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Passive Voice. грамматика

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Passive Voice

1. Complete the sentences using the Present Perfect Passive of these verbs: repair, paint, paper, take out, put up, clean, hang.

Model: 1’he door has been repaired.

Some new curtains have been put up.

  1. The window

  2. The carpet

  3. I he walls

  4. The light

  5. Some posters

  6. The old fireplace

  7. The picture

  1. Make the sentences passive.

1 . Someone has taken his bike!

  1. No one has ever beaten me at chess.

  2. No one has lived in that house for many years.

  3. They have already paid him for that work.

  4. He has made several mistakes in his work.

  5. Somebody has left the door open.

  6. Somebody has already boiled water.

  7. They have invited us to dinner.

  1. Someone has obviously found your purse.

10. Someone has left this house unattended.

  1. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Indefinite Tense in the Active or the Passive Voice instead of the verbs in brackets.

  1. The old fireplace (to replace) in this room recently.

  2. In 1964 Martin Luther King (to win) the Nobel Peace prize.

  3. The cartoon character Mickey Mouse (to create) by Walt Disney.

  4. What (to change) in this room? You (to put) a new carpet?

  5. Teacher (to give) a new pay rise.

  6. Where you (to find) this dog? It’s so dirty.

  7. A valuable painting (to steal) from the Central Art Gallery' last night.

  8. The thief (to take) only money, the diamonds (not to take).

  9. Where you (to be) lately?

  10. You (to invite) to the party?

  1. John Kennedy (to assassinate) in Dallas in 1963.

  2. The thieves (to enter) the house through the kitchen window.

  1. Someone (to be) here last night. My bracelet and some rings (to take).

  2. When the television (to invent)? Who (to invent) it?

  3. - They (to tell) you the news? - No, I (not to tell) anything.

  4. The missing boy still (not to find).

  5. She (not to ask) any questions last night. The police only (to interrogate) me.

  6. They already (to read) all these books, but the new books (not to bring) yet.

19. Who (to leave) the door open? Mrs. Jones (to leave) her door open last week and her house (to break into).

20. - They (to send for) the doctor? – Yes, he (to send for).

  1. Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. Факс только что отослали.

  2. Вся домашняя работа сделана: ошибки исправлены, новые слова выучены, предложения переведены, сочинение написано.

  3. Не прикасайся к забору. Его только что покрасили.

  4. Послали за лекарством?

  5. Меня уже познакомили с этим человеком.

  6. Не беспокойся, ей помогли решить эту проблему.

  7. Садитесь за стол. Обед готов.

  8. Книгу еще не перевели.

  9. Это письмо написано моей сестрой

  10. 10. Эта работа сделана хорошо.

  1. Use the Past Continuous Passive or the Past Perfect Passive instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1. I couldn’t use my car last Sunday. It (to fix).

  1. When I got to the parking lot, 1 did k find my car. It (to steal).

  1. We didn't go to the party because we (not to invite).

  2. When 1 phoned Mark, he told me that my wireless still (to repair) so I couldn't come and get it.

  3. When the taxi arrived, the things still (to pack).

  4. When the taxi arrived, the things (to pack) already.

  5. In the dinning-room Johnny still (to give) a lecture on table manners.

  6. There were no tickets left when we came. They all (to sell out).

  7. When Mother came, the room looked spotless. Everything (to tidy up).

  8. When they arrived home, the preparations still (to make).

  1. I (to ask) a lot of questions before they agreed I knew nothing.

  2. When I came into the room, the students still (to ask) questions.

  3. When the guests came, everything (to do) already, and the kettle (to boil).

  4. By the time we got home, everything was quiet. The children (to put) to bed.

  5. ) heard some noise upstairs " What's going on? " I asked and got an answer that little Kate (to put) to bed.

  6. After he (to promise) the job, he felt quite jubilant.

  1. Make up sentences using the Future Perfect Passive according to the model.

Model: By the time you get there (everything /to do).

By the time you get there everything will have been done.

  1. By next summer (the swimming pool /to build) in this street.

  2. By three о 'clock (my work /to finish) already.

  3. By the time you come back (the flat -to tidy up).

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