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Реклама и журн. 2 семестр.doc
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Выполнитeустно лексические упражнения

  1. Переведите на русский язык следующие словосочетания:

to stay inside; a beautiful season; a lot of leaves; on the ground; the last autumn month; the winter sun; fresh air; kinds of sport; of course; to live in the country; to go to the country; country life; town life; to leave town for the country; to go skating; a dark night; to enjoy the book; to shine brightly; to become an engineer; late in the morning; warm weather; little by little; to look younger; cloudy weather; in the sky; dark clouds; to be outside; to change for the better.

  1. Переведите следующие слова, словосочетания и предложения на английский язык:

а) заниматься спортом; ехать за город; на небе; ходить на лыжах; вечером; летом; в начале лета; конечно; на земле; даже; всё ещё; летний день; на открытом воздухе;

б) 1. В воскресенье мы обычно ездим за город. 2. Погода хорошая, пойдём купаться. 3. Я не умею кататься на коньках. 4. Кто плавает лучше – ты или твой брат? 5. Осенью часто идёт дождь. 6. Сейчас идёт снег. 7. Приятно пройтись пешком в такой тёплый солнечный день. 8. Мой брат хочет стать врачом. 9. Дни становятся длиннее, а ночи короче. 10. Темнеет, тебе пора спать. 11. Кто из них моложе? 12. Каким спортом вы занимаетесь? 13. Похоже на дождь. 14. Я хочу, чтобы моя дочь занималась теннисом. 15.Светает,поравставать.

Text n 2: how I spent the week-end

  1. Прочтите и выучите новые слова урока:

to accept [qk'sept] – принимать. They accepted my son to the Institute.

ago– тому назад; three days ago

as for me – что касается меня.As for me I go in for skating.

behind – позади, за. The sun is behind the clouds. Behind the house there was a little garden. from behind – из-за. The sun appeared from behind the clouds.

to catch a train – успе(ва)ть на поезд. If you hurry, you can catch the train.

to come back – возвращаться. I came back home early.

competition ["kPmpI'tISn] – соревнование. What competition is taking place on the sports ground?

day off – выходной день. Sunday is my day off.

down– вниз, внизу; to go down; to sit down

event– соревнование (спортивное); a sports event

exhibition ["eksI'bISn] – выставка. What art exhibition did you visit a few days ago?

for– в течение. My brother was ill for two weeks.

forest – лес. It is pleasant to walk in the forest in all seasons. We always enjoy skiing in the forest.

to be glad – быть довольным, радоваться. I am glad to see you.

to go to see = to visit – навещать. Let her go to see a friend of hers tonight.

to go for a walk – ходить на прогулку, гулять. Let’s go for a walk.

to have a good time – хорошо провести время. We had a good time in the country yesterday.

hill– холм, горка; to ski down the hill

invitation ["InvI'teISn] - приглашение; to accept an invitation

to invite – приглашать. I invited him to spend his day off in the country.

kilometre ['kIlqmJtq] – километр. She lives 50 kilometres from the city.

long: So long!– Пока!

mind: Never mind!– Неважно!

moon – луна. The sun shines in the day-time, the moon shines at night.

museum [mjV'zIqm] - музей; to visit a museum

at ones (place) – у кого-л. дома.We had a good time at my friend’s (place) last night. I was at my mother’s yesterday.

pleasure ['plezq] - удовольствие; to accept an invitation with pleasure

poor [pVq] – бедный, плохой. He came of a poor family. My spelling is poor. I am a poor skier.

to prefer [prI'fE:] – предпочитать. As for me I prefer skating to skiing.

the rest of – остальные. My friend and I stayed at the hostel last night, the rest of the students went skiing.

scenery ['sJnqrI] – пейзаж, ландшафт; a beautiful scenery

as soon as – как только. He hurried home as soon as classes were over.

to start – отправляться, начинать. The train starts at 11 o’clock.

station– станция. The station is quite near our house.

to take part in – принимать участие в. I am afraid to take part in the skiing competition because I am a poor skier.

tea- чай; to take (have, drink) tea. I prefer tea to coffee.

theatre ['Tiqtq] – театр. We went to the theatre together with my friend.

to be tired – быть усталым. I am a little tired.

train- поезд; to go (to come) by train. I came home by train.

to train – тренироваться. I’m training to be a good skier.

trip– поездка, прогулка; to start on a skiing trip

as usual – как обычно. Yesterday I got up at 9 o’clock as usual.

up– вверх. We went up the hill.

to visit = to go (to come) to see – посещать, навещать. How often do you visit museums?

way – путь, способ; on the way home (to the institute). There are different ways of doing this work; in this way – таким образом

to be a long way behind – отставать. I am afraid to be a long way behind you because I am a poor skier.

week-end – конец недели (суббота, воскресенье); at week-ends; to stay over the week-еnd at one’s place; to spend the week-end in the country

out of town = in the country – за городом

this is how I spent … - вот как я провёл

to watch our sportsmen training – смотреть, как тренируются спортсмены

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