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1. Direct implementation:

The user simply stops using the old system and starts using the new one. The advantage is that you do not have to run two systems at the same time. The disadvantage of this approach is that if the new system does not operate properly, there is nothing to fall back on.

2. Parallel implementation

Running the old system and the new system at the same time, in parallel. When the same results can be gained over time, the new system is put into use and the old one is stopped. One advantage is the possibility of checking new data against old data to catch any errors in processing in the new system. The main disadvantages include the cost of running two systems at the same time and double load on employees.

3. Phased implementation

a) gradually

A phased approach to implementation gradually rolls out new or replacement software to users. As for advantages: Employees are able to handle changes in small increments over time and it is Less risky – it is easy to roll back if something is not functioning correctly or just not working if not implemented throughout the whole company. As for disadvantages: Implementation takes longer and creates the perception of a “never-ending” project.

b) in groups

The organization is divided into small groups and a new system is introduced into each. As a result, the entire organization is moving to a new type of system.

4. Pilot implementation

Part of an organization uses the new system while the rest of it continue to use the old. This localizes problems to the pilot group so support resources can focus on it. However, there can be interface issues where organizational units share data.

  1. What is a machine language, an assembly language? What’s the difference between a compiler and an interpreter?

Machine language is machine code, which consists of 1s and 0s and understandable for computers.

Assembly language is symbolic languages to communicate instructions to the computer, which use different abbreviations and special software to translate them.

A compiler converts the entire program into machine code in one go. An interpreter translates the source code line by line as the program is running.

  1. What is a high-level language? What is a mark-up language? Give examples.

High-level language is programming language, which close to a natural language. Examples: FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, PASCAL, C, C#, Python, Java.

Markup languages used to create web documents. Markup languages use instructions, known as markup tags, to format and link text files. Examples include HTML, XML, VoiceXML.

  1. Describe the stages of programming. (лучше бы проверить)

  1. What do the following people in computing do:

  • an analyst – studies systems in an organization and decides how to computerize them. They analyze requirements and report on options for using information technology.

  • a hardware engineer – supervises and advises the development of devices, conducts their testing

  • a webmaster – a person who administers a Web server.

  • an application programmer – a person who writes applications programs

  • a security specialist – a person who tests the security of networks systems and advises customers how to introduce and maintain security policies including: setting up secure password systems, keeping out hackers, dealing with viruses.

  • help-desk troubleshooter – a person who works as part of a telephone service that helps users solve problems that occur on computer systems.

  1. Describe what personal qualities and technical skills you need to be a good specialist in computing. What should you be ready for? What aspects are the most difficult?

  • Logical reasoning in order to write logically correct code

  • Patience and tenacity to bring projects to a conclusion

  • Self-discipline and accuracy to be a good employee and perform assigned tasks

You need to be ready to spend all your time near the computer and work in a team. It can be difficult to get along with superiors and maintain self-discipline

  1. What is OOP? What advantages does it have?

Object-oriented programming. One of the principal motivations for using OOP is to handle multimedia applications in which such diverse data types as sound and video can be packaged together into executable modules. Another is writing program code that's more intuitive and reusable; in other words, code that shortens program-development time.

  1. What are the three key features of OOP?

  • Encapsulation - bundling data and program instructions into modules called 'objects'. Each time a user selects an object, instructions inside the object are executed with whatever properties or data the object holds, to get to the next step.

  • Inheritance. This allows OOP developers to define one class of objects and a specific instance of this class. Thus, all properties of class are automatically inherited by instance of this class.

  • Polymorphism. This means that different objects can receive the same instructions but deal with them in different ways.

  1. What is AI? What is Machine Learning? What is Data Mining?

AI a machine learning technique that teaches computers to do what comes naturally to humans: learn by example.

Machine learning automates analytical model building. It uses methods from neural networks, statistics, operations research and physics to find hidden insights in data without explicitly being programmed for where to look or what to conclude. There are primarily three types of machine learning: Supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement Learning.

Data mining is simply filtering through large amounts of raw data for useful information that gives businesses a competitive edge.

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