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Реклама и журн. 2 семестр.doc
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  1. Переведите на русский язык следующие предложения, обращая внимание на перевод выделенных слов:

1. This book consists of three parts. 2. The delegation consisted of five people. 3. The artist submitted some of his art works including his latest drawings. 4. The lesson includes the text, vocabulary and exercises. 5. My brother goes in for different kinds of sports including table tennis. 6. Don’t include his name in the list of the delegation. 7. Our trip depends on the weather. 8. The improvement of his living conditions depends on the decision of the district committee. 9. Your progress in English depends on how hard you are going to work at it. 10. What did his success depend on? 11. The ancient Kremlin towers looked very beautiful against the dark sky. 12. My brother is fond of ancient furniture, which he is collecting. 13. Many ancient Russian churches and cathedrals were destroyed by the German fascist during the war. 14. Half of London was destroyed in the great fire of 1666. 15. Why did you destroy the letter? 16. Show me your hands. Why are they so dirty? 17. What have you got in your right hand? 18. I’ve got some money on me. I can lend you, if you like. 19. I need some money. 20. The teacher divided the students into two groups. 21. Divide ten by two. 22. She divided the apples between us. 23. England is a highly-developed industrial country. 24. This scientific problem was further developed in the works of many scientists. 25. What’s the time? – It’s nearly two o’clock. 26. London is situated on the river Thames nearly 40 miles from its mouth. 27. Due to their help and energy we were able to finish our work in time. 28. Due to their well-planned organization the conference was conducted in the shortest possible time.

Text № 6: great britain. An outline of geography and nature

1. Прочтите и выучите новые слова:

  • advantage [qd'vRntIg] - преимущество; The advantages of a good education are great.

  • beauty ['bjHtI] - красота; the beauty of a country place; the beauty of architectural masterpieces

  • both – оба; Both of them are ill.

  • both … and – как … так и; и … и; This time is convenient both for us and for the students.

  • close = near - близко, близкий; a close friend; He was standing close to the door.

  • coast – побережье; the coast of the Black Sea

  • comparatively – сравнительно; This river is comparatively long.

  • to compare – сравнивать; One cannot compare these things.

  • as compared – по сравнению; The rivers in England are not so long as compared with those of the world.

  • to contain = include - содержать; The article contains plenty of useful information.

  • current – поток, течение; ток; a warm (cold) current in a river

  • deep – глубокий; a deep sea (river)

  • extreme [Iks'trJm] - крайний; in the extreme North

  • as far as = till; до; Go as far as the station, there you’ll be able to take a taxi.

  • field – поле; Many beautiful flowers appear in the fields in spring.

  • fish (pl. fish) – рыба; He caught a lot of fish yesterday; to go fishing

  • flat – плоский; A floor must be flat. The top of the table is flat.

  • foot (pl. feet) – нога; фут (30,48 см)

  • to form – образовывать, составлять; to form a class for beginners in English

  • harbour ['hRbq] - гавань; a convenient harbour

  • height – высота; What is the height of the ceiling in this hall?

  • irregular – неправильный; неровный; зд. извилистый; an irregular line of the coast

  • island ['aIlqnd] - остров; the island of Great Britain; A piece of land surrounded by water is called an island.

  • lake – озеро; a deep lake

  • land – земля; суша; страна; Will you go to England by land or by sea?

  • length – длина; What is the length of this river?

  • to lie (lay, lain) (Participle I – lying) – лежать; Kiev lies to the south of Moscow.

  • lofty = high – высокий; возвышенный; a lofty hill; lofty ideals

  • by means of – при помощи, посредством; We express our thoughts by means of words.

  • mile – миля

  • mountain [maVntIn] - гора; high (lofty) mountains

  • mountainous ['maVntInqs] - гористый; mountainous area (district)

  • nature – природа; сущность, характер; a lover of nature; the nature of things

  • navigable – судоходный; a navigable river

  • to notice – замечать; I didn’t notice it was getting dark.

  • ocean ['qVSn] - океан; the Atlantic Ocean

  • outline – очертания, очерк, контур; a short geographical outline

  • over – свыше; My father is over sixty.

  • perhaps = maybe – возможно, вероятно, может быть, наверно

  • principal = main = chief – главный; ректор; principal questions; principal parts of the verb

  • to provide – обеспечивать; to provide the population with fish

  • to separate – отделять(ся), разделять(ся); The mountains separate the town from the sea.

  • to serve – служить; This sofa serves me as a bed; to serve in the army

  • shallow – мелкий; a shallow sea (lake)

  • shore – берег (моря, озера); to lie on the shore; The shores of the sea are mountainous.

  • some = about – около; He lives at a distance of some 40 miles. That was some twenty years ago.

  • stormy – бурный, штормовой; a stormy sea

  • suitable = convenient = comfortable – удобный; a suitable place (time)

  • surface ['sE:fIs] - поверхность; the flat surface of the table

  • variety [vq'raIqtI] - разнообразие; a great variety of consumer goods

  • vessel = ship – судно; This river is suitable only for small vessels.

  • to wash – омывать(ся); In the west Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

  • as well (as) = too = also – также, тоже; Boys as well as gilrs can go in for this kind of sport. I can read English and speak as well.

  • wet – сырой; wet climate (district)

  • for anything but smaller vessels – … только для маленьких судов