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UNIT 4.doc
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«Запрос мнения», «Выражение мнения», «Согласие/несогласие»


What do you feel about ... ?

What do you think about ... ?

What's your opinion of ... ?

How do you see ... ?

How would you react to ... ?

Do you have any particular views on ?


I think that ...

I believe that ...

As I understand it ...

In my view ...

In my opinion ...

As far as I know ...

As I see it ...

To my mind ...

I consider that ...

It's my feeling that ...

From where I stand ...


That's quite right .

That's true .

Exactly so !

I'm with you there .

I'm of the same opinion

I absolutely agree with ...

don't agree .

Not really .

I'm not sure , in fact.

That's wrong !

I don't think that's right .

I don't see why...


  1. Спросите у своего товарища, о том, какое у него мнение о вашем университете (о первых днях учебы в университете, об одногруппниках, о режиме рабочего дня студента и др.). Пусть он выскажет свое мнение, с которым вы согласитесь / не согласитесь.

  2. Спросите у студентов вашей группы, о том, какое у них мнение о студенческой жизни. Пусть каждый выскажет свое мнение, с которым вы согласитесь / не согласитесь.

  3. Работая в триаде, поинтересуйтесь у одного из партнеров по общению о его мнении по поводу учебного расписанию. Пусть он выскажет это мнение, с которым второй партнер не согласится и приведет свои доводы, обосновывающие несогласие.

II. Текст для чтения, перевода и обсуждения актиный вокабуляр

it goes without saying

scrambled eggs


short of time



to have a snack

to keep smb going


leaves much to be desired

to serve

a chop




stewed fruit



to begin with





mushroom soup



to boil

to fry

green peas

from time to time




Big Mac

My meals

It goes without saying that I prefer to have meals at home. At the weekend I like to get up late and have a good breakfast of scrambled eggs, or pancakes, or something like that. But on weekdays I'm always short of time in the morning. So I just have a cup of strong tea or coffee and a couple of sandwiches.

As I spend a lot of time at the university (usually eight or nine hours) it's necessary to have a snack at midday just to keep me going. That's why I have to go to the university canteen to have lunch. Our canteen leaves much to be desired. It has become a tradition with our canteen to serve chops and watery mashed potatoes every day with a glass of cocoa or stewed fruit.

But I enjoy my evening meal at home. My mother is a wonderful cook and her dinners are always delicious and various. To begin with, we usually have some salad — tomato and cucumber salad or mixed salad (I like it very much). For the first course we have some soup — noodle, mushroom or cabbage soup, or maybe some fish soup for a change. For the main course we have meat, chicken or fish dishes, for example, steak or fried fish with spaghetti or potatoes (boiled or fried). We also have a lot of vegetables — green peas, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers. I prefer meat to fish but my mother makes me eat fish from time to time. She says it's good for my brains. For dessert we have some fruit, fruit juice or just a cup of tea with a slice of cake.

On Sundays we sometimes go to McDonald's. I like everything there: cheeseburgers, hamburgers and Big Macs, apple pies and fruit cocktails. But. unfortunately we can't afford to go there very often, because it's rather expensive for a family and besides, they say it's not very healthy to eat at McDonald's.

Задания по тексту

  1. Причитайте текст и установите значение выделенных слов, фраз и предложений.

  2. Определите, какие предложения из данного текста Вы могли бы использовать, рассказывая о том как вы обычно питаетесь

  3. Составьте письменно по образцу данного текста рассказ о что вы едите. (не менее 12 предложений)

  4. Подготовьте чтение и устный перевод данного текста, будьте готовы к выполнению дополнительных лексических заданий преподавателя.

  5. Выполните следующие коммуникативные задания:


Write in a or an where necessary to make complete sentences, or write no change , if the sentence is already complete.

1 Joanna eats apple every morning. ...an apple ...

2 Peter doesn't like milk in his tea. .NO CHANGE..

3 Katie rarely has biscuit with her coffee. ..........................................................................................................

4 George normally eats meat for dinner, ............................................................................................................

5 Brian usually has omelette for lunch. ...............................................................................................................

6 Margaret never drinks beer. ...................................................................................................................................

7 Robin occasionally puts butter on his potatoes. ........................................................................................


Jane is trying to lose weight, so every day she writes down what she has eaten. Look at the food she ate today and complete her notes, using a or an where necessary (choose only low-caloric food)

Breakfast – cornflakes, pork chop, juice, porridge, milk, salad, cheese, cup of black coffee, cake , mashed potatoes.

Lunch – soup, chicken broth, ham, vegetable salad, boiled beef, mineral water, beer, cauliflower, cabbage, bread, dry bread.

Dinner – lobster, fish, potatoes, omelette, turkey, glass of milk, meat salad, fruit salad. tea, veal, steak, green peas, fried pork, spaghetti.


Discuss with a friend the menu of your today’s dinner:

a. if you are going to dine alone

b. if you invite your group-mates for this dinner.



1 How many meals a day do you usually have?

2. What do you usually have for breakfast?

3. Where do you have lunch (dinner)?

4. How many courses does your lunch (dinner) usually consist of?

5. What is your favourite dish?

6. What vegetables do you like?

7. What do you usually have for dessert?

8. How often do you eat out?

9. Have you ever eaten at McDonald's?

10. Some people say that eating at a restaurant is a waste of money. Do you agree?

11. Can you cook?


I am as hungry as a hunter .

Can you recommend a good (cheap) restaurant (cafe, bar) ?

Where can we get a quick meal ?

I'd like to get a snack (a big dinner, a lunch) .

They serve tasty food here (there) .

Is the service at this cafe good ?

The cafe is packed.

We'd like a table for two.

Is this table vacant ?

Could I have the menu?

733. What would you like for breakfast ?

734. I prepare bacon and eggs and a cup of tea.

735. ... fish and a cup of coffee .

736. ... a meat dish and express coffee .

737. ... vegetables and joghurt.

738. ... a soft (hard) - boiled egg .

739. I would like tea with milk .

740. What do you want to order for dinner ?

741. What would you like to start with ?

742. I'd like a fish salad .

743. ... vegetable salad

744. ... potato salad

745. ... chicken salad

746. ... mixed salad

747. ... stuffed fish

748. ... smoked fish

749. ... .shrimp cocktail

750. ... ham

751. ... cheese

752. ... meat in aspic

753. ... fish in aspic

754. What about the entree (ocновное блюдо)?

755. I'd rather order fried chicken .

756. ... roast pork.

757. ... fried fish.

758. ... pork chops.

759. What side dish would you like ?

760. vegetables

761. French fries = fried potatoes

762. mashed potatoes

763. macaroni

764. rice

765. I never eat soup .

766. What can you recommend for dessert ?

767. waffles

768. ice-cream

769. fruit salad

770. cream

771. an apple pie

772. a pastry

773. a cake

774. What about drinks ?

775. I am off alcohol, I prefer soft drinks.

776. I would like ...

777. ... sweet wine

778. ... champagne

779. ... beer

780. ... mineral water

781. ... juice

782.Could you, please, clear the table ?

783.Set the table for four .

784. a plate

785. a knife

786. a fork

787. a spoon

788. a wine glass

789. a cup

790. a napkin

791. a three-course meal

792. substantial meal

793. Can I ask for ...?

794. Please, bring ...

795.May, I have the bill?

796. Have a pleasant meal = Enjoy .

    1. Текст для ДОПОЛНИТЕЬНОГО чтения и ОБСУЖДЕНИЯ.

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