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How to Sell Food: a Question of Image

To sell food successfully, it must A … appetizing. Milk must look B … , bread – C … ,fruit must look D … and juicy.

Television advertising of food often uses movement. Food will look especially appetizing if it E … . Chocolate sauce looks F … when you see it being poured over ice-cream than if it is in the jug. Sound effects also help to sell food. A TV commercial G … a brand of coffee had the H … of coffee percolating in the background. The advertisement was I … successful that it lasted five years. The colour of food and the colour of packaging is also J … . If the colour of the food looks wrong, people won’t eat it K … they associate food with certain colours. L … would seriously eat blue bread or drink blue beer.


1. see

2. look

3. watch

4. look at


1. frozen

2. chilled

3. cold

4. ice-cold


1. freshly made

2. musty

3. stale

4. crumbled


1. rotten

2. ripe

3. green

4. wormy


1. will move

2. is moved

3. has been moving

4. moves


1. more delicious

2. more deliciously

3. more delicately

4. more delightfully


1. about

2. for

3. of

4. with


1. noise

2. groan

3. sound

4. rustling


1. as

2. such

3. -

4. so


1. crucial

2. vital

3. important

4. principal


1. so

2. that’s why

3. therefore

4. because



2. nobody

3. everybody

4. anybody

5. Train comparative formulas. Translate into English.

a). Чем больше зрителей смотрит фильм вечером, тем чаще перерывы на рекламу.

b). Вечернее время на телевидении гораздо дороже, чем утреннее.

c). По телевидению рекламируются товары как для взрослых, так и для детей.

d). Чем смешнее реклама, тем лучше она запоминается.

e). Законы о рекламе в России не так разработаны, как на западе.

B. Points for comments and discussion

1. Why do we need advertising restrictions? Suggest some of them.

2. What kind of audience can the following advertisements appeal to?

Ads for:

-washing-up liquid

- suitcases

- wall-paper

- pampers

-expensive watch

- vacancies

- lottery

- stockings

3. Why is music so important for advertisement?

4. Why is the prime-time so expensive?

5. Do you think it is possible not to interrupt films or programs with TV commercials? Divide into two groups (advertisers and TV viewers) and discuss pros and cons.

Text 5 Advertising: Pros and Cons

Nowadays it’s quite clear that advertising is an essential and inevitable part of our life. You run into it everywhere: in the street, in magazines and newspapers, on the radio and TV. When you go out of the underground you can always see people delivering hand-bills, you can also find a lot of leaflets in your mailbox (especially during election campaigns). Usually we don’t read them and throw away, but after a while we may need them and won’t be able to find them.

Obviously advertising is not useless at all. First, it provides us with information about novelties on the market. Sometimes we can choose and have a product delivered without leaving home or even our comfortable arm-chair. There is another way of shopping – through the Internet, but it can be more expensive. If you want to compare prices, take some advertising newspaper. On the other hand, business can’t do without advertising: it helps producers and trade companies to promote their products and services on the market and increase their profits.

Surely advertising has a lot of drawbacks. First of all it often gets on the nerves, especially of old people who can’t buy expensive goods. Then, advertising creates a little problem: streets near metro stations are often covered with leaflets, and walls – with posters. A lot of people get irritated when their favorite film or program is interrupted by a commercial. Of course, they can go and make some tea or coffee during a break or make a phone call, but it’s not a great argument. The worst thing, to my mind, is that we are often misinformed about a product or service, its quality and price. All these bright words: “the best”, “the most useful”, “the most comfortable”, “the cheapest” and so on may turn out to be nothing but a lie. As a rule people realize it too late.

So I’d like to give some advice to advertisers.

  • Try to reduce the number of ads at the expense of their quality.

  • Advertising in Russia has some peculiarities, it appeals to quite a special audience – with a rather low living standard. So it’s no use advertising expensive products – not many people will be able to buy them. The cheaper advertised goods are, the more necessary for people they are, but still the quality of these products should be good so that the consumers would be satisfied.

  • You should also keep in mind that almost each of us is living a busy life, sometimes we don’t even have enough time to have a snack and a cup of coffee or tea during a day, so it would be reasonable to provide advertisements with prices, telephone numbers, and addresses. It would save us much time and we would really appreciate it.

  • Since the problem of unemployment is dramatically increasing nowadays it would be desirable for companies to place more advertisements for vacancies. The section “Job Opportunities” is extremely readable at present and is going to excite interest of young and adult people in future.

From a student’s composition.

Preparing the Text

A. Studying the language

1. Find the appropriate translation to the following words.


a) inevitable b) essential c) necessary d) incredible


a) elections b) collection c) selection d) inspection


a) company b) campaign c) camping d) champagne


a) to receive b) to believe c) to perceive d) to deliver


a) advantage b) drawback c) backward d) coward


a) abrupt b) corrupt c) bankrupt d) interrupt


a) punctuality b) personality c) peculiarity d) popularity


a) readable b) reasonable c) desirable d) irresistible

2. Match verbs and nouns to make a word combination.

to place


to reduce


to save

new products

to promote

an advertisement

to deliver


to excite

advertising expenses

to leave

a phone call

to have

a busy life

to make

a handbills

to live

a snack

3. Translate into English.

a). Меня раздражает, когда через каждые пять минут показывают рекламу.

b). Мы можем заказать товар по телефону и через час получить его.

c). Чем дешевле и качественнее продукты, тем выше на них спрос.

d). Когда выходишь из метро, тебе постоянно суют какую-то рекламу.

e). Во время рекламы можно пойти и сварить кофе, но лучше переключиться на другой канал.

B. Studying the text

1. Match the two parts of the sentence.

1). One of the worst drawbacks of advertising is that …

2). If you want to compare prices …

3). It’s no use advertising expensive products …

4). As the problem of unemployment is increasing nowadays …

5). Business cannot do without advertising …

6). If a company gives misleading advertisement …

7). A lot of people get irritated …

a). … it helps companies to promote their products and services.

b). … when their program or film is interrupted by a commercial.

c). … it must be fined.

d). … we’re often misinformed about a product.

e). … not many people will be able to buy them.

f). … companies should place more advertisements for vacancies.

g). … take some advertising newspaper or a magazine.

2. Complete the sentences.

a). If you’re irritated with TV commercials …

b). If TV commercials were banned …

c). Advertising for cigarettes and alcohol drinks should be banned because…

d). We need commercial restrictions because …

e). Advertising appeared when …

C. Points for comments and discussion

1. Where can we run into advertisements today?

2. Do you usually take handbills delivered in the street?

3. What are the advantages and the drawbacks of advertisement?

4. Do advertisements sometimes get you to make a decision or to change it? When does it happen? What does it depend on?