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Билеты для подтверждения МК 2011(анг).doc
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Card 1

Task 1

Introduce yourself.

My name is Paul Godin.I am from Saint - Petersburg. I work in the North-West regional search-and-rescue team rescuer. Our team is in Saint-Petersburg. Rescue team in its composition has branches in Novgorod, Murmansk, Komi, Vytegra, Vologda region, Kaliningrad

. Chief of our company Alferov Igor. in our team of about 500 people. We carry out different work . this work of salvation and the elimination of the consequences of the catastrophe This man-made, road traffic accidents, floods, natural disasters, chemical accidents, air disasters.

Task 2

Answer the questions:

  1. What kind of disaster is a car crash?

  2. автомобильная авария это столкновение,наезд,опрокидывание одного или более автомобилей. Это столкновение автомобилей и поезда.

Car accident this collision, impact, rollover of one or more cars. This collision of cars and trains. As a result of which there are victims.

  1. Have you ever taken part in the international search-and-rescue operations?

  1. I have taken pate in one of the international relief operation in Pakistan and in international exercises in Finland.

Task 3

Translate the following sentences:

  1. Наша команда проводит поисково-спасательные работы.

Our team is carrying out a search-and-rescue operation

  1. Вы меня понимаете?

Are you understand?

  1. Я слышу какой-то стук.

I hear some knocking.

  1. Дай мне топор.

Get me an axe.

  1. У меня кружится голова.

I am dizzy.

  1. Я перевяжу вам левую ногу.

I tie up your left leg Card 2

Task 1

Introduce yourself.

Task 2

Answer the questions:

    1. What natural catastrophes do you know?

природные катастрофы это землетрясение,наводнения, ураган,извержения вулканов, лесной пожар,лавины, селевой поток

Natural disaster of an earthquake, flood, hurricane, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, avalanches, landslide.

2. Have you ever taken part in the international search-and-rescue operations?

Task 3

Translate the following sentences:

  1. Приступаем к поисково-спасательным работам.

Start to search-and-rescue operations.

  1. Вы говорите по-английски?

Do you speak English

  1. Кто-то зовет на помощь.

Somebody is crying.

  1. Дай мне веревку.

Get me a rop.

  1. Меня тошнит.

I am sick.

  1. Я остановлю вам кровотечение.

I will stop you bleeding

Card 3

Task 1

Introduce yourself.

Task 2

Answer the questions:

  1. What kind of disaster is a volcanic eruption?

Volcanic eruptions is the out put of a lava, ash from the earth to the surface. As a result of which there are victims.

  1. Have you ever taken part in the international search-and-rescue operations?

Task 3

Translate the following sentences:

  1. Мы будем распределять продовольствие и одеяла среди беженцев.

We ll distribute food and blankets among the refugees.

  1. Я вас не понимаю.

I don't understand you

  1. Есть здесь кто-нибудь?

Is there any body here?

  1. Оставайтесь на месте.

Stay where you are.

  1. Он истекает кровью.

Hi is bleeding.

  1. Я наложу вам шину на правую руку.

I'll lay you a tire on the right hand.

Card 4

Task 1

Introduce yourself.

Task 2

Answer the questions:

  1. What kind of disaster is a flood?

наводнения это результат сильных атмосферных осадков или заторов в устьях рек, когда реки затопляют населённые пункты.

Flooding is the result of strong precipitation or congestion in the mouths of the rivers when the rivers have flooded settlements.

  1. Have you ever taken part in the international search-and-rescue operations?

Task 3

Translate the following sentences:

  1. Мы используем поисковых собак.

We use search dogs

  1. Не могли бы вы мне помочь?

Could you help me?

  1. Под развалинами есть люди

There are some people under the debris.

  1. Прекратите движение.

Stop the movement

  1. Вам больно?

Are you in pain?

  1. Мы окажем вам первую медицинскую помощь.

We will render you with first aid.

or congestion in the mouths of rivers.

Card 5

Task 1

Introduce yourself.

Task 2

Answer the questions:

  1. What kind of disaster is a landslide?

ОПОЛЗЕНЬ—отрыв земляных масс и перемещение их по склону cметая всё на пути.

The landslide is the separation of earth masses and moving them along the slope of a drifting all the way.

  1. Have you ever taken part in the international search-and-rescue operations?

Task 3

Translate the following sentences:

  1. Наша команда тушит пожар.

Our team puts out the fire

  1. Повторите, пожалуйста.

Repeat please

  1. Есть опасность обрушения.

There is a collapsing hazard.

  1. Нам нужны носилки.

We need a stretcher

  1. Вы ранены?

Are you injured?

  1. Это опасно.