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Test 3


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with regard to your advertisement that I read in Students magazine. This year I am going to practice language emersion/immersion/. That’s why I want /would like/ to get more information about this course and let me ask you the following questions.

Firstly, you wrote that you have classes for all levels in small groups. Due to the fact that mine level is advanced, so I would like to know how many classes you have. Because, it was/is or has been my/ long held ambition and I want to do my best.

Secondly, speaking about registration for an intensive course for fast progress, unfortunately, you didn’t give the clear information about this. That is why I would be very pleased if you send me more detailed information. It is very important, because it is my ambition /repetitive/ to have a good command of the language.

I also read in your advertisement that social and cultural activities are included in the price. What kind of activities did you mean? Does it mean going to the museum, theaters and cinemas for free? And how far this aminities/amenities/ from the place I’m going to live./am I going to live?/

As for accommodation I would prefer living with /a/host family. But there is only one problem, /dash or colon/ you didn’t say how much it will cost. Since I’m a student I would be grateful if you gave me further information about available discounts.

I’m really looking forward to receiving your apply.

Yours faithfully,

Veronika Kurilko.

2.My favourite sport.

Do you know that in travel and sports men are known? I also like to travel and do sports too. And today I wanted to tell you more about my favorite type of sport. It is badminton.

Since my early childhood I was doing different sport activities. But can you imagine that I found the perfect one only at the age of sixteen? It’s a well known fact that doing sports can make you healthier and fit, but in my case it is also a good way of relaxation.

As I have already said I started playing badminton when I was 16. I find this sport rather intensive and resultative/efficient/ in terms of loosing/losing/ weight. Because you have to move all the time of the set. It is also good for coordination and attention. But if you want to start playing badminton/comma/ you have to ask your doctor firstly. Because it terms of danger this type of sport can cause lots of injuries of bones and bindles.

I can’t say that I found new friends, but I met lots of interesting people while playing some sets with them. In my opinion, it’s a good experience not only in badminton, but in life /comma/too.

Everybody knows that moving is life, so it doesn’t matter what type of sport you choose. The matter is what advantages you can take from it

10/9 veronika owes me for the class 25 grn

A tower of strength

Writing 3

Unit 40 reading

To finish listening


Hi, Jenny

I was so glad to get an e-mail from you. You said you wanted to be as feet as a fiddle, so I think I can give you the /a/ helping hand. You wrote that there is a park near your place and asked me to join you while running. You see, running is my favorite pastime, but because of the lack of time I must say “no”.

As for gyms, I go to a really good gym which is near my place. There you can do a lot of good/it can do you a lot of good???/. You might attend aerobics classes or got for work out/spelling-as a solid word/ or just swimming. Anything /either a comma or dash/you name it they have it.

I hope sport will become am essential part of your life. I wish you to succeed.



2.When I was really small

An old adage has it you’d better have 100 friends rather than 100 dollars. That is why each of us has the best friend since childhood. I am not an exception. When I was 6 years old I met the girl whose name was Nastia. We liked each other from/at/ the first sight. From /since/early childhood we have had much in common. Firstly, we had the same hight/spelling/, color of hair and voices. And secondly/comma/ we still have the same tastes too.

We’ve been friends for 11 years and I must say that we used to see so much of each other. /we have to use a linker here/Sometimes she can be noisy, but she is an out door /as one word/and outgoing person, that is why I have almost no things/I think there is nothing/ that I don’t like about her. I must say that we are bosom friends, so for me she is a person I can go to if I need a piece of advice.

Now she is living and studying in Kiev and that is why we can’t see much of each other. But when she comes to Donetsk /comma/we always try to meet and to talk as much as possible.

I wish everyone had such a good friend.

3.Going to museum

Everybody decides how to spend his free time. Somebody likes to go to the cinema, circus of theater and somebody likes to visit museums. This year I wanted to make a holiday of my lifetime and went to St.Petersburg and visited some museums there /too repetitive/. There is so much to see and so much to do./exclamation mark/ We went to Petergof, Gatchina and Czar Village, but the place I was impressed by the most was /the /Winter Palace or in other words /the/Hermitage.

It goes without saying I bought a tour around the museum. The Hermitage has the collection that counts over 3 million masterpieces of art and worldwide art memorials. It includes – pictorial art, graphic arts, sculpture, items of ornamental art, archeological materials and numismatic material. It is also famous for its halls of savage culture, culture and art of East, hall of West Europe, Ancient and Russian culture. It also consists of hall of weapon, gallery of jewelry, Winter Palace of Peter 1, The General Staff and empress/apostrophie?/ porcelain factory museum.

Honestly speaking, I liked Winter Palace the most, which impressed me by its royalty and magnificence. I will never forget these huge halls with luxury furniture and endless number of items of interior. On the exit of museum I even bought /a/replica/of/ Fransua Flameng ,,Reception in Malmesone in 1802” which I hang on the wall in my sleeping room/you mean brdroom?/.

In my opinion, every person has to visit the Hermitage at least once in life/once in a lifetime/ and to feel its magnificence. That is why I think that this city is worth visiting for students. Don’t miss your chance!



1.  E-mail -test 1 p 10

Hi, Jenny

I was so glad to get an e-mail from you. You said that you wanted to get fit, so I think I can help you.

You wrote that there is a park near your place and asked me to go for running in the mornings. Unfortunately, I can’t go running in the mornings /repetitive/ because I have to get up early to get to university.

As for school life /comma/we were best friends. We had been spending every day together. I must say that she is the only one person who understands me in the best way. Her advises always were very gyms, I have a really good gym near my place. There are lots of sections, where you can try any type of sport. In my opinion, you can get fit very fast even if you do exercise only twice a week, but you have to do aerobics, by all means.

You also said that you want to learn swimming. By all means,/put it at the end/ I can help you. I think I can be free on Thursdays at 7 o’clock in the evening.

I hope you’ll succeed on doing sports. Wish you luck!



2. When I was really small

An old adage has it you’d better have 100 friends than 100 dollars. That is why each of us has the best friend from …childhood. I am not an exception. When I was 6 years old I met girl whose name was Nastia. She was 1 year older than me, but we were very similar look like. We had /were of/the same height, blond hair and voices.

We went to one class together and during  helpful.

We’ve been friends for 11 years. Now she is studying in Kiev and that is why we can’t meet each other /see much of each other/ every day. But when she comes to Donetsk… we always try to meet and to talk as much as possible.

I wish everyone to have such a good friend for the whole life./use the construction/

3. Going to museum

Everybody decides how to spend his free time. Somebody likes to go to the cinema, circus or theater and somebody likes to visit museums. And I am not an exception. This year I went to St.Petersburg and visited their some museum/word order and possessive/. We went to Petergof, Gatchina and Czar Village, but the place I was impressed by the most was Winter Palace or in other words Hermitage.

Hermitage has the collection that counts over 3 millions masterpieces of art and worldwide art memorials. It includes – pictorial art, graphic arts, sculpture, items of ornamental art, archeological materials and numismatic material. As I have already said Hermitage has a huge collection, /no comma/which includes such halls as: hall of savage culture, culture and art of East, hall of West Europe art, hall of Ancient culture, Russian culture and numismatic. It is also consist of hall of weapon, gallery of jewelry, Winter Palace of Peter 1, Menshikov’s palace, The General Staff and imperator’s porcelain factory museum.

Honestly speaking, I liked the Winter Palace the most, which impressed me by its royalty and magnificence. I will never forget this huge halls with luxury furniture and endless number of items of interior. On the exit of museum I bought replica Fransua Flameng ,,Entertainment/reception/ in Malmesone in 1802”, which I hang on the wall in my sleeping room.

In my opinion, every person has to attend/to visit/ the Hermitage at least once in life and to feel its magnificence and history. That is why I think that students will find this museum complex rather interesting and useful.

4. As soon as Roy opened the door, he knew something was wrong. He came in/into/ the house and heard strange sounds from his room on the second floor. Roy looked around the first floor and made sure it was empty. He gasped relaxed, but noises didn’t stop and he decided to get up into his room. Getting closer to his room noises became louder, but as soon as he got/to/ the door they died. Roy opened the door slowly. And he heard: Surprise!! Happy birthday to you! There were his friends and relatives. It was their surprise to his 17th birthday. Roy smiled and started to celebrate his birthday.

5. Hi, Jack!

How is life? I hope you passed session well/to do well т the /! And now let me answer your question.

You wrote that you saw the film that we made by play of A.Ostrovskiy “Dowerless” , which is called Cruel romance . I read …book and watched film both/???. But I want to say that movie was filmed much more interesting than …book. I extremely liked the play of actors and… music was gorgeous.

As for …book I don’t think that it is worth reading. As for me it was very boring to read this book after watching …film. Firstly,… events were put in …different way than in …film. Secondly, it is rather difficult to read… play by roles. That is why I don’t think that it is worth reading this book.

I hope you will listen… my advice./take my advice/ Sorry, but I need to go. Send my best regards to your parents and sister.

Take care,




Test 1

1. E-mail

Hi, Jenny

I was so glad to get an e-mail from you. You said that you want to get fit, so I think I can help you.

You wrote that there is a park near your place and asked me to go for running in the mornings. Unfortunately, I can’t go running in the mornings because I have to get up early in the morning to get to university.

As for gyms, I have a real good gym near my place. There are lots of sections, where you can try any type of sport. In my opinion, you can get fit very fast even if you do exercise only twice a week. But it would be possible if you do aerobics.

You also said that you want to learn swimming. By all means, I can help you. I think I can be free on Thursdays at 7 o’clock in the evening.

I hope you’ll succeed on doing sports. Wish you luck!



2. When I was really small

An old adage has it you’d better have 100 friends than 100 dollars. That is why each of us has the best friend from …childhood. I am not an exception. When I was a small 6 years old girl…I met… girl whose name was Nastia. She was 1 year older than me, but we were very similar look like. We had the same height, same blond hair and almost same voices.

We went to the same class together and during school life we’ve been best friends. Everyday we have been spending together. I must say that she is the only one person who understands me in the best way. Her advises have always been very helpful.

We’ve been friends for 11 years. Now she is studying in Kiev and that is why we can’t meet each other every day. But when she comes to Donetsk… we always try to meet and to talk as much as possible.

I wish everyone to have such friend for whole life.

Company – is like a big clock. If every small mechanism works properly, clock works very well. That is why it is very important for companies to have its own structure where everybody makes their most for …company works better.

My dad works in …law company, where he …the first person after director in …Donetsk subsidiary. The name of this company is ,,Voropaev and partners”. This company like the others has its structure. This company has two subsidiaries in Kiev... in Donetsk. The direction/management, board, directorate/ hasn’t determined where is the head office yet. The main activity of company is to help big commercial companies of Ukraine in law questions. There are two deputes in both subsidiaries. My dad is a depute in …Donetsk subsidiary. He is responsible for drawing up the most important contracts. This company has the lawyers of the first and second chain, one secretary and one bean-counter. The lawyers of… first and second chains have the same responsibilities as the depute, but connected with less important companies. Bean-counter is in charge of finances.

In my opinion, this company will be one of the leading law companies in Ukraine within two years. As for me ,(when I’ll finish my studying/after graduation, when I graduate from/) at university I would like to work in this compay.

  1. 1


Find yourself

Open-plan office

Working environment-BUSINESS LIKE

Overlooks the city center/faces the yard


In good condition fully equipped with up-to-date gadgets like comps, printers & other /internet facilities

Be divided by partitions

He majors in law


Make your living/

Draw up contracts/to make up financial reports and analyses

Conduct negotiations

Subordinates and shareholders

Work to tough deadlines/overtime/long hours

It involves/he in charge of/well-paid job

Highly- qualified lawyer

White-collar worker/good at/working in a team

Have leadership skills

Advantages &disadvantages

Pros and cons

On the one hand…

A good job to make a living/a good way to earn money

All the staff thought the world of her

a very valuable worker

follow in one’s footsteps

after being shown around his office

I made up my mind

[19.05.2011 22:22:51] Kudryavtseva Nadia: Task 20

Last year you and your family celebrated the New Year with your friends in their small country house not far from your place. Write a letter to your British pen-friend about this celebration. Don’t forget to mention

in more detail

Be round the corner

how you got to the country house

it took me 2 hours to get there/ by bus/on foot

slippery/bumpy/traffic jams

traffic was not very busy

what the weather was like on New Year’s Eve

snowy/frosty/slippery/lots of snow drifts /like in a fairy tale /stormy

what special dishes you had for the holiday dinner

it made my mouth water/specialties/to be good at

be an excellent cook/

how you spent the time and what gifts you prepared for your family and friends.

There was nothing I didn’t like about my trip Had a jolly good time/enjoyed ourselves/painted the town red/

Fireworks/something memorable/make the most of our party

a kind of barbeque party./in the open air

cool/tough/trendy music so that my guests could enjoy it.

We kept dancing until the dawn

Took photos/made fun

Wish you had been there

Write an informal letter of at least 100 words.

Do not write any dates and addresses.

                    Keep our city clean


Nowadays environmental problems became the most popular problems all over the world. Air pollution, ozone depletion, acid rains are the main reasons for health problems among people. Any type of pollution has a damaging effect on health.


The well-known fact is that trees are the lungs of the world. Despite that fact people continue to cut down forests. They do it on their own benefit without any thinking about the consequences. Usually people cut down trees either/or to built/put up a new building at that place and sent trees to plants and factories./timber


The one of important problem /urgent that is still alive is a litter. To solve Every day we throw away so many things without thinking about recycle./that it next to impossible to recycle them. Fortunately, I can call my family environmentally friendly, because we try to recycle litter. For example, we use paper as a fuel for our sauna, my granddaddy recycle glass bottles and we use reservoirs for food more than one time.


Industrial vehicle is impossible to be stopped. My city is the most industrial city in Ukraine. On the one hand it is very good/advatage because of workplaces, but on the other hand it is extremely dangerous to live in such area. Air pollution cause the holes in the ozone layer. /which results in As the result we have lots of problems with weather./industrial emissions


The progress can’t be stopped/ therei is no stopping and this is good, because it may help us to invite new methods how to stop pollution. However, even without progress everyone has to try to reduce environmental problems on his own./ I am convinced that we have to make every effort to reduce environmental pollution before it is too late.


                                My school


Everyone remember his school life. These times are an unforgettable one, that is why we very often look back to on our school days. I go to Donetsk lyceum ,,College” at the 11th form. It is located in the city centre near the main square. There are approximately 1000 students study at lyceum.


Fortunately, I have very friendly class/ours is a friendly class. There are as many as 37 pupils, but we are divided into two subgroups and classes we attend only by groups. My is specialized on history and law. We specialize in


At school we have 15 subjects to study. I like the most Literature./keen on, fond of, interested in/ I enjoy reading and analyzing characters. My hateful/ I loathe/ subject is Mathematics, because I hate +ing to count and solve problems.


We have 6 lessons per day. I can’t say that we have really difficult lessons, but sometimes I come home after classes and feel more dead than alive. Fortunately, we don’t have usually lots of homework/we are not given/ to do and I am very pleased for it./ which makes everybody happy


Unfortunately, our school is not very popular for its sport facilities/cannot boast of. We don’t have our own sport ground and qualificated qualified teachers. That is why we don’t have classes of physical education at all.


As for extracurricular activities we don’t have such activities. Our school used to have extra classes of French and German, but because there were no many pupils these classes were cancelled.


In general I really enjoy studying at this school, but in my opinion there are so many things to do./high time to do about it




Dear Cathy,


My name is Veronica. I am Ukrainian and I am 16 years old.


Now I am doing my homework and I am writing to you, because I am very sociable and try to catch any possibility /use every chance of /to meet new interesting people.


I am very tall (approximately 175 sm.), my hair is blond, I have grey eyes and big nose. I am very communicative person that is why I have so many friends all over the world. I try to keep in touch with them, but sometimes it is very difficult.

A good mixer/up to my eyes in studies, moreover, my internet leaves much to be desired

 You might be interested to what I look like and I like doing /grey eyed & blond-hair.wavy/marvelous

I must confess, there is almost nothing extraordinary about,My life is not extraordinary. I live the live of anthe average teenager with all its ups and downs ordinary people. Everyday I go to school and attend extra classes. I am also very keen on doing sports. I try not to miss any training, because it helps me to keep my body fit. As for my plans for future I am planning to be a lawyer. In my opinion, this profession is the right way to a happy life.


And what about you? What are you doing for a living? How do you live this life? favourite pastime, things that you are fond of/keen on/


Write back soon,

 To follow in my father’s footsteps

Nuclear family

An only child

Circle of friends

To go out and fool around

To make enough money to support

Rather attractive

In my mid teens

Athletic/ slim/well-built

Healthy complexion & tanned

Facial features





Easy-going/good-natures/generous/frank/honest and helpful/intelligent/get irritable obedient/outgoing/with a good sense of humor

Trustworthy and reliable

Smart & casual

I can’t stand

Look up to & look down on

Apple of eye




Hi Galya,


I am staying in Edinburg. I must confess that I have never seen the most colorful /impressive city than this one./never in my life have I seen a more beautiful city


Have a look at the postcard! This is the Edinburg castle, which is situated on the top of extinct volcano. / They say, in fact /This is the most popular tourists attraction in Scotland.,/which is especially popular with foreigners.

 To enjoy yourself

Firstly, it was built in 600 AD./its history goes back to as early as .. It was home for the hosts of the city and region./the powerful and mighty of this area/ Throughout the centuries the role of this castle has changed lots of times. Now it is both a historic monument and a working military establishment, being the headquarters of the Scottish Division./ in particular/ Because many centuries ago exactly this castle was of strategic importance during Scotland's wars of independence. It was many centuries ago that

 more and more

I am a keen traveller,

holiday of a lifetime.

to make the most of my trip

did a lot of sightseeing

to tell you about in more detail

morning till night I kept walking

enjoyable experience

worth visiting

it by all means./do not miss your chance

so much to do & see

arrive I /at

on foot &by bus

to take a guided tour

holiday making

to take a package holiday

wish you were here!

There was nothing I didn’t like about my trip.

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