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1. Translate the following words and word combinations from Russian into English. Make up a story with them. Be ready to tell it to your teacher.

  1. Ярмарка, выставка, секция, деревянный, великолепный, владелец, похожий, частный, территория выставки, разрушать, в полном разгаре, установить, иметь значение, достичь, причина.

  2. Строгий, коллекционер, цифра, поселиться, кольцо, постепенно, в отличие от, предварительный, разрешать себе, искусство, легенда, толпа, в особенности, например, расписание.

  3. Удивительный, озеро, сфера, опыт, приглашение, переполненный, выполнять свои обязательства, однако, зависеть от, руководить, одалживать, представлять, руины, постоянный житель, заменить.

  4. Вторгаться в, личный, сумма, владелец, повреждать, позже, ящик, привлекать, пламя, навсегда, торговать чем-либо, необходимый ,пункт, рутина, к тому же.

  5. Берег, большой лес, наводнение, берег, разрушать, деревянный, огонь, легенда, бросать, покупатель, расположение, основать, внутри, предварительный, коллекционер.

  6. Выбирать, кандидат, руководить, опыт, запрос, случай, карьера, достижение, личный, бывший, искусство, причина, расписание, например, рутина.

  7. Жаловаться, ободрить, утомительный, состояние, аппендицит, оперировать, самочувствие, забота, убедить, помощь, совет, диагноз, настаивать, напротив, победить.

  8. Национальный, мастерство, удовольствие, тренироваться, тренер, выделить, капитан, падать, кость, ломать, первая помощь, рентген, настаивать, запрещать, делать все возможное.

  9. Увлекательный, гостеприимство, бывший, произвести впечатление, прием, коллекционер, запрещать, признать, справедливый, поколение, мастерство, закон, адвокат, праздновать, обычно.

  10. Сомнение, стоимость, считать, стоящий, гораздо больше, выход, публиковать, особый, выделить, нанимать, финансы, требовать, жаловаться, признать, рекордный.

  11. Тренер, игрок, кричать, с нетерпением ждать, свистеть, противник, сыграть вничью, исполнение, открыть счет, разогреваться, судья, случайно, вперед, увеличивать, справедливый.

  12. Искусство, публиковать, рекордный, стоимость, узнавать, адвокат, цель, галерея, покупатель, великолепный, основать, история, личный, аукцион, сумма.

  13. Гвоздь, деревянный, соединять, озеро, большой лес, землетрясение, повреждать, серьезный, губить, сельское хозяйство, церковь, остров, земля, катастрофа, расти.

  14. Основать, государство, адвокат, настаивать, финансы, победить, опыт, зависеть от, строгий, достигать, одалживать, иметь дело с, архитектор, требования, обязательства.

  15. Причина, руководить, возражать, образ жизни, подготовка, война, соединять, навсегда, озеро, разрушать, постоянный, выбирать, бывший, личный, карьера.

2. Put the verbs in brackets into an appropriate verb form. Be ready to explain your choice.


Bob Dylan has become one of the most famous singer/song-writers of all time. At the age of 65 in 2006, he 1 (reach) the top of the US album charts with Modern Times, the oldest living singer to do so. He 2 (record) many other hit albums since he 3 ________ (make) his first album at the age of 21 while he 4 ________ (perform) as a folk singer in New York clubs. Although he first found fame as a folk singer, he 5 ________ (try) originally to be a rock and roll singer, but without success. In the mid-60s, Dylan started to perform rock songs with a group, instead of the solo folk songs which 6 ________ (make) him famous. At the time, many of his fans 7 ________ (feel) angry because they thought he

8 ________ (do) this simply for money. Many folk music fans still

9 ________ (believe) that he was wrong. In fact, Dylan’s songs

10 ________ (change) in the time up to this point. As far as he was concerned, he 11 ________ (do) everything that he could with folk music already, and he

12 ________ (need) a different music style to express his changing feelings.

Dylan’s career has been a long one, and there is no sign that he

13 _________ (think) of retirement. He 14 ________ (perform) since the late 1950s and 15 ________ (appear) in several films too.


A: Why do you want to work for South of the Border Expeditions?

B: Well, I 1 ________ (love) travelling since I 2 ________ (be) a student back in the 1980s, and I 3 _________ (always/want) to work with people.

A: Which countries 4 ________ (you/visit)?

B: I 5 _________ (travel) round most of Europe and Latin America, and I

6 ________ (know) Mexico very well.

A: What languages 7 ________ (you/speak)?

B: Well, my Spanish is pretty good, and I 8 ________ (study) Portuguese in evening classes at the moment.

A: What’s the worst thing that 9 _________ (ever/happen) to you on your travels?

B: Once I 10 ________ (fly) in a little six-seater – I 11 ________ (never/be) in a small plane before – and a huge storm 12) ________ (hit) us. I 13 ________ (think) it was the end. When we finally 14 ________ (land) we

15 ________ (shake) like a leaf.

A: Have you organized an expedition yourself?

B: Yes…


One summer the Grant family – David, Kate, and their three children decided to follow their dream and travel round the world. They 1 ________ (sell) their house in Scotland, bought a caravan and a horse and set off. They thought that the whole trip 2 ________ (take) two years. Now, six years later, they

3 ________ (reach) the west coast of the USA.

They 4 _________ (have) many adventures on their journey so far. While they 5 _________ (travel) through Italy the caravan 6 ________ (break) down. Fortunately, a man 7 ________ (recognize) the caravan from an article which David 8 ________ (write) for a magazine. He took the family and repaired the caravan.

In Mongolia someone tried to steal their horse and then in China they 9 _________ (arrest). The authorities told them that they shouldn’t have recieved the visa and made them leave the country.

Now they are in California and they 10 ________ (get) ready to set off across the USA and Canada. For the last few days they 11 ________ (visit) San Francisco. They 12 ________ (look forward) to seeing Britain again, but they

13 _______ (not/know) what life will be like. The trip hasn’t been easy, but the Grants 14 _________ (do) it again if they 15 _________ (have) the chance.


My name’s Jack Roberts and I’m from South Africa. I 1 _________ (come) to Britain about eight years ago and looked for a job. I 2 _________ (work) in a supermarket for a while, then one day I 3 ________ (meet) Marie at a party. She told me that she 4 _________ (always/want) to travel and I said that I

5 _________ (love) to travel too, and, well one thing led to another and we

6 _________ (decide) to set up Thrillseekers. We 7 _________ (make) about forty trips now, but we 8 ________ (know) that each trip 9 _________ (bring) new experiences. Mind you, they 10 _________ (all/be) pleasant experiences. Our vehicle 11 _________ (steal) three times and we 12 _________ (catch) in a war last year. But we always 13 _________ (survive), so 14 ________ (not/worry)! You are going to have a great time. So, put all your bags in the van. We

15 ________ (leave) in half an hour.


When Frances Lee 1 ________ (be) a boy he 2 ________ (want) to be an astronaut. He 3 ________ (watch) TV one day in 1969 when he 4 _______ (see) Neil Armstrong walk on the moon. Since then he 5 ________ (always/dream) of doing the same. Every night when there is a full moon, he 6 ________ (stare) up at it for hours and 7 ________ (imagine) himself walking around it. At the moment, however, he 8 ________ (work) as a night-watchman at a meat factory. He 9 ________ (do) the same job since he 10 ________ (leave) school fifteen years ago, but he still 11 ________ (hope) that one day his dream 12 ________ (come) true. He 13 ________ (hear) that in the 21st century they 14 ________ (sell) tickets to fly to the moon. For this reason he 15________ (save) half of his wages every month for the past two years.

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