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3e. Should CVS or amniocentesis be performed in RPL without screening?

Howard Cuckle

Women with recurrent miscarriages are at increased risk of fetal chromosomal abnormalities in subsequent pregnancies. I will argue that this risk is not sufficiently high to automatically justify invasive prenatal diagnosis. Instead, a policy is advocated of continual risk reassessment using a sequential multiple marker antenatal screening protocol. This conclusion is reached in the context of the steady improvement in the efficacy of antenatal screening methods over recent decades.

Screening for chromosomal abnormalities has the simple aim of identifying pregnancies at sufficiently high risk of an affected birth to warrant the hazards and costs of invasive testing. Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis lead to at least 0.5% fetal losses;1 procedural and karyotyping costs exceed US$1000.2 Despite some progress, the occasional fetal cells and abundant free fetal DNA fragments circulating in maternal blood cannot yet be reliably used for non-invasive inexpensive prenatal diagnosis of the common chromosomal abnormalities.3

Local policy and national convention on what counts as sufficiently high risk to warrant invasive testing have generally emerged from the push and pull of healthcare providers, reimbursement tariffs, and professional bodies. Chromosomal abnormalities are relatively rare at birth – about 0.6%, excluding mosaics, in 70 000 consecutive newborns karyotyped4 – so universal unselective invasive testing has never been considered an option; rather, from the earliest days, there was selection based on advanced maternal age and family history of chromosomal abnormality.

The maternal age-specific birth prevalence of Down syndrome increases to 0.11%, 0.26%, 0.98%, and 3.5% by ages 30, 35, 40, and 45, respectively.5 The estimated risk at term for all common autosomal trisomies – Down, Edwards, and Patau syndromes – is 0.48% and 1.6% at ages 35–39 and 40–44, and for all chromosomal abnormalities, it is 0.81% and 2.4%, respectively.6 A family history of chromosomal abnormality confers a much higher risk than this when a maternal balanced translocation is found,7 while for paternal carriers and for non-carrier couples, there is only a modest excess over their maternal age-specific risk. With a Down syndrome proband and non-carrier parents, the excess at midtrimester is 0.54% for the same disorder and 0.24% for other aneuploidies.8

Testing these two high-risk groups can have little impact on birth prevalence, as most chromosomal abnormalities occur in young women and are sporadic. This consideration has led to the development of newer methods of selection for invasive testing. Beginning in the mid-1980s, a series of maternal serum markers of aneuploidy was discovered: human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), the free-β subunit of hCG, α-fetoprotein (AFP), unconjugated estriol (uE3), inhibin A, and pregnancy-associated plasma protein (PAPP)-A. Meanwhile even more discriminatory ultrasound markers were found – nuchal translucency (NT), nuchal skinfold (NF), nasal bone (NB), tricuspid regurgitation (TR), and ductus venosus (DV) – as well as the weaker so-called ‘soft’ markers determined by the late second-trimester anomaly scan or genetic sonogram.



Various marker combinations, determined concurrently, formed the basis for the first effective screening protocols. The efficacy of a given policy is generally measured by applying a statistical model to calculate the expected detection rate – the proportion of affected pregnancies selected for invasive testing – and the false-positive rate – the proportion of unaffected pregnancies selected. When applied to all women using a 1 in 250 term risk cut-off (the norm in the UK), the model-predicted Down syndrome detection rate and false-positive rate are 69% and 4.3% for the best second-trimester maternal serum combination (AFP, free β-hCG, uE3, and inhibin), compared with 82% and 2.4%, respectively, for the most widely used first-trimester combination (PAPP-A and free β-hCG at 10 weeks and NT at 11 weeks).9 In the USA, where a 1-in-270 midtrimester risk cut-off is favored, equivalent to about 1 in 350 at term, the corresponding rates are 73%, 6.0%, 84%, and 3.3%, respectively. The same markers can also detect a large proportion of other common autosomal trisomies; in the second trimester, this requires a separate risk cut-off for these disorders, but in the first-trimester, most are detected because of increased Down syndrome risks. Many of the remaining severe but non-lethal chromosomal abnormalities are also detected incidentally because of high trisomy risk or an extreme NT level. In Down syndrome (and possibly other chromosomal abnormalities), NF detects fewer affected pregnancies than does NT; nevertheless, with a 1-in-250 term cut-off risk, the model-predicted detection rate and false-positive rate for NF as a single marker are 53% and 3.5%.9 The soft markers are generally much less powerful, but incorporating them into the risk calculation could substantially increase the efficacy.

Screening was not initially applied to all women but only to those not already regarded as high risk based on age and history, which is inefficient, since some with potentially low risks receive invasive testing. However, it was argued that women in the traditional high-risk groups expect to be provided with a diagnostic testing and the offer of a less definitive screening alternative was unfair. This case was made most forcefully in the USA, where the

notion of a ‘standard of care’ is important and may have implications for litigation. Now, most countries have abandoned this hybrid policy, having realized that universal screening would yield a very high detection rate in the older women and substantially reduce the need for invasive testing. For example, the first-trimester combined test described above with a 1-in-250 term cut-off risk would detect 91% of the Down syndrome pregnancies in women aged 35 or older, while selecting only 8.4% of older women for invasive testing. Similar considerations apply to those with a family history.

Although women with recurrent miscarriages are at an increased risk of a fetal chromosomal abnormality in subsequent pregnancies, this increased risk is not very great. A recent study of almost 47 000 women having invasive prenatal diagnosis found a steadily increasing trend in aneuploidy risk according to the number of previous miscarriages.10 After adjustment for age, parity, and the indication for testing, the odds ratio compared with no miscarriages was 1.21, 1.26, and 1.51 for one, two, and three or more miscarriages, respectively. For a woman aged 30 with recurrent miscarriages, this would barely increase the risk to that of women aged 35, who are no longer considered automatic candidates for invasive testing.

A large proportion of couples with recurrent miscarriages are carriers of structural chromosomal rearrangements. And subsequent pregnancies are more likely to miscarry: in one study, the proportion of pregnancies ending in a live birth among 73 carrier and 588 non-carrier couples was 45% and 55% respectively;11 another study of 49 carriers found 52% miscarriages, compared with 28% in a large series of non-carriers.12 However, fetal unbalanced translocations neither account for the excess of miscarriages nor contribute much to the overall chromosomal abnormality risk. In one study of subsequent abortuses among 39 carrier couples, only 4 had unbalanced translocations;13 in a study of pregnancies among 239 carriers, just 4 unbalanced karyotypes were found.14

Thus, purely in terms of aneuploidy risk, there is no compelling reason to offer invasive testing automatically to women with recurrent miscarriages.



However, there may be an argument in favor of more intensive antenatal screening than is currently provided routinely. Sequential screening protocols are being developed that considerably increase the detection rate for Down syndrome and the other common trisomies. Attendance for screening is required on two or more occasions, which is easier to arrange for women with recurrent miscarriages, who already receive continual surveillance. The simplest protocol starts with the first-trimester combined test described above, but adopts an extremely high cut-off risk, selecting a small number for immediate CVS. The remainder then have the second-trimester test described above, except that all seven firstand second-trimester marker levels are incorporated into the risk calculation. The model-predicted Down syndrome detection rate and false-positive rate with a 1 in 250 term risk cut-off are 91% and 1.9%, respectively. Incorporating the newer first-trimester ultrasound markers (NB, TR, and DV) would substantially enhance detection both of the common trisomies and of other chromosomal abnormalities. For example, based on the latest parameters,15 routinely adding NB to the risk calculation would improve the above rates to 95% and 1.1%, respectively. A further extension of the protocol could also be envisaged by incorporating into the risk calculation NF and the soft markers, determined at the anomaly scan, possibly after using a more extreme cut-off to select for amniocentesis at the second stage. As well as increasing detection generally, it would, by definition, be more focused on the non-lethal disorders.

Screening is a public health activity, and as such requires the definition of cut-off levels in order to predict use of resources. In practice, though, there is often less than strict adherence to the cut-off, which is merely taken to be a guide to action. Given the high chance of pregnancy failure and the associated anxiety among women with recurrent miscarriages, it might be particularly appropriate to have a loose interpretation. Seen in this way, the screening

protocol that I have outlined here is a form of risk reassessment, by turns reassuring many and focusing concerns on a few with extreme risks.


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2.Cusick W, Buchanan P, Hallahan TW, et al. Combined first-trimester versus second-trimester serum screening for Down syndrome: a cost analysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003; 188:745–51.

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