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structures that are the result of the historical development of the humankind, representing a "collective unconscious". It is embodied in dreams and myths, fairy tales, acts as a source material for fiction and art.

Archival science – a complex discipline that studies the history and organization, theory and practice of archives and the field of accounting, description and preservation of documents, scientific organization of labor and the economics of archival affairs.

Arhippa – tribe, entered the Saka Association. Area (Latin area-land, space) – the Territory of the earth's surface, which is inhabited by certain species of animals and plants.

Area – the main administrative-territorial unit in a number of states in the past and present.

Area (cultural) – a geographical area, the inhabitants of which are characterized by a common culture or cultural pattern.

Art – is a distinctive form of social consciousness and activity, the image of truth transmitted through the artistic personality, the most important way of aesthetic development of the world.

Article (scientific) – a scientific work of small volume (up to 8-10 pages of typewritten text).

Assimilation – the formation of a new community as a result of the loss by two or more ethnic groups, peoples of own values (sometimes religious), orientations, cultural, ethnic, linguistic identity, traditional forms of activity.

Atameken – utyatskaya generic communal territory. The village is a system of settlement of nomads.

Attribute – an essential feature, necessary, integral property of the object. In sociology, it is an objective trait belonging to individuals or social categories, or a characteristic of the state of their consciousness. Attributes are, for example, the amount of income, level of education, profession, as well as self-assessment of one's own social position, life values and aspirations; a certain attitude to the surrounding reality as a whole.

Aul – a traditional settlement, camp, community of nomads and semi-nomads. Author – the creator of books, articles, theses, etc. as a written product describing any activity. It is usually a theoretical scientist, or an experimenter, or a

practitioner describing his or her experience.

Avunculocal (residence) – located at or centered around the residence of the husband's maternal uncle.

– B –

Bab – is the title of the clergy of the Islamic religion. Baba – great – grandfather, son-Ata.

Bai – is a wealthy social group in the traditional Kazakh society.

Batyr – Hero honorary title, which is assigned to the hero, proficient in martial arts, the famed courage of augurey.

Base of research – institution, a group of people who are included in this study and constitute a source of research (empirical) material.


Bedel – is a worthy respect for the universally recognized dignity of a person, influence, system of views or certain qualities, merits.

Being – one of the main spheres of social life, directly related to the increased production of man, is the material and cultural environment that satisfies its parties, such as food, clothing, housing, recreation, entertainment, health.

Belief – the state of the subject, which is closely connected with the spiritual world of the individual, manifested in ideas, arises on the basis of a certain information message about the object, along with other feelings combined with a sense of belief, is a motive, incentive, purpose and orientation of human activity.

Bi – the owner of democratic power in the socio-political system of the traditional Kazakh society.

Biographical method – one of the research methods designed to study the personality and its life. It involves the restoration of the biography of the individual from diaries, correspondence, documents, his own statements (memories), audiovisual materials, statements of people who know him. It is possible to use autobiography (personal biography) and anamnesis as answers to questions on the history of personality development.

Bucksy – is a concept used in connection with a person who treats the sick, connecting the world of people with the world of spirits and gender through" landing".

– C –

Cattle breeding – is a type of farm or household structure based on keeping and raising domestic animals. Some experts use the term cattle breeding for backward primitive breeding of animals, calling livestock breeding the term modern, industrial. However, most experts consider cattle breeding to be a livestock division and associate it with keeping only herd hoofed animals.

Ceramics (clay, in a broad sense: everything that is made of clay) – is the name for all products molded (molded) from suitable for molding land masses and fortified by one or more firing. Along with pottery, these include ceramic products such as earthenware or majolica, porcelain and building ceramics (brick and tile).

Chronicle – of the population, state, city, etc. b. a year is a historical record written over the years.

Civilization (lat. civil) – a set of material and spiritual achievements of socie-


Classification – a logical operation of division of the concept, which is a set of division, a special kind of application.

Classification of research methods – the division of research methods by sources of knowledge. In the abstract, term papers and theses used, as a rule, the division of methods into three groups: theoretical, i.e. methods of studying the theory in its various forms and forms; empirical, i.e. methods of studying practice, and methods of analysis of the material obtained in the course of theoretical and empirical knowledge-quantitative (statistical) and qualitative (content-semantic).

Clothing – artificial coverings of the human body. In addition to a utilitarian purpose – to protect the body from the effects of the external environment, it can also have signifying and ritual functions. The concept of clothing includes hats and


shoes. Material for clothing can serve as fabrics, felt, leather, animal skins, bird skins, as well as modern artificial materials.

Cognition – of creative activity, forming knowledge, the activity of which is the basis of human goals and aspirations.

Comment – a form of assessing the style and nature of the student's research activities, his attitude to work, organizational culture. The review is given by the supervisor.

Community – a collection of people, united by historically established stable social ties and relationships, having a number of common features that give it a unique identity.

Comparative analysis – a method of comparing two or more phenomena, ideas, positions, i.e. finding common and different in them.

Competence – the level of qualification and professionalism. It is determined by the mobility of consciousness, the ability to constantly update knowledge, breadth of vision, the ability to independently apply research methods, choose the best solutions to the problem and an honest attitude to business. These qualities can be determined by analyzing and reviewing the author's research papers. Evaluation of diploma, course or essay-is an assessment of the level of competence of the future specialist to solve certain issues of professional activity.

Complementarity – a feeling of subconscious mutual sympathy (antipathy) of members of ethnic groups, which determines the division into "friends" and "strangers".

Compilation – independence in the performance of the abstract, term paper or thesis, writing off either scientific sources or someone's previously performed work.

Conceptual and terminological apparatus of the research – a set of scientifically based terms-concepts used by students in their research and its description in the abstract, term papers and theses. The concepts are divided into categories: key, i.e. concepts that Express the main content of the text, and auxiliary, which describe the individual qualities and characteristics of key concepts.

Conclusion – the final part of the study, which draws conclusions from the results of the study. Here it is shown that the goal is achieved and the hypothesis is proved. The conclusion is built, as a rule, in a deductive way: first, General and then particular ideas are revealed, demonstrating the achievement of the goal and the validity of the hypothesis. It is written in the form of a summary, conclusion, or actual conclusion that combines both.

Conclusions – new judgments obtained on the material of the study. It is a deduction from theoretical and empirical material as from initial premises. The development of a conclusion is a mental operation of obtaining new knowledge in a logical way, which is not contained directly in the stated theory or described practice. Conclusions – the result of comparisons, generalizations, additions by induction, deduction or analogy. Conclusions must necessarily be "derived" from the available and described material and not go beyond it. Conclusions ends essay, each Chapter in the course and thesis. Conclusions on the Chapter in the thesis are preceded by conclusions at the end of each paragraph.

Concretization – a method of proving any theoretical premise, idea, position, consisting in their confirmation by example from practice, from experience, data of the conducted experiment.


Consciousness (lat. cum Scientia – together with consciousness) – the highest form of expression of objective reality, peculiar only to man, a way of indirect relationship to his family and to himself universal forms of socio-historical activity of people.

Continuity – is a materialistic concept that reflects the relationship of community and development.

Correlation analysis – a method of establishing relationships, interactions and interdependencies of independent and dependent variables in an experiment. With its help, it is established how a change in some indicators entails a change in others.

Country – a name that was used in the ancient Turkic language as a synonym for the word people.

Credit (english credit, credit-hour-credit, unit of measurement of the volume of educational work of the listener, teacher. One credit is typical for the academic hour of the student's weekly classroom work in the academic period. The koundara, Koman-Kipchak title in Hungarian language.

Credit system of education is the system of education aimed at creative development of knowledge and increase of independent education on the basis of choice, individualization of the educational trajectory within the regulation of the educational process and taking into account the volume of education in the form of loans.

Culture – socially progressive creative activity of mankind in all spheres of life and consciousness; this activity includes the origin (signal systems, etc.).b. and decontamination (mastery of cultural heritage) of processes aimed at changing the reality of life, the transformation of the wealth of human history into the inner wealth of the individual, the maximum identification and development of the semantic power of man.

Custom – a habitual behavioral action people, recurring due to certain circumstances. These include General methods of work, the most common forms of social relations between people associated with life and family, and religious rites, tribes, clans, actions that reflect and repetitive features of the life of the people.

– D –

Decoration – removable, movable decoration of permanent or passing materials, in contrast to stationary decorating elements.

Deductive method – a method of knowledge, consisting in the search for the first general idea, theory and then – in obtaining facts to prove or illustrate them. It is a method of transition in the process of cognition from the general to the particular and the individual. It is assumed that the general judgments, ideas, or theories used are correct. The author often resorts to this method, for example, in the construction of the entire text of the abstract, term papers and theses. He first describes the general questions of theory, then proceeds to empiricism. This method is also used in system analysis, classification, systematization, generalization, modeling of phenolmena and processes.

Deethnization – is the process of the loss by the people or their individual representatives of their ethnic traits; begins with the loss of the native language, then

– ethnic identity and ethnic identification.


Definition – the semantic definition of a concept, the establishment of the specifics of its use in the text. One concept can have different definitions, different functions performed in theory and practice. When we use a concept, we always mean its specific function (meaning). The author has to give definitions of those concepts with which he operates, i.e. to define the meanings put in them.

Detection – a ban on the existence of a certain word, deed, noun on a religious basis.

Development – is eternal, necessary movement, change of time.

Dialectical method – a method of scientifically grounded and logically correct proof of the truth. This takes into account the comprehensive relationship of the phenomenon with the external environment.

Diaspora (Greek for diaspora – resettlement) – scattered groups of ethnic groups caught in different political and social conditions, visiting the center of other countries.

Dichotomous thinking – thinking that separates phenomena and their qualitative characteristics on opposite grounds, grasping opposite properties and states. At the same time, a person thinks in extreme categories, weakly or not at all taking into account intermediate and transitional states. Dichotomous thinking often manifests itself in the evaluation of social activities (experience).

Discipline program (Syllabus) for undergraduates – the curriculum of each discipline, indicating the theme and duration of each lesson. Control of educational achievements of undergraduates-performance of various control tasks (written works, tests, practical works, oral surveys, etc.).b.) for a specific discipline; it is divided into current, midterm and final control over its period.

Document analysis – a method of research in which the source of information is text messages contained in any documents: protocols, reports, resolutions and decisions, publications of newspapers, magazines, letters, works of art, illustrations.

Drinks – a component of nutrition, serving the satisfaction of thirst. A nation is in the ethnic sense the same as an ethnos.

Dwelling – a person's natural or artificial shelter for weather protection, variously arranged in accordance with climatic conditions, to meet the general human needs for housing (mainly for cooking and eating, resting and sleeping), and starting from the era of social differentiation – and from prestigious considerations.

Dynamic analysis – integral part of the dialectical method, which consists in identifying the causes of certain phenomena and predictions of the near future in their development. It is the analysis of the whole from the standpoint of the constituent parts and, conversely, the constituent parts from the standpoint of the whole. Dynamic analysis is used in determining trends in the development of phenomena and in predicting events (for example, in the development of concepts, long-term plans, etc.).

– E –

Eclecticism – a combination of heterogeneous, internally unrelated and possibly incompatible views, ideas, concepts in a single text based on a single research topic. Thus, the researcher can methodologically rely on principles and approaches


that mutually exclude each other; and in the "theoretical paragraph" – to collect fragments of heterogeneous material that do not provide a holistic and consistent description, "do not work" for the task.

ECO – ethno-social group.

Emigration – voluntary or inevitable resettlement from their homeland to another state for political or economic reasons.

Empirical research – research devoted to the study of social practice; collection of primary data, conducted according to a certain program using the rules of scientific conclusion, providing representative information. As a rule, the materials of empirical research in the thematic essay, course and thesis are described in special sections. The main types of educational empirical research: the study and description of social experiment, innovative experience of social work.

Epic – one of the oldest, the main kinds of fiction, in particular, fundamental, widely illustrating the realities of life, as far as possible deeply revealing and versatile character of man.

Equilibrium – is a category that expresses the equilibrium, the equilibrium between an object, a phenomenon, or the equilibrium of several objects.

Equilibrium truths – are logical statements, expressions, or formulas that are true in any sense of truth.

Er – a hero.

Ergology – is a private ethnographic-historical discipline that serves both concrete research and the study of cultural history. At the same time, it seeks to clarify what tools and methods of labor used in different eras. She is engaged in new inventions, borrowed from other cultures, changes, adaptations and improvements of implements of labor, and also studies their application and, in some cases, cooperation necessary for this, not excluding large adaptations or mechanisms.

Ethnic autostereotypes (Greek. autos – self + stereos – solid + typos – imprint) – opinions, judgments, assessments related to ethnic community and its representatives.

Ethnic consolidation (Latin consolido – to strengthen, tighten) – is a type of unifying ethnic processes, the merging of ethnic groups or parts of ethnic groups that are similar in language and culture into a larger ethnic community or the inclusion of an ethnic group close to it in an already formed ethnic group.

Ethnic identification (lat. Identificare – to identify) – the psychological process of an individual identifying himself with an ethnic community, allowing him to learn important stereotypes of behavior, requirements for the main cultural roles.

Ethnic minority – has no state structures, weak demographic potential, small population. A small ethnic group of up to 50 thousand people.

Ethnic parparazi – is divided into several parts, at the same time, none of the new ethnic groups does not consider himself identical with the former ethnic group.

Ethnic ritual (Latin ritualis – ritual) – the totality of actions established by the custom, including speech behavior, which in a symbolic orderly form reproduce the relationship of individuals, ethnic groups, society with the most significant phenolmena, social values, institutions, historical events

Ethnic separation – from the main ethnic group, as a rule, a small part of it stands out, which will eventually turn into an independent ethnic group.


Ethno genesis – the emergence, development and decline of an ethnic group. Ethnography – is a science that studies the problems of origin, residence,

domestic and cultural characteristics of the peoples of the world.

Ethnonym (Greek ethnos – people + onyma – name) – the name of the ethnos

– self-name and the name that other peoples give it; the most important sign of ethnic identity.

Ethnos – a set of people historically formed in a certain area, with stable features in language, culture, psyche, consciousness.

Etiquette (French. Etiquette – small ethics) – a set of rules of conduct, courtesy, adopted in any society or its part (gender and age, estate, professional, etc.).

Experiment – method research practice and obtain empirical material with goal, prove some theoretical idea (hypothesis). The results of natural experiment almost always leave room for alternative interpretations. In the social sphere, an experiment – a social program, a social project-has a number of specific characteristics and is a method of transforming social practice.

– F –

Factor – circumstances, situations, acting as a driving force (stimulus) of the development of any phenomena. These are the elements of reality that affect the final result, the effectiveness of an action. These are the conditions or reasons for changing the subject of research.

Factor analysis – the procedure for identifying factors that determine the appearance of certain indicators, qualities, properties, States of the subject or object of study.

Faith – belief in the reality of a certain phenomenon, not even based on knowledge. Fate – is a religious mystical idea of supernatural power, which previously

fixes all the circumstances of human life.

Federal state educational standards of higher professional education (FSES HPE) – a document that defines the mandatory minimum requirements for the organization of the educational process and the results of educational activities that allow graduates to successfully perform their professional functions.

Fishing – is a form of appropriating food production that is widespread throughout the world. The initial processing of fish carried out by drying, drying, then freezing and canning.

Folklore (Latin folk – people, lore – doctrine) – the General name of the samples of oral creativity, widespread among the population; oral literature (legendsfairy tales, Proverbs, sayings, poems-zhyrs, customs, etc.) b.).

Food – is the first and main vital need of a person. Eurifagia (omnivorous), the ability to consume almost all types of food except for coarse plant foods consumed by ungulates, inherited biologically from one's ape-like ancestors. At the same time, the biological specificity of humans requires constant consumption of animal protein and vitamins.

– G –

Gene pool – a set of values of a particular ethnic group or civilization, laid down by mankind in the Fund of General cultural values.


Geneology – is a concept based on kinship, meaning the succession of generations, which originates from the origins.

Genetic method – a method of studying phenomena, facts, behavior and personal qualities of people, consisting in tracking the dynamics of their development from the moment of occurrence (origin). With this method, the origin of phenomena and qualities is studied, the causes of their changes are revealed. The genetic method allows to establish stages (stages) of development, to reveal tendencies of transformation.

Genesis (from Greek. genesis – origin, formation) – the initial period of the developing phenomenon, things, phenomena of being, the history of origin, the stage of formation.

Glossary – interpretation of incomprehensible, rarely used or unfamiliar words and expressions, i.e. dictionary with elements of reference information about the words and phrases included in it. the author can make a glossary to the text of the work, if the topic of his research is new and is revealed on the basis of poorly understood, rarely used words and expressions or contains new scientific concepts. This glossary is placed in the "Annex".

God – is a powerful, supernatural, created and governing force of the whole world in religious teachings and concepts.

Grazing – is the common name of the profession of livestock, grazing, clearance.

Guidelines – a systematic list of actions, the implementation of which, according to the author and compiler, leads to the achievement of the goal. This list is set out as rules, regulations, activities, conditions, influencing factors, requirements, advice, etc.

– H –

Hermeneutic analysis – a method of interpretation (interpretation) of speech and written texts, revealing their hidden, implicit meanings and meanings, veiled information.

Hierarchy (from Greek. hierarchia – the sacred and power) – the type of constructive relationship multi-layered complex systems, characterized by the sequence, sequence and interaction, connections between different levels vertically.

Historical and cultural areas – are territories inhabited by ethnic groups, which subsequently share common natural conditions, historical destinies, and close cultural ties acquire common features of traditional culture, similar cultural and everyday features.

Historical method – a method of research by which to identify and systematize the facts (properties and ideas) that occurred at different historical times. This method explores the conditions and boundaries of the spread of phenomena and ideas, their historical significance in the transformation of social reality. It belongs to the group of historical methods.

Historical-genetic method – a method of disclosure of facts, properties, functions, processes, taking into account their changes in the course of historical development. It is used in the preparation of paragraphs and chapters of the study on historical aspects. It belongs to the group of theoretical methods.


Homeland – native country, Atameken.

Hospitality – is a universally distributed public institution that provides the guest with welcome and care.

Household structures – a general concept for all those independent buildings that are necessary for peasant farming, partly only during development, separated from the apartment building. The most important such building for housing livestock and partly for storing feed is a stable (German stall), for storage and threshing of cereals – a barn (German scheune), for storing straw as a feed product – a sheaf, for storing threshed grain and other permanent supplies – a barn (German speicher), for baking bread, cakes, pies, as well as for drying fruits and vegetables – bakeries (German backhaus), used partially together, partially individually, for water supply – wells (German brunnen).

Household utensils – are a set of household items, including kitchen and tableware, devices for storing and carrying things and food, etc.

Hunting styles – drawing and shooting images of animals, animals of the early iron age in a variety of products. Legends is a genealogy, a genre of oral literature, which is spoken about orally with the faith of the people, fantasy and dream.

Hypothesis – research operation, an integral part of the scientific apparatus of research, which includes the assumption about the possible results of the action of a factor or conditions for achieving goals. The hypothesis is developed only on the basis of the purpose and subject of the study. It is used to explain ways and means of resolving contradictions. The hypothesis needs to be proved, which is what the whole study is dedicated to. The research tasks are developed on the basis of the hypothesis.

– I –

Idea – conceived and mentally drawn up action plan or plan of the forthcoming research work. The idea will be a draft essay, term paper and thesis in the form of a developed scientific apparatus.

Imam – a priest who leads the mosque and standing in front of prayer.

Independent work of a master student, carried out under the guidance of a teacher (SRMP) (Office Hours) – extracurricular work of a master student under the guidance of a teacher, given in the schedule of training sessions and included in the pedagogical load of the teacher.

Independent work of undergraduates (SRM) – work on the list of certain topics provided with educational and methodical literature, controlled in the form of test, control papers, colloquiums, abstracts, essays and tasks.

Inductive method – a method of research, knowledge associated with the generalization of the results of observation and experiments.

Industry – a mode of production that arose during the industrial revolution and is inherent in capitalism. Industry means that hitherto prevailing manual labor (in craft and manufacture) has replaced by machine in factories. This replacement marked a complete revolution in productive forces and production relations.

Inheritance – the transition of the administration of functions, status, property, etc., regulated by social norms from one person to another.


Innovation – the end result of innovation, embodied in the form of a new or improved process used in practice, or a new approach to the provision of social services.

Interethnic integration – is the process of rapprochement of different ethnic groups without merging them into a single whole. The result of integration is the emergence of a certain cultural, spiritual, socio-economic community (while maintaining the basic ethnic features).

Irrigated agriculture – agriculture based on artificial irrigation in an area with insufficient seasonal precipitation. Artificial irrigation with the help of irrigation systems occupies a leading place among land reclamation as technical, organizational, and economic measures for the important improvement of land used in agriculture.

Islam (arab – meekness, subordination) – worship-one of the most common religious beliefs in the world. The religious teachings of Islam-the Holy book of Muslims "in the Koran".

– К –

Knowledge – understanding, memory retention and the ability to reproduce the basic facts of science and the resulting theoretical generalizations (rules, laws, conclusions, etc.).

Kokteu – is an area that is populated in spring, spring pastures.

– L –

Laboratory experiment – the study of any phenomenon in artificially created special conditions. In social work is carried out very rarely.

Learning outcomes – acquired competencies (knowledge of specific disciplines, and the ability to apply them in professional activities and everyday life, to use in further education).

Lecture – presentation of materials on a particular topic. An advanced method of alerting new knowledge in higher education. Some of them were introduced into scientific circulation in the XIX century, others became available in Soviet times.

Life – a variety of relationships and actions of changing objects.

Link – an indication of the source of the statement, the citation, the analyzed text, as well as graphic materials placed in the text, and annexes illustrating or supplementing it. In the first case this is done in direct or square brackets with the indication numbers this text in the List literature and pages, in the second – in round brackets whilst number tables, graphics or applications.

– M –

Magic, magic (from Greek. Mageia – the Irish) – one of the first religious forms of, based on reference many mysterious specific talismanic phenomena to


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