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Dialogues on infectious diseases

Составители: старшие преподаватели кафедры иностранных языков Санкт-Петербургской Государственной Педиатрической Медицинской Академии Дайнеко М.Ю., Мордвинова Н.А., Слободчикова М.П.

Рецензент: доцент кафедры романской филологии факультета иностранных языков РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена, кандидат педагогических наук Макаричева В.Д.

Ответственный редактор: заведующая кафедрой иностранных языков Санкт-Петербургской Государственной Педиатрической Медицинской Академии, кандидат филологических наук доцент Могилёва И.И.

Учебное пособие “Dialogues on Infectious Diseases” предназначено для студентов педиатрического факультета, а также факультета сестринского дела и является курсом, активизирующим речевые формулы для выражения определённых коммуникативных намерений в соответствии с современными тенденциями реализации системы учебных действий.

Основной целью данного методического пособия является формирование у студентов умения использовать английский язык как средство профессионального общения. При составлении авторы руководствовались основными положениями современной методики и документоведения, предусматривающими развитие навыков понимания партнёров адекватно ситуации общения. Тематическая направленность данных методических разработок базируется на текстовой подборке пособия “Learn to Read and Speak on Children’s Infectious Diseases”.

Структурной единицей пособия “Dialogues on Infectious Diseases” является разноуровневый мини-модуль, содержащий аналоги коммуникативных ситуаций профессионального общения и различные виды упражнений, направленных на решение ситуативных профессиональных задач, связанных с паспортизацией больного. Содержание данного пособия подкреплено соответствующей видеоверсией и может быть использовано для самостоятельной работы аудиторного и внеаудиторного направлений.


N.B. Если Вы будете испытывать трудности при прохождение уровня А, предлагаем начинать с уровня В.


Exercise 1.

Guess the diagnosis and prove your choice:

PATIENT: May I see Doctor Bloggs, the therapeutist?

CLERK: The Doctor is examining some urgent patients in Room 20. And he won’t see anybody else now. I’m really sorry. But you can visit Doctor Murrey.

PATIENT: Where does he see his patients?

CLERK: Room 28. Second floor to the right.

PATIENT: Thank you.

(Some minutes later)

PATIENT: Are you all waiting for Doctor Murrey?

SECOND PATIENT: No, there are only two of us to see Doctor Murrey.

PATIENT: Is he a good specialist? I’ve never been to him before.

SECOND PATIENT: Oh, yes, he’s quite an experienced doctor, I should say. He examines the patients so thoroughly. I’ve been to him several times and… Oh, here comes the previous patient. It’s my turn now. Excuse me.

(A few minutes later)

PATIENT: Good morning, doctor.

DOCTOR: Morning. What’s wrong with you?

PATIENT: I’m awfully sick, doctor. I have some skin irritation which is spreading all over the body.

DOCTOR: Do you have any sensation of itching? To what do you attribute the appearance of these eruptions? Did the rash come out after taking some drugs or particular kinds of food?

PATIENT: Some papules appeared suddenly on different parts of the body and within some time they began to look like vesicles. And now I can notice even the fusion of vesicles.

DOCTOR: Really? Let me examine you immediately. Take your clothes off and stand up….It doesn’t look like any allergic dermatosis or acute urticaria…. Oh, I see. You’d better have stayed at home and called a doctor in. You have one of the most contagious diseases of childhood. Adults may also contract it. It wasn’t necessary to come here yourself.

PATIENT: Is it so serious, doctor?

DOCTOR: No, you needn’t fear. The treatment usually requires almost nothing. Possible complications are rare and can occur in uncommonly severe cases. But I must take some preventive measures concerning your urgent isolation. A nurse will be here in a minute to take you to our isolation-room. You may dress now and I’ll write you a sick-leave.

PATIENT: OK, doctor. Everything you consider to be the best.

Exercise 2.

Make a dialogue between a nurse and a patient according to the given data:

Exercise 3.

Fill in the gaps in the text using the following words:

hospital should must keep most it and home not several the appears the aid measles patient's the fresh small are rinse the there of desquamation

Measles is one of the m__________(1) communicable and widespread diseases of childhood. All the parents must know that m__________(2) is a very grave disease which is dangerous for children especially the young ones.

The disease is spread by infected droplets from the nose and throat sneezed or coughed into the air.

T__________(3) is an incubation period of 9—10 days. The first symptoms are fever, cough and sneezing. With the appearance of these symptoms t__________(4) parents must put the child into bed and call the doctor in.

T__________(5) disease is characterized by a rash which appears on the 4th day, at first on the mucous membrane of the mouth, i__________(6) is known as Filatov-Koplik's spots. These a__________(7) tiny white spots on a bright red background. Then red maculopapular rash a__________(8) on the skin, at first behind the ears, then on the face, body and limbs. After the disappearance of the rash d__________(9) begins.

The patient begins to feel much worse. The cough a__________(10) cold in the head become aggravated, the eyes get purulent. If the disease is not complicated, the patient recovers quickly.

Proper treatment and good nursing may prevent complications. The patient's room must be aired as often as possible, because f__________(11) air prevents further infection, and it must be cleaned with a wet duster. The patient's bed must be placed so that the day light s__________(12) n__________(13) fall on his face, but the room m__________(14) never be darkened because the sun rays kill bacteria.

It is necessary to k__________(15) the patient's mouth clean. For this purpose the patient should r__________(16) his mouth after meals. Little children must drink boiled water instead o__________(17) rinsing. If the child has no complications he must be bathed as usual. The temperature of the water must be about 36—37 °C. As the sick child has poor appetite he should take soft diet in s__________(18) amounts 5—6 times a day. The p__________(19) hands must often be washed and he must not be allowed to rub his eyes. It is good to wash his eyes out with tea (green tea is better) or an appropriate disinfecting solution s__________(20) times a day. It is necessary to isolate t__________(21) sick child from healthy children. When it is impossible for t__________(22) child to have proper nursing at h__________(23), he should be taken to the h__________(24) where there are proper conditions to a__________(25) his recovery.


Exercise 1.

Guess the diagnosis and prove your choice:

PATIENT: Good morning, doctor.

DOCTOR: Good morning. Take a seat, please. You are run down. What’s troubling you?

PATIENT: I am not well, doctor. I feel miserable. My nose is clogged up. I am constantly sneezing and coughing.

DOCTOR: Do you feel pain anywhere? Do you have any aches in the back of your head?

PATIENT: You know, everything reels before my eyes and I have a splitting headache in the region of temples and sharp pain in the throat.

DOCTOR: I don’t suppose your sickness will last long. Did you take your temperature?

PATIENT: The temperature went up of a sudden and it was 37,8ºC.

DOCTOR: I wonder how you got such a hoarse throat. Let me examine you… Oh, your pulse rate is rapid. The respiration is accelerated. Let me see your tongue. Open your mouth, please, say ah…ah…ah.

PATIENT: It’s hard to swallow.

DOCTOR: I see… Your throat is inflamed. The mucous membranes are reddened. And now strip to the waist. I’m going to listen to your heart and lungs…

PATIENT: I have pains in the muscles and joints as well. I feel as though I were black and blue all over. Anything serious, doctor?

DOCTOR: No, don’t worry. Nothing very serious, but you’d better stay in bed for some days.… I’ll prescribe you some antiviral remedies and cough mixture. Take them in accordance with the prescription.

PATIENT: I hope the medicine will perform miracles. How many times a day will I take the pills?

DOCTOR: 1 tablet 3 times a day before eating. Don’t forget to gargle your throat regularly.

PATIENT: Should I follow a diet?

DOCTOR: Nothing special, but a lot of warm drinking would be useful. Proper food and ordinary care – that’s what you must give attention to. Put a hot bottle to your feet to keep your bed warm.

PATIENT: How long have I to be confined to my bed?

DOCTOR: For about 3-4 days. Follow all the recommendations or there may be dangerous complications… You are to come to my consulting room on Monday, here is your appointment card. I’ll direct you to make analyses of blood and urine to make sure in your recovery.

PATIENT: Thank you very much, doctor. Good bye.

DOCTOR: Good bye.

Exercise 2.

Play the part of a nurse. You should explain the doctor the laboratory tests results and what kind of treatment the patient had before being hospitalized:

Exercise 3.

Fill in the gaps:

Scarlet fever is an acute (1)__________ disease characterized by high temperature, rapid pulse, a punctate (2)____________ followed by desquamation, inflammation of the throat. It is caused by Hemolitic (3)___________.

The disease may be (4)__________ either by various objects — clothing, toys, books and food-stuffs, infected by the patient or by means of (5)__________ infection (during coughing, sneezing or talking).

All children are (6)__________, particularly frequently between 18 months and 10 years of age. (7)___________ also contract this illness, but they have only sore (8)__________ without the eruption characteristic of scarlet fever.

The (9)__________ period of the disease lasts on an average 4—7 days; sometimes it only takes a few hours.

The (10)__________ of the disease is sudden. There is generally a very sore (11)__________, a sharp rise of (12)__________ to 39—40°C, nausea, vomiting, headache and often chills. The (13)___________ nodes of the neck are enlarged. The child is (15)__________ and sleeps badly.

Within a few hours, but more often at the end of the first or in the beginning of the second day a diffuse red rash appears on the neck, chest and back, (16)__________ to the arms and legs. The area around the (17)__________ remains free from rash. The rash lasts one or three days and then fades away. After the (18)__________ of the rash the period of (19)__________ begins. Desquamation continues 10—14 days.

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