVII or XX centuries. The gradual historical layering of images associated with a particular concept in culture leads to the formation of a gestalt concept, the image structuring all the individual notions, which reflects the cultural universality formed by the historical experience of generations.

The process of leveling or erosion of concepts that is noted by E. Junger should be considered as reontologization of concepts or change of ontological foundation, because changed is not so much the semantic meaning of concepts as the familiar and historically formed gestalt of them. The essence of this process lies in the fact that gestalt ceases to be readable, understandable and meaningful in the context of historical and cultural events.

There is a temptation, when looking at the intellectual history of mankind, to say that a similar process of reontologization has already happened in history, due to it, we can identify focal points of the intellectual history. In each of these points intellect relied on certain lines and ways of understanding the world: mythology, philosophy, religion and science. In this case, technology and technical thinking appear as a natural part of the historical process of development.


But this stand ignores the radical impact of technology on the way of human existence it has had since the seventeenth century. This influence may be described as the pursuit of efficiency.

Furthermore, today the technology has a significant impact on science because without it science is no longer possible. Technology and the engineering thinking are interested in the effectiveness of the results achieved through the solution of practical problems. It is possible to say that they are primarily interested in the use and practical value – these are the main evaluation criteria, for the sake of which they are created [2]. Thus, for technical thinking all that is not useful for a solution, is not essential, but “superfluous”.

As an example, let us consider the technologization process of the power concept. In antiquity, philosophers sought to correlate the typology of power to the requirements of human nature. Thus, the main objective of politics and political activity serves the achievement of social and human good. Such political program where politics serve to a man can be described as humanistic.

The Middle Ages are dominated by the theological approach that asserts the divine nature of power, but it does not lose a humanistic orientation.

In the Renaissance, thinkers, under the influence of the ideas of pantheism and natural philosophy, come close to the technological understanding of power, as is evident on the example of Niccolo Machiavelli. Power begins to be perceived from the perspective of management which meets the criteria of efficiency. This approach allows omitting the morality or anthropological basis of power as not meeting this criterion.

In Modern times foundations of positive science were laid, after which power can no longer be perceived as other than technological, as a factory for the production of power.

In the twentieth century technologization leads to the fact that the power sees and identifies itself with the “governance” that corresponds to the efficiency task. This makes it anonymous and impersonal, allows it to take off the moral, political, social and historical responsibility. A variety of political technologies are in practice reduced to practicing management schemes.

This example illustrates the fixed by E. Junger and F. Junger process of “erosion” and “technologizing” (reontologization through “technical perception”) of the concepts with historically developed “gestalt”.

Friedrich and Ernst Jungers found one of the levels of technology impact on the concepts of the social and humanities sphere and thinking.

Of course, without a more detailed study we cannot claim that the above description is complete and self-sufficient, because it is necessary to answer the


question about the possible impact of technology on the concepts of metaphysics, which can confirm the assumption of E. Junger about a radical impact of the technology on culture, human existence and their thinking.


1.Михайловский А.В. Миф, история, техника [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: http://www.hse.ru/data/2010/05/13/1231331403/Juenger_Technik_ 1.pdf (дата обращения: 18.02.2015).

2.Комаров С.В. Идея современности. Проблемы модернизации общества в зеркале философии // Сб. материалов науч.-практ. конф. – Мурманск: Изд-во МГПУ, 2004. – С. 19–21.

3.Комаров С.В. Различие как событие: возможность мышления // Вестник Перм. ун-та. Сер. Философия. Социология. Психология. – 2012. –

Вып. 2 (10). – С. 18–30.

4.Юнгер Ф. Совершенство техники. – СПб.: Владимир Даль, 2002.

5.Юнгер Э. Рабочий. Господство и гештальт. – СПб.: Наука, 2000.


С.Х. Захраии, М. Абдоллахи

Тегеранский государственный университет, Иран


Рассмотрены вопросы использования кино как наглядного средство обучения. В ходе работы мы четко определили этапы работы с видеоматериалами как источником языковых и не языковых информаций для достижения главной цели процесса преподавания иностранным языкам, формирования коммуникативной компетенции.

Ключевые слова: коммуникативная компетенция, обучения, иностранный язык, культура, цель.

Изменения в общественном сознании в течение веков привели к тому, что стало необходимо переосмыслить основные тенденции образования. В последние годы в исследовательских работах, на конференциях и семинарах много говорится о связи обучения с реальной жизнью и о его практическом направлении. Иными словами, сегодня обучение и образование являются лишь средством, а полученные знания – лишь инструментом. Конечная цель процесса обучения любому предмету сегодня заключается в формировании компетенций, т.е. готовности применять знания на практике.

В любой системе самый главный компонент – это цель, поскольку от поставленной цели зависит выбор всех других элементов данной системы. Этот закон действителен и в процессе обучения иностранным языкам. Цель выбирается в зависимости от потребности и заказа общества. «Цель определяется как потребность, которая удовлетворяется деятельностью как предмет, на который направлена деятельность в качестве непосредственного результата» [1, с. 140].

Специалисты называют разные цели для процесса обучения иностранным языкам. В зависимости от того, на чем мы делаем акцент в процессе обучения, изменяются все элементы процесса обучения иностранным языкам.

Сегодня среди целей процесса обучения иностранным языкам главной считается практическая цель, суть ее заключается во владении речевыми навыками и умениями общаться с носителями языка. В связи с этой целью преподаватель должен выбрать элементы процесса преподавания иностранных языков таким образом, чтобы у студентов в конце процесса обучения сформировалась коммуникативная компетенция. С учетом связи языка и культуры можно сказать, что обучение лишь языковым структурам недостаточно. Поэтому преподаватель должен выбрать учебные материалы таким


образом, чтобы студенты одновременно могли воспринимать как языковую, так и неязыковую информацию. С этой точки зрения кино считается уникальным средством обучения, так как выступает каналом передачи разнородной информации. Но работа с видеоматериалами, как работа с любим другим средством, нуждается в четком планировании.

Специалисты утверждают, что у видеоматериалов имеются многие преимущества по сравнению с другими наглядными средствами обучения. С другой стороны, мы знаем, что использование видеоматериалов на занятиях по иностранному языку – очень сложный вопрос как с точки зрения методики их использования, так и с технической точки зрения. При демонстрации видеоматериала необходимо соблюдать ряд условий: «применяемый видеоматериал должен соответствовать уровню знаний учащихся; наблюдение должно быть организовано таким образом, чтобы все учащиеся могли хорошо видеть демонстрируемый видеоматериал; необходимо четко выделять главное, существенное; детально продумывать пояснения, даваемые в ходе демонстрации видеоматериала; демонстрируемый видеоматериал должен быть согласован с изучаемым учебным материалом, соответствовать изучаемой теме» [2, с. 42].

По мнению известного российского методиста Л.П. Прессмана, можно использовать кино на уроках иностранного языка, если необходимо «подготовить учащихся к восприятию сложного динамичного явления; закрепить, отработать учебную информацию, полученную с помощью кинофильма, телеили радиопередачи; создать проблемную ситуацию, сформулировать познавательную задачу; употребить специфические речевые конструкции (что особенно важно на уроках родного и русского языков в начальной школе и на уроках иностранного языка); изучать произведения искусства» [3, с. 29].

Можно при работе с видеоматериалами выделить три главных этапа:




Первый этап (преддемонстрационный) – это вступительная беседа. Цели данного этапа: мотивировать студентов, настроить их на выполнение задания, превратить студентов в активных участников процесса обучения; устранить возможные трудности восприятия текста и подготовить для успешного выполнения задания. Именно на этом этапе преподаватель дает информацию о фильме, который собирается показать, ставит главные цели, которых должны достичь студенты после просмотра фильма. Препода-