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Часть 2

I. Where to study

Non-governmental educational network began to develop in Moscow since 1991.

The emergence of private schools the answer to this demand: there is no single comprehensive system seems to be gone forever. Having the opportunity to teach the child to more acceptable terms, many parents breathed a sigh of relief - now their problem children could count on a different attitude toward you. Of the seats in private schools for free debugged intelligent but unable to endure the neighborhood of thirty-five or forty classmates.

In the private sector environment, no doubt, fancy: classes are small. 12 people - a rarity, usually 5 - 7 pupils, a good three to four times a day feeding, developmental classes, normal stay minimum hassle for parents: the child in the morning take the school bus, the evening will bring back. Furthermore, there is a staff speech therapists, psychologists, speech pathologists, giving rise to comparisons to a rehabilitation center.

Who teaches at elite institutions? Yes, the same school teachers, only the highest professional level. There are several other money paid. Such education is not cheap. Price dispersion is significant, but still amount to a thousand dollars a month (this is true, maximum) is impressive. Only one school district - Orthodox - no need to pay. It happens that children are particularly valuable teachers learn for free.

Recognizing that private schools are one of the manifestations of social inequality, non-state network is a good addition to the state. Do not agree with this difficult: in more recent times to solve the problem of non-standard children should not be at any price.

Сеть частных учебных заведений; идеальных условиях; иметь четыре раза в день; сотрудники логопедов (психологов, дефектологов), реабилитационный центр; элиты учебными заведениями; социальное неравенство; хорошим дополнением к чему-л; внеочередных детей.

2. A deuce you put an undergrad.

In late 1996 the heads of all educational institutions in Moscow gathered to take stock of the work and outline a strategy for the future.

First the good news. Chief among them - the younger generation who will teach. Teachers are no longer so clearly diverge from the schools, and the amount received in the service of teachers exceeded the number of resignations. A continuing shortage of historians, Trudovik "Englishmen" and the gym teacher decided to make up for taking on the job of senior students 'part-time', pensioners and attracting professionals from other fields. And graduates of pedagogical institutes and pedkolledzhej, apparently, no longer shirk their professional duties.

All schools are sports sections. Virtually disappeared complaints about the quality of school breakfasts and lunches. And the fact that they are now "individually packaged" can comply with all the modern sanitary standards supply.

In response to his good attitude encouraging adult children developed intelligence.

Do not forget about the power and doshkolyatah: last year it was open 9 additional groups for children with unstable speech, 14 - for those with impaired function of the musculoskeletal system, 12 - for the weak and sickly children. Children with developmental problems and helping behavior in psychological, medical and social center of "Little Boy."

If we talk about the problems, it is not hard to guess what their origins in the lack of money. However, despite all the financial difficulties in the plans of heads of educational institutions - the implementation of programs and projects aimed at helping children and young people who find themselves in difficult situations. In addition, it is planned to take additional measures to strengthen the material base of educational institutions and social welfare educators themselves.

То плана действий; бросить работу, неполный рабочий день учителя, чтобы избежать (профессиональных) обязанностей; жалобы о чем-л (еда и т.д.); соответствовать гигиеническим требованиям, для детей с нарушениями речи; моторном деятельности дисфункции ; развития и поведенческие проблемы; ослабленных детей, отсутствие денег, укреплять: социального обеспечения учителей.