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Графика и орфография английского языка.doc
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Letter u

1) [(j)H]

a) in initial position, when it forms a syllable by itself, and in medial position, when it is at the end of open non-final syllables: e.g. unity, unite, duty, fusion, museum + menu and flu (short for influenza);

b) in medial position, in closed syllables if the consonant closing the syllable is represented by a consonant letter which is followed by silent e (“u + a consonant letter + silent e” pattern): e.g. cube, jute, amuse, attribute, rudely, hugeness;

c) in truth;

2) [e]

in bury;

3) [I]

in minute and busy;

4) [u]

a) in medial position, in closed, generally accented, syllables, mostly when preceded by the lip-consonants [b] b, [p] p, [f] f, and in the suffix -ful: e.g. full, bull, pull, bullet, pudding, careful, peaceful;

b) in cushion, cuckoo, sugar;

5) [A]

in initial and medial position, in closed, generally accented, syllables: e.g. ugly, uphold, such, sudden, abrupt;

6) [(j)uq]

in root words, in initial and medial position when [uq] or [juq] is followed by [r] which belongs to the next syllable: e.g. Urals, uranium, jury, rural, bureau;

7) [q]

a) in the medial position of root words: e.g. cucumber, faculty, autumn, difficult, focus;

b) in upon;

c) in the prefix sub- (by assimilation suc-, sug-, sup-, sus-, sur-): e.g. submit, succeed, suggest, suppose, suspect, surround.

Letter y

1) [aI]

a) in initial position, when it forms a syllable by itself, and in medial position, when it is at the end of open non-final accented syllables: e.g. deny, reply, modify, cry, sky;

b) in medial position, in the prefixes hyper-, hypo- and at the end of the first accented syllable in a limited number of words of Greek origin: e.g. hyperbolic, hypothetic, cycle, hyphen, dynamite, psychic;

c) in medial position, in closed, generally accented, syllables if a single consonant closing the syllable is represented by a consonant letter which is followed by silent e (also in a limited number of words of Greek origin): e.g. type, rhyme, analyse;

2) [I]

a) in medial position, in monosyllables and in the first closed accented syllable of numerous late borrowings from Latin and Greek: e.g. myth, symbol, typical, sympathy, mystery;

b) in medial position, in closed unaccented syllables of root words and in final position: e.g. antonym, homonym, baby, ready;

c) in the prefix poly- and in the suffixes -ancy, -ency, -ary, -ery, -ry, -cy, -ly, -ity, -y, -sy and a few others: e.g. polysemantic, vacancy, tendency, elementary, robbery, peasantry, accuracy, weekly, activity, foggy, hypocrisy;

3) [aIq]

in tyrant and papyrus;

4) [q] in analysis.

Exercises to Lesson 3

Exercise 1. Twenty-five of the words given below have i for [J]. Find these words and complete their spelling. Consult the dictionary to check on yourself.

S-k, un-que, crit-que, cl-que, phys-que, ant-que, l-n, vasel-ne, ninet-n, rout-ne, sc-ne, vacc-ne, sard-ne, magaz-ne, mach-ne, ser-ne, mar-ne, n-ce, pol-ce, capr-ce, th-me, reg-me, prest-ge, cant-n, Argent-na, concert-na, f-l, prof-le, l-gue, fat-gue, l-d, inval-d, l-ve, na-ve, b-f, mot-f, -t, mosqu-to.

Exercise 2. Supply the missing letters for [J].

M-, sk-, sc-ne, mach-ne, tanger-ne, vacc-ne, Chin-se, th-me, extr-me, reg-me, prec-de, crit-que, phys-que, compl-te, concr-te, automob-le, sl-ve, mot-f, fat-gue, intr-gue, b-, imm-diate.

Exercise 3. Analyse the ways of representing phoneme [aI] in the words listed below.

Icy, icicle, ideal, idealize, identical, idol, isolate, ivory; spy, sly, cry, fry, modify, glorify, simplify, satisfy, pacify, reply, imply, apply, multiply, deny; biography, crisis, rider, rifle, rival, science, society, final, title, cycle, horizon, hyphen, hydrogen; rise, analyse, ride, file, style, wipe, type, site, kite, write, bite, fine, nine, mine, wine.

Exercise 4. In sixteen words given below y should be written for [aI] in medial position. Find these words and write them out. Then consult the dictionary and see if you are right.

W-pe, t-pe, r-pe, r-de, rh-me, c-cle, ps-chology, sc-ence, c-clone, S-beria, sc-the, bl-the, h-de, h-drogen, h-droplane, h-t, h-phen, h-brid, h-perbolic, h-pothetic, d-ne, d-namo, d-graph, critic-ze, anal-se, paral-se, character-ze, n-t, n-lon.

Exercise 5. Supply the missing letters for [aI].

T-pe, t-de, t-dy, tr-, tr-es, tr-ing, tr-al, tr-umph, rh-me, r-fle, hor-zon, ps-chology, c-cle, c-clone, sp-, sp-der, l-ing, l-brary, rel-, rel-ed, rel-able, l-ar; sh-, sh-ne; pr-, pr-mer, pr-mary; dr-, dr-ness, d-graph, d-namo; h-brid, h-phen; fl-, fl-er, f-nd, f-nal, fr-, Fr-day; cr-, cr-me, Cr-mea; ch-me, Ch-na; l-ne, al-gn; b-monthly, b-road, b-stander, b-plane.

Exercise 6. Analyse the ways of representing [qu] in the following words.

Over, odour, odious, ocean, open, oval, opaque, ozone, ode, old; go, so, no, pro, Negro, tobacco, libretto, mosquito, photo, radio, folio, solo, trio, soprano, concerto; total, noble, holy, cosy, colon, pony, poet, diploma, moment, process; hope, grope, slope, quote, wrote, denote, yoke, joke, broke, smoke, rode, mode, code, enclose, explode, expose; post, most, cold, bold, bolt.

Exercise 7. Analyse the ways [(j)H] is represented in the words given below.

Usual, unique, universal, unanimous, usage, unity, utopia, utilize; duty, bugle, lunar, tutor, pupil, tunic, tulip, junior, July, fluent, music, numerous, nuclear, future, funeral; June, huge, fugue, muse, rule, lute, flute, salute, induce, produce, compute, conclude, resume, schedule, lose, whose, move, prove, improve, tomb, whom; do, two.

Exercise 8. Complete the following words. ([e])

  1. b-ried in m-mories of the past, j-lous of a fr-nd’s succ-ss, a l-ther b-lt, m-ny fine thr-ds, a pr-cious pr-sent, a r-d b-rry, a r-dy-made dr-ss, a st-dy progr-ss, a succ-ssful end-vour, a w-lthy g-ntleman, a v-ry w-ll-br-d man;

  2. The t-n b-st m-n w-nt to h-lp their fr-nds. It’s a good thing to have a p-nny to l-nd, a p-nny to sp-nd, and a p-nny for a fr-nd. Ann said that T-d r-d the t-xt att-ntively and with -vident pleasure. Will you h-lp me g-t that y-llow book from the sh-lf? Def-nding hims-lf he d-lt his -nemy a h-vy blow on the ch-st. Wh-ther we go to the country dep-nds entirely on what the w-ther is like.

Exercise 9. Analyse the ways the phoneme [I] is represented in the words given below (see the italicized part). Write some more words in analogy if possible.

Service, preface, promise, tennis, analysis, faces; village, carriage, knowledge, porridge, college; many, macaroni, catastrophe; permit, rabbit, pocket, definite, delegate, leaflet; origin, imagine, kitchen; consist, typist, nicest, forest; splendid, rended; divide, decide; intone, encircle; import, embrace.

Exercise 10. Insert the missing letters for [I] or double [I].

  1. Ins-st, hon-st, typ-st, lovel-st, nic-st; adm-t, po-t, lock-t, separ-te, delic-te, oppos-te, clim-te, min-te, budg-t, interpr-t, cutl-t, chocol-te, perf-ct, subj-ct, predic-te, inhab-t; eng-ne, orig-n, w-men, ru-n, hero-ne; pal-ce, just-ce, cris-s, pract-s, surf-ce, analys-s; splend-d, land-d, beard-d, comr-de; vill-ge, coll-ge, privil-ge, knowl-dge, langu-ge, pass-ge; man-, read-, tax-, macaron-, catastroph-, apostroph-, final-, cool-, vall-, cit-.

  1. -ntone, -nlarge, -nsist, -nrich, -mbody, -mprove, -mpossible, -mbrace, -nlose, -ncapable; d-vide, d-cide, d-scribe, d-ssatisfy, d-ctate, d-part, d-mocracy, d-rivative; -nglish, -nough, -xist; ant-aircrft, ant-ceptic, ant-biotic; b-ll, b-sy; c-nema, s-nonym, s-ntax; c-ty, pr-tty.

  1. 1. Mr. Smith, a writer of m-ster- stor-es, spoke the most f-n-shed -ngl-sh. 2. A m-l-tar- eng-neer -nvent-d an -xtremel- -nter-st-ng s-st-m. 3. The ph-s-cian -ns-st-d on tak-ng the bab- to the v-ll-ge. 4. -l-ctr-c-t- lights build-ngs and drives machinar-. 5. You reall- don’t -xpect me to b-lieve that those b-s- w-m-n can’t spare me a m-n-te.

Exercise 11. Read aloud the words listed below, explain the difference in representing the phoneme [P] (a) and in reading the letter a (b).

Valid, squalid, solid; swallow, shallow, hollow, wallow; catch, watch, notch; waddle, swaddle, coddle; carry, quarry, sorry; adding, wadding, nodding; ant, want; quarrel, barrel; swallow, follow; squabble, hobble, cobble; quad, add, nod, squad; baffle, waffle; as, was; rash, wash; hat, hot, what, squat; wand, fond, abscond; wander, yonder.

Exercise 12. Copy the words and sentences listed below and insert the missing letters for [P].

  1. wh-t, h-t, squ-t, y-cht; l-rry, s-rry, qu-rry, qu-rrel, l-rel; h-llow, sw-low, f-llow, w-llow; s-lid, w-llet; -ffer, c-ffee, s-ften; Sc-tch, w-tch; w-nt, qu-ntity, w-nd, f-nd; c-lumn, qu-lity; c-llege.

  2. 1. B-b st-pped to look at the b-dy and went off. 2. Those clothes w-nt w-shing. 3. Let us stand here and w-tch the sw-ns -n the p-nd. 4. It is not pleasant to w-nder about in the f-rest when there are so many w-sps in it. 5. That v-lume of st-ries c-st him a fl-rin. 6. This is a good m-dern n-vel. It is a pr-per sort of a book for a h-liday. 7. R-bert pr-mised to make a c-py of that m-del. 8. He went off into the sw-mp and w-ndered there the whole day. 9. The m-nitor has g-ne to M-scow. He is -n h-liday.

Exercise 13. Analyse the ways of representing the phoneme [u] in the words given below.

Bullet, cuckoo, sugar, skilful, fulfil, fully, buffet, butcher, put, pull, push, bulldog, bulletin.

Exercise 14. Supply the missing letters for [u].

  1. P-ll, w-lf, dreadf-l; p-t; p-dding; p-ssy, b-som; c-ckoo, b-quet; w-man; b-ffet, c-shion.

  2. 1. The b-tcher sat under the b-shes and watched the b-ll. 2. The b-tcher’s dog has a b-shy tail. It is a quiet usef-l dog and friendly with p-ssy. The b-tcher’s dog is a dreadf-l b-lly; he p-lls the other boys’ ears and p-shes them about. 3. the w-man went along to buy some s-gar for the p-dding.

Exercise 15. Insert the missing letters for [A].

  1. L-ng, t-ngue, am-ng; m-ddy; st-ff, c-ff; s-m, s-me, g-m, c-me, d-mb; n-ne, n-n, w-n; h-ndred, fr-ntier; h-nt, bl-nt, fr-nt; f-nny, h-ney, m-ney; M-nday, S-nday; m-nger, h-nger; -nder, w-nder; tr-nk, m-nk; d-zen; c-rrent; th-rough, h-rry; m-ch; sudden.

  2. Bees b-zzing am-ng the flowers; a cl-ster of c-rrants; c-tting a t-nnel through a hill; a d-ll c-stomer with a v-lgar t-ngue; a g-vernment pl-nging the c-ntry into war; an ind-strious sc-lptor st-dying the str-cture of human body; a l-cky h-nter h-mming a f-nny song; m-ch f-ss about n-thing; a s-nny room.

  3. 1. My -ncle l-ves to see the d-ves in fr-nt of the house. 2. S-mebody has sent my cousin a pair of l-vely gl-ves. What a c-mfort gl-ves are in cold weather. 3. The m-ther put before her a d-zen rolls j-st newly c-me out of the -ven. 4. One can buy here everything in the way of food-stuffs here: b-tter, m-tton, h-ney, n-ts, -nions, m-stard, and even m-shrooms. And those l-vely oranges are only a shilling a d-zen. 5. There is s-me bl-d on your gl-ve. Let me r-b it off with a sp-nge. 6. My h-sband’s y-nger br-ther w-n the race competitions; n-ne of his companions could beat him in the race. 7. You have d-ne s-me of the exercises and left -thers -nd-ne. It is no w-nder you know so little. 8. The m-nkey found the box, took off the c-ver and ate the n-ts. 9. Mr. Brown has bec-me a flourishing businessman. 10. Do not w-rry. The c-lour of the b-ttons matches the c-lour of the g-loves and -mbrella. 11. Our country’s b-dget for the c-ming year was th-roughly disc-ssed at the Session of the Supreme Soviet. It allots m-ch m-ney both for the development of industry and c-lture. 12. S-me of the s-ms were d-ne by his -ncle’s s-n.

Exercise 16. Supply the missing letters for [R], making sure you know the meaning of the words. Each dash stands for a letter.

a) p-

f- -


m- -

m- -k


c- -t

b- -n



f- -m

h- -m



b) f-ther

f- -ther



d- -k

M- -ch



sc- -f



Exercise 17. Insert the missing letters for [R].

  1. Sc-, sc-f, c-lf, st-ff, phonogr-ph; cl-ss, cl-sp; c-m, h-m, dr-ma; b-th, hurr-; p-t, p-ss, p-m; p-ty; -fter, p-k, b-k.

  2. To broadc-st a b-sketball match; a dr-ft for a speech; a ch-nce for adv-nce in -chitecture; a clerk in ch-ge of a dep-tment; the h-mony of -t and nature; a p-tner, -sking for p-don.

Exercise 18. Analyse the ways of representing the phoneme [L] in the following words.

Orbit, organize, order, ordinary, ordinal, orchard, organ, orchestra, all, already, although, almost, also, alter, oral, oriental, port, sort, horn, corn, corner, force, horse, fort, forty, absorb, portion, appall, wall, fall, stall, falter, scald, false, talk, stalk, story, chorus, choral, glory.

Exercise 19. Insert the missing letters for [L], making sure you know the meaning of the words. Each dash stands for a letter.

a) f- -

n- -

f- -ce

h- -se



s- -t


b) f- -th

st- -m


n- -th

f- -k




Exercise 20. Fill in the missing letters for [L].

-dinary, -lways, -der, -ral, -lso, -lter; n-, f-tnight, f-, f-ty, f-ward; w-ter; l-d; f-ll, t-ll; p-k, ch-lk; wr-th.

Exercise 21. Analyse the ways of representing the phoneme [q] in the words given below. Underline the letters used to represent [q].

Allowance, alphabet, American, analogy, another, apartment, assistance, arrival, beggar, chapter, colloquial, composer, cultural, deepen, favourable, handsome, purpose, hostel, husband, international, laboratory, minus, offend, opinion, parade, performance, persistent, personal, professor, revolutionary, suggestion.

Exercise 22. Insert the missing letters for [q].

Cinem-, diplom-, dram-, oper-, centr-l, arriv-l, nov-l, anim-l, barr-l, host-l, -nalogy, -bsorb, -bject, -pon, -pinion, green-ry, hist-ry, mem-ry, gall-ry, comment-ry, nacess-ry, categ-ry, uni-n, happ-n, gold-n, Americ-n, lem-n, Russi-n, bac-n, min-s, disc-s, seld-m, vac-nt, accid-nt, import-nt, p-tato, p-rade, meth-d, Germ-ny, balc-ny, priv-cy, tend-ncy, dist-nce, pres-nce, abs-nce, entr-nce.