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книги / Английский язык для горных инженеров

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тот или другой,

either ... or

либо ... либо,



и тот и другой





ни тот, ни другой,





ни один (из них)





1.Depending on the geological conditions either adits or bore­ holes can be driven into the deposit.

2.When working steep seams under thick overburden neither trenches nor adits can be used.

3.Neither the thickness of overburden nor the angles of dip and strike were determined Correctly.

4.At present either surface or aerial methods of geological pros­ pecting can be used.

5.Neither faults nor fissures were found by the surveyors.

33.Переведите предложевня, обращая вввманве ва веревод ннфннитнввого оборота «сложвое подлежащее»:

1.Oil is known to be one of the most important sources of energy.

2.Petroleum is believed to have been formed from decaying vegetable and animal remains.

3.Drilling is considered to be the principal exploration method and it is widely used when deposits are of large dimensions.

4.Until recently a depth of 50-ft overburden was considered to

be the maximum.

5.Coal is still the most important fuel and is likely to remain the main source of energy for years to come.

6.Neighbouring coal beds seemed to be sloping gently.

7.The computerized systems of planning and control proved to be reliable.

34.Выпишите вз текста Б предложевня, в которых употребляются ин­ финитивные обороты «сложное подлеяшщее», «сложное дополнение». Пере­ ведите их.

35.Выразите несогласие и подтвердите свою точку зрения фяктамн из текста Б. Используйте предлагаемые разговорные формулы:

on the contrary; to шу mind; In my opinion; as far as I know; I’d like to stress; It should be taken Into consideration

1.The preliminary exploration gives reliable information only on the place of the deposit.

2.The quality of the mineral deposit can be determined without

taking samples.

3. The data obtained from the exploratory workings allow the geologist to estimate the mineral reserves and to plan current pro­ duction.

4.In prospecting for loose rocks, only core-drilling is used.

36.Суммируйте содержание текста Б по плану.

1.The task of the preliminary exploration.

2.Exploratory workings used at the preliminary stage of exploration.

3.Sampling as a means of determining the quality of the min­ eral deposit.

4.The aims of the detailed proving and exploitation exploration.

37.Скажите, какие основные сведении необходимы геологу дли описа­ нии месторождении.

38.Расскажите о вкладе выдающихся ученых-геологов в науку о Земле и



39. Прочитайте текст В. Перечислите основные методы разведки, упо­ мянутые в тексте, и скажите, какой из них вы считаете наиболее прогрес­ сивным. Дайте обоснование своего ответа.


1.World-wide economic development has been characterized by the growth rates in the demand of raw materials and especially for the primary sources ofenergy. Despite the development of nuclear energy, the expansion ofoff-shore oil and natural gas production, the extraction of oil from bituminous sands and oil shales, the liquefaction (разжижение) and gasification of coal, and the application of such sources as geothermal and solar energy, the burden (бремя) of energy supply will continue to fall on the producers of fossil fuels for many years to come. This applies particularlyto the production ofsolid fuels.

2.As is known, most minerals are mined from surface deposits now. Even though the mining industry continues the search for low-grade surface deposits, it is increasingly necessary that the economic subsurface deposits should be mined. This fact leads to the development of new methods ofprospecting.

3.New techniques have been developed for rapid mapping and geochemical sampling from light aircraft while in flight. Statistical studies of regional geochemical sampling aided (помогать) by computers are being widely adopted. In general, computers play an

important role in the quick interpretation of geological problems. Colour photography is also being used as an aid in certain geological workand mining studies.

4.A method of prospecting for mineral, gas, oil, etc. which is based on a combination of X-rays and ultrasonic transmissions came into use recently. The method is fully portable and of great value in drilling. In addition, this method determines the areas of interest during drilling and gives close grade control during mining operations.

5.At present, the scientists are conducting intensive research aimed at using geocosmic rays as a means of determining the size of an ore deposit in the prospecting stage. As is known, until recently scientists dealt only with the interplanetary functions ofcosmic rays. Cosmic rays coming in from the depths of the Universe are expected to explore nearearth and interplanetary space.

6.The geocosmic method is based on the fact that when the cosmic rays get into the atmosphere, the so-called secondary cosmic rays, muons, appear. These particles are capable of penetrating rather deep into the Earth’s crust. The greatest muon penetration depth registered today is stated to be about three thousand metres. This fact has suggested the idea ofusing the rays in mineral prospecting.

7.Besides, successful development of space research has made it possible to survey the Earth’s resources from space by satellites. The advantages of the surveys of the Earth’s resources by satellites are such that vast areas such as entire mountain belts and continents can be mapped synoptically. The greatest potential of surveying the Earth’s resources from space for mineral exploration is based on the ability to map synoptically the geomorphology and general geological environment (окружающая среда) of very large areas. The results obtained provide more accurate and complete information than is available from conventional (обычный) surveys.


40. ж) В каждом абзаце текста В найдите предложение, передающее его основную мысль.

б) Озаглавьте каждый абзац текста В.

41. Найдите в тексте В предложенна, точно отвечающие на следующие •опросы:

1.What type of fuel will continue to be the primary source of energy?

2.What deposits should be mined in the future?

3.What is the method of prospecting based on X-rays and ul­ trasonic transmissions used for?

4.What fact has suggested the idea of using the cosmic rays in mineral prospecting?

5.What is the surveying of the Earth’s resources from space

based on?

42. Найдите в тексте В и выпишите английские эквиваленты следую-щнх слов и выражений:

растущие темпы, сырье, снабжение энергией, особенно (1); низкосортный, необходимо (2); новые методы (приемы), быст­ рая съемка (картирование) (3); портативный, кроме того, тща­ тельный контроль за качеством (4); до недавнего времени, из глубин вселенной (5); так называемый, способный проникать (6); способность наносить на карту (картировать) (7)

43. Определите, который из трех заголовков наиболее соответствует содержанию текста В:

1.Methods of Mineral Prospecting.

2.New Techniques Applied in Mineral Prospecting.

3.Recent Developments in Mineral Prospecting.

44.Расскажите, что нового вы узнали из текста В. Какие факты вам были уже известны?


X М О ТГ N Т 1 т М Т Р 1




1 М Ё N т А R Y N



G А S Т о Т А R Т

А А и N В и R N Т G 1 Е L М В Е L т и Е Е М Т R L О R О С к S Е R Е Е М О R Е и Е V 1 D Е N С Е W Р А S Н 1 V Е R Т F D

т Н 1 с К N Е S S А А 1 D 1 М Е N S 1 О N R и А 1 С Н А R с О А L Y Е Т G Е А С С и м и L А Т Е

В этом квадрате за­ шифрованы геологиче­ ские термины и прос­ то английские слова. Сколько слов удастся найти вам? Запишите их и дайте их русские эквиваленты.

ИНТЕРВЬЮ с профессором Дж. Мортоном

Прочитайте ввтервью по ролам. Суммируйте его содержание своими словами (6-8 предложений).

TEACHER: Dear friends! Let me introduce Professor John Morton from Newcastle University. Professor Morton has kindly agreed to answer your questions about training geologists in Great Britain and about geology as a science.

QUESTION: Will you kindly say a few words about the impor­ tance of geology as a science? Thank you.

ANSWER: Yes, of course. First of all, geology is a practical science. It studies the Earth, its structure, composi­ tion and its evolution. It is a science in which the study of presentday processes plays a key role in understand­ ing the evolutionary history of the Earth. At the same time the geological past helps understand modem processes and predict future trends. This is of increas­ ing importance as we become more aware of environ­ mental problems.

QUESTION: You have mentioned environment. Does it concern


geology too?


Certainly. Environmental geology focuses on geology as


it relates to human activity, environmental hazards


and changes resulting from natural geological processes.

QUESTION: What do you think about the role of mining gepl-


ogy in the modem world?


1*11 try to be short. Mining geology plays an essential


role in two major fields. First, there is the engineering


task of extracting the valuable content of a mineral de­


posit (the ore) economically, efficiently and safely and


with minimum disturbance to the environment.


Second, since every ore deposit has a limited life, the


future of the industry depends on prospecting and ex­


ploration to discover and evaluate new deposits, to


replace dying mines and to meet increasing demands.


How long do students study geology in Great Britain?


I think, it depends on the university but mostly the


course lasts 3 years, full-time, or 4 years if combined


with a language subject (part time study is also possible).

As a rule, each academic year is divided into two semesters (terms). Assessment takes place at the end of each semester in the form of examinations and coursework. Traditionally, field studies have been one of the main problems of geology courses. The first-year programme provides basic geology, basic surveying, mathematics, statistics, observational and computing skills.

QUESTION: I’d like to know how the study process is organized


in British universities. Thank you.


Well, formal teaching is by way of lectures, labora­


tory practicals, field excursions, personal studies.


All the students have a personal tutor who advises


on progress through the course, choice of modules


and other matters.

QUESTION: I’ve heard about the modular system. Can you tell us what it is like?

ANSWER: I’ll try. At British universities, students’ course is designed on a modular basis. Modules are self-con­ tained units of study, which are taught and assessed independently of each other. When a student passes a module, he (she) gains a credit. At the end of the term, the numbers of credits he (she) gains, determines the award you receive. Each module is continuously assessed by coursework and/or end-of- term examination.

QUESTION: I wonder if you pay much attention to computing. ANSWER: Well, British Universities have Computing Centres which offer a service based on a number of work­ stations and microcomputers. Access to computers

is taken for granted by today’s students. QUESTION: My question concerns the languages, I mean for­

eign languages. Are geology students offered courses


in foreign languages?



They are. Geology is usually taken in combination with


one of the following: Classical Studies,



French, Latin or Russian, etc. Besides,

there are


special language laboratories which are available for


open access use by students. All international students


who wish to attain greater fluency in English are


offered the courses which provide for the


development of the linguistic skills of students. Television programmes, either by direct transmission or by video recorder, can be used for formal classes or for private study in French, German, Russian, Latin, English as a foreign language, Spanish, Japanese as well as other languages.

QUESTION: Can you tell us a few words about students’ life at British Universities?

ANSWER: Well, you have probably heard of Students’ Unions looking after students’ health and welfare. The university health service provides medical care for all the members of the university. The Students’ Union is fully responsible for its members’ needs which are controlled and run exclusively by students. I want to tell you one thing which can interest you. If you are a home student you may be entitled to apply for a Student Loan from the Student Loan Company. The loan may be taken out annually over the pe­ riod of study and you will be expected to begin re­ payment on completion of the course provided you have obtained employment.

QUESTION: You’ve mentioned employment. In what areas can the graduates find a job?

ANSWER: Mainly in areas such as exploration, oil field ser­ vices, geological mapping and mining, engineering geology and geotechnical engineering, environmen­ tal geology and hydrology and others.

QUESTION: What about sports and leisure?

ANSWER: I must say that most British Universities are fa­ mous for their football teams and rugby and cricket unions. There are Water Sports Centres with inter­ national rowing and canoeing facilities. Good fa­ cilities are provided for indoor and outdoor sports (hockey, cricket, table tennis, dance, aerobics, keep-fit, volleyball, basketball, etc.).

TEACHER: Thank you so much, Professor Morton. It looks like our time is up.

PROFESSOR It was a pleasure to meet you all. I wish you success MORTON: in your study of geology.

Выразите свое мнение но поводу обсуждаемой проблемы.

UNIT 8 Mining Methods

А. Грамматика

Условные предложения. Текст А. General Information on Mining.

Б. Грамматика

1.Многофункциональность глаголов to be и to have.

2.Отрицательные предложения.

Текст Б, Methods of Working Bedded Deposits Underground.

В. Текст В. Mining Thick Seams.

Дискуссия о проблемах горнодобывающей промышленности.



Условные предложения

Придаточные предложения условия присоединяются к глав­ ному предложению при помощи союзов: if если, provided that

при условии, что..., in case (that) в случае если, unless если не, on condition that при условии, что... и др. Придаточное предложе­ ние может предшествовать главному или следовать за ним.



Типы условных предложений


Три типа условных



Примеры и перевод



















I. Предложения реально­

1. If you feel could (now),

Г11 dose the window,

го условия. Действие от­




я закрою окно.



к настоящему





или будущему. В прида­

2. If the weather is cold

we’U stay at home,








шагал стоит в настоя­ Если завтра будет хо­

мы останемся дома.

щем времени, хотя обо­ лодная погода,







3. If conditions permit,

the geologists will


вие, в плавном —

в бу­







aerial prospecting,




Если условия позво­

геологи проведут











ведку с воздуха.


(Но этого не случилось, так как условия не по­ зволили.)








bad a summer I

Продолжение таблицы















holidays in the country,




Если бы у меня была


бы проводил отпуск

или будущему. В прида­

дача (у меня ее нет\)у

в деревне.






5. If I was/were rich,


I’d buy a new car.




Если бы я разбогател,

я купил

бы новую ма­

шее время (выражающее













6. If conditions permitted,










в глав




















бы условия


aerial prospecting,















разведку с воздуха.













7. If you bad spoken

he wouldn’t Ьате been





ты говорил(а)





щиеся к прошедшему вре­



он бы не рассердился.

мени. Описывают дейст­

























и он рассер­



















8. If conditions had per­








applied aerial prospecting,


would +


Если бы условия по­ геологи применили бы





зволили (вчера и т.п.),

разведку с воздуха.



1.Прочитайте вслух следующие слова:

[о:] — broad, 'broadly, sought, floor, to'ward, call

[0] — 'quarry, 'problem, /eco'nomical, .cross-'section, 'crosscut


be'neath, 'speaking, peat, in'crease, im 'mediate

[1] — pit, 'mineral, 'building, 'distance, 'driven


production, productive, ос'cunence, xe'coveiy, 'govern,



a'bove, 'function


mass, 'tabular, 'barren, gas, 'shallow

[ai] —

blind, type, 'widespread, des'cribe


'process, coai, mode, slope, 'sloping

[еэ] —

com'pare, pre'pare, 'vary, 'various

2. Прочитайте следующие слова в сочетание слов 1-2 раза про себа, затем вслух и постарайтесь запомнить их.

access ['ekses] л доступ

barren ['bæren] а непродуктив-

affect [a'fekt] v воздействовать (на

что-л.); влиять; syn influence

ный; пустой (о породе)

~ to sooth

chute Cfu:t] n скат, спуск; угле­ спускная выработка; жёлоб

compare [кэт'реэ] v (with) срав­ нивать, проводить параллель contribute [kan'tnbjuit] v способст­ вовать, содействовать; делать вклад (* науку); make a (one’s)

сделать вклад во чго-л. cross-section [Jcn>s'sekJ(a)n] п по­

перечное сечение, поперечный разрез, профиль

derelop [dl'velap] v разрабатывать

(месторождение); развивать (до­ бычу); производить подготови­ тельные работы; development п подготовительные работы; раз­ витие добычи; развитие

drift [drift] п штрек, горизонталь­ ная выработка

ensure [ш'/иэ] v обеспечивать, гарантировать; syn guarantee

face [feis] n забой; лава

floor [fia:] п почва горной выра­ ботки, почва пласта (хилы); quarry ~ подошва карьера; пол, настил

govern ['длу(э)п] v править, управ­ лять; руководить; определять, обусловливать

inclination [,1пкИ'пе1Дэ)п] п уклон, скат, наклон (пластов); накло­ нение; seam ~ падение (плас­ та); наклон (пласта)

incline [in'klain] п уклон, бремс­ берг, скат; наклонный ствол; gravity - бремсберг

inclined [in'klaind] а наклонный; ИяЦу ~ слабо наклонный; gently ~

наклонного падения; medium ~ умеренно наклонный (о плас­ тах); steeply ~ крутопадающий level ['levl] п этаж, горизонт, гори­ зонтальная горная выработка; штольня; уровень (инстру­ мент); нивелир; ватерпас; го­

ризонтальная поверхность recover [п'клуэ] v извлекать (це­

лики); выбирать, очищать; до­ бывать (уголь и т.п.); восста­ навливать

remove [rTmu:v] v удалять; уби­ рать; устранять; перемещать; removal п вскрыша; выемка; уборка (породы); извлечение (крепи); перемещение; over­ burden - удаление вскрыши

rib [rib] п ребро; выступ; узкий целик, предохранительный це­ лик; грудь забоя

roof [ru:f] п крыша; кровля выра­ ботки; кровля пласта (или жи­ лы); перекрытие; - support креп­ ление кровли

shaft [fa:ft] п шахтный ствол; aux­ iliary [э:д'ziljari] ~ вспомогатель­ ный ствол; hoisting ~ подъем­ ный ствол; главный шахтный ствол

tabular ['tebjula] а пластовый (о месторождении); пластообраз­ ный; плоский; линзообразный; syn bedded, layered

waste [weist] n пустая порода; от­ ходы; syn barren rock

well [wel] n буровая скважина; ко­ лодец, источник; водоем; зумф

capital investment капитальные вложения gate road промежуточный штрек

in bulk навалом, в виде крупных кусков metal-bearing содержащий металл production face/working очистной забой productive mining эксплуатационные работы

in view of ввиду чего-л., принимая во внимание что-л. with a view to с целью

3. Определите по словообразовательным элементам (суффиксам н пре­ фиксам), какой частью речи являются следующие слова. Переведите их:

research — researcher — researching