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The noun

Ex.4. Write the plural form of the following:

a) regular nouns: story- _______, play- _______, glass- _______, flag- _______, photo- _______, match- _______, knife- _______, radio- _______, roof- _______, key- _______, factory- _______, wolf- _______, piano- _______, class-_______, bath- _______, chief-________

b) irregular nouns: child- _______, man-_______, goose- _______, woman-_______, ox- _______, tooth- _______, deer- _______, mouse- _______, sheep- _______

c) nouns of Greek or Latin origin: criterion- _______, medium- _______, datum- _______, formula- _______, basis- ______, radius- _______, analysis- _______, index- _______, crisis- ______, symposium- _______, stimulus- _______, phenomenon- _______, oasis- _______, nucleus- _______, memorandum- ________, hypothesis- _______, thesis- ________

d) compound nouns: forget-me-not- _______, fellow-worker- _______, commander-in-chief- ________, lily-of -the-valley- ________, merry-go-round- _______, ticket-holder- ______, governor-general- ______, man-of-war- _______, sister-in-law- _______, passer-by- _______, room-mate- ______, boy-friend-_______, post-man-_______, man-servant- _______

Ex.5. a) Divide the following words into two columns: countable and uncountable nouns (you must get 25 uncountable nouns):

furniture, coffee, leaf, food, computer, list, blood, job, work, language, advice, country, information, money, progress, permit, permission, baggage, luggage, beach, traffic, weather, window, knowledge, air, water, holiday, damage, accommodation, scenery, scene, pigeon, bread, mountain, luck, news, accident, laugh, flour, laughter

Countable nouns: ___________________________________________________



Uncountable nouns: __________________________________________________



b) Underline the nouns which are used only in the plural form (you must get 25 nouns):

athletics, cattle, scissors, taxes, pyjamas, economics, police, news, means, goods, pants, subjects, billiards, darts, outskirts, premises, mechanics, spectacles, clothes, stairs, maths, shorts, tights, gymnastics, congratulations, crossroads, patience, scales, lodgings, foundations, equipment, research, authorities, soap, contents, looks, countryside, traffic-lights, tongs, toothpaste, headphones, delays, binoculars, electronics, eyes, trousers

Ex.6. a) Replace the of-phrase by the possessive and complete the table:

regular nouns

compound nouns

proper names


1) the director’s assistant

1) the Commander

-in-Chief’s order

1) Sir Charles’s nephew

1) a ten minutes’ interval

the assistant of the director, the nephew of Sir Charles, the order of the Commander-in-Chief, the old coat of my father, the birthday of my boy-friend, the duties of men-servants, the last letter of my mother-in-law, the recent statement of President Bush, the last novel of Hemingway, the early poems of Robert Burns, one of the greatest tragedies of Shakespeare, the latest record of the champion, games of children, clothes of men,

an interval of ten minutes, a distance of five miles, the crew of the ship, the population of England, the mother of Mary and John, the rooms of the daughter and the son, the new house of the Parkers.

b) Paraphrase the following using the possessive case:

Example: I must sleep 9 hours a day to feel well. – I must have nine-hours’ sleep to feel well.

  1. Every day at noon we have a break, which lasts fifteen minutes. ___________________________________________________________________________

  2. I can’t understand why he is so tired. The distance he covered is a mile only. ___________________________________________________________________________

  3. The walk to the station was short. It took us ten minutes. ___________________________________________________________________________

  4. Last year we spent two weeks in Greece. The holiday was terrible. ___________________________________________________________________________

  5. If you want to get there, a trip will take you only five hours. ___________________________________________________________________________

  6. Don’t take a training course that lasts a week. It won’t do you good. ___________________________________________________________________________

  7. I slept only five hours yesterday because my train came late. ___________________________________________________________________________

  8. Yesterday our lesson lasted thirty minutes as our teacher was to leave at 12.


  1. If you want to have a voyage round Europe, you’ll need at least three weeks. ___________________________________________________________________________

  2. My workweek lasts five days.____________________________________________

c) Translate into English using noun structures:

  1. Президент прибыл в страну с трехдневным визитом.______________________________

  2. Никто не знал, что сказать, и наступило минутное молчание._______________________

  3. Доклад главнокомандующего был кратким. _____________________________________

  4. Приезд Поля и Кет был неожиданностью для всех нас.____________________________

  5. Мне кажется, что проблема «отцов и детей» – вечная проблема. ____________________

  6. Самые богатые залежи нефти находятся в Арабских Эмиратах. _____________________

  7. Портрет жены Рембрандта – одна из самых известных картин художника.


Ex.7. a) First underline the two-word verbs in sentences 1-5, then complete sentences 6-10 with appropriate compound nouns related to these two-word verbs:

  1. Denis tried to cover up the fact that he had gambled and lost most of his money.

  2. It is reported that cholera has broken out in the refugee camp.

  3. I’m flying to Sydney, but I’m stopping over in Paris for a few days on the way.

  4. Each Friday a few of us get together and play ten-pin bowling.

  5. We set out from the camp early, hoping to reach the summit by midday.

  6. The Minister was taken ill in Iceland during a short _______ on his way to Canada.

  7. We didn’t have a big party for Jane’s 50th birthday, just a family _______.

  8. Allegations of a _______ of a major leak of radioactive waste from the nuclear power plant have been strongly denied by the Energy Ministry.

  9. Only two years ago there was a serious _______ of malaria in the town.

  10. Even at the _______ of the expedition, they knew they had little chance of crossing the desert.

b) Complete the phrases in (i)with a word from (ii) and then use them in the sentences below. To help you, the meaning of the phrase is given in brackets:


day-to-; man/woman-in-the-; middle-of-the-; down-to-; once-in-a-; round-the-; larger-than-; step-by-


clock life step day lifetime street earth road

  1. Although the Managing Director of Transcom was involved in major decisions, she left the day-to-day running of the company to her start. (routine)

  2. The party will never regain power unless it can persuade _______ voters that it has rid itself of corruption. (not politically extreme)

  3. Since the attempt to assassinate him last year, the Defence Minister has been given _______ protection by the police. (all day and all night)

  4. The bookcase came with simple, _______ instructions on how to assemble it. (progressing from one stage to the next)

  5. When the comet passes close to Earth next week, scientists will have a _______ opportunity to study its effects on our atmosphere. (very rare)

  6. Terry has a refreshing, ______ approach to management. He’s much less concerned with theory than with getting things done in the most efficient way possible. (practical)

  7. The _______ isn’t interested in the finer points of the government’s tax policy. They just want to know if they are going to take home more or less pay. (ordinary person)

  8. Her father was a ________ character who was well known throughout the village for his eccentric way of dressing and outspoken views. (more exaggerated than usual)


Ex.1. You are going to hear Alan and Sara talking about advertising a spare bedroom to rent. a) Listen and answer questions below:

1. Which three pieces of furniture are in the room?

a) a bed

c) a desk

f) a mirror

b) a bedside table

d) a lamp

g) a wardrobe

2. What does the desk look like?




b) Listen again and fill in the gaps in the advertisement. Write no more than one word or a number for each answer:

Accommodation for rent

Small, furnished 1_______ available. Sunny with a nice view of the 2_______. Good location close to two types of 3_______. Rent 4 £_______ per 5_______. Rent includes 6_______ and all other bills.

c) Listen again and fill in the table below:

Countable nouns

Uncountable nouns

Ex.2.Complete this business lunch conversation between friends using a bit of, a piece of or an appropriate container or measure:

Arianna: Would you like to share 1)_______mineral water?

Brona: Yes, OK. Can I get 2)________orange juice, too?

Arianna: Sure. Now, I'd like to ask you for 3)_______advice, actually. I've had 4)_______luck on the stock market and I've made 5)_______cash, and I want to start my own company.

Brona: And you need 6)_______help from me?

Arianna: Yeah. I've developed 7)_______software that searches the web. I'd like you to help me do 8)_______advertising. We could both make 9)_______money on it and have 10)_______fun, too.