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Listening Basics PartIII

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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Федеральное агентство по образованию

Дальневосточный государственный университет Институт менеджмента и бизнеса

Современные основы аудирования

NEW Listening Basics

Part III

Владивосток Издательство Дальневосточного университета


ББК 81.2 Англ

C 56


М.Б. Дюжева, доцент каф. английского языка РАФ ДВГУ, Е.С. Касьянова, доцент каф. английского языка РАФ ДВГУ.

Современные основы аудирования. Часть 3. New

C56 Listening Basics. Part III. – Владивосток: Изд-во Дальневост.

ун-та, 2008. –148 с.

Данное пособие является первой частью учебнометодического комплекса по английскому языку и направлено на развитие навыков восприятия американского варианта английского языка на слух и навыков общения. Может быть использовано как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы. Каждая глава пособия построена на определенной тематике согласно учебной программе РАФ и состоит из введения, основного диалога, лекции, упражнений по восприятию на слух и ряда упражнений на развитие навыков говорения. Каждая часть построена по принципу избыточности материала, что позволяет варьировать план работы в зависимости от задач обучения, уровня языковой компетенции студентов, учебной нагрузки и т.д. В качестве материала использовались фрагменты курсов Interactions II, New Interchange, Move Up, Great Ideas, Going Places, Listening Tasks, American Potpourri, а также материалы сети Интернет и личные разработки авторов. Пособие сопровождается аудиозаписями. Условия и требования, необходимые для успешного освоения программы курса, отражены в пособии “English for RAF Students. Introduction to the Course: the Program and Requirements”. В качестве дополнения к курсу рекомендуется учебное пособие “Add It Up”.

Предназначено для занятий со студентами первого курса российско-американского факультета ДВГУ, а также для всех изучающих американский вариант английского языка на среднем или продвинутом этапе.

C 4602010000 ББК 81.2 180(03) 2008


© Дюжева М.Б., Касьянова Е.С., 2008 © ИМБ ДВГУ, 2008



1.Chapter IX. The Media…………..……………………..4

2.Chapter X. Justice………………….………………….45

3.Chapter XI. Medicine……………..…………...…..….69

4.Chapter XII. Global Connections………..………......101




The Media

Part I. Getting started

1. Stress

A. Many nouns and verbs are spelled alike but pronounced differently. In these pairs, the nouns are stressed on the first syllable, and the verbs are stressed on the second. E.g. cóntrast – contrást; désert – desért; présent – presént.

B. Listen and repeat the noun/verb pairs.









2. desert

2. desert



3. export

3. export



4. import

4. import



5. increase

5. increase



6. insult

6. insult



7. permit

7. permit



8. present

8. present



9. produce

9. produce




10. record

10. record




Listen to sentences containing the following words. Place a

mark above the stressed syllable you hear.


1. permit

6. insult


2. export

7. increased


3. present

8. recorded


4. produces

9. contrasts


5. desert

10. import

2. Words

Make sure you know the following words from the dialog: to see the point

violent offensive a reflection disturbed censorship

R-rated (movie)/ X-rated/ PG/ U to go off the deep end

3. Listen to the dialog and fill in the blanks


Anna and Dan have just returned to the house after seeing a film. They get into a discussion with Jeff about movie censorship. What type of movie might they have seen? Have you ever walked out of the movie? Why did you leave?

Jeff: Hi, guys? Want some ___________?

Dan: Thanks, that‘d be great.

Anna: Yes, thank you.

Dan: Anna? You‘ve been really _____________ since we left the

_______________. What‘s the ________________? Don‘t you like the ________________?

Anna: No, to tell you the ______________ I didn‘t. All that blood and people _________________ each other. I just don‘t see the ________________ of such ________________ movies.

And I don‘t think the should be __________________.

Dan: _______________ on! You saw how ______________ the theater was. Obviously a lot of people want to see movies

_____________ that. And you have no ________________

to tell them they can‘t. If you ______________ it‘s

_________________, you should just ________________


Anna: You __________ __________ right, but I didn‘t know it was going to be so _________________!

Dan: _______________ on, Anna, _______________ is violent! And movies are just a __________________ of a real life. If you don‘t like a movie you‘re ______________ to

_______________ out.


Jeff: Here‘s the ____________. What are you _______________


Dan: The _________________.

Jeff: What _____________ it? Was it good?

Dan: I ______________ it but Anna‘s ______________ about the violence. She _______________ violent movies

_______________ be ___________________.

Jeff: Hmmm. Well, ____________ don‘t believe in

______________ censorship, especially not for

________________. But ___________ the other day I was

________________ that there ________________ be a

_______________ between _____________ violent films and ________________ violently.

Dan: For ____________ people that may be true, but not for

____________ people. I _______________, just saw the film and ______________ not about to do anything

_____________, ____________we?

Anna: No, but what if some ____________ person in the

_____________ _________________ it and got some

______________ ideas from it?

Dan: I think that _______________ or ____________, a person like that is ________________ to do something

______________ or _____________ _________________.

Seeing a ________________ doesn‘t ________________

people to go off the _______________ end unless there is something _______________ with them in the


________________ place.

Anna: ________________ you‘re right. But what about those

______________ in the audience? That was an R-

_______________ movie, so what were they

_________________ there?

Dan: OK, you‘ve got a ________________ there. I

_________________ that kids ___________________ be

________________ to see violent films. I think

_________________ need to supervise their kids better, and

_________________ should be ________________ about enforcing the __________________. But that‘s

_________________ from ______________ censorship, which is what __________________ were talking about before, Anna.

Anna: Ok Dan, ___________________ __________________. But

_________________ time, can we please see a


4. Listen to the dialog once again and practice reading 5. Retell the dialog or learn it by heart with your group mates

Part II. Lecture


The following lecture is from an introductory course in marketing, and it describes the various types of media used in advertising.

1. Preview questions

What does media mean? Why are media important for advertising? What are the advantages and disadvantages of various media for advertisers? Do you pay attention to advertisements, or do you usually ignore them?

2. Words

Read, define and find Russian equivalents for the following words from the lecture:

to make a profit - _________________________________________

unless - _________________________________________________

to advertise - _____________________________________________

advertisement (ad) - _______________________________________

the media - ______________________________________________

local - __________________________________________________

memorable - _____________________________________________

permanent - _____________________________________________

to broadcast - ____________________________________________

enormously - ____________________________________________

a commercial - ___________________________________________

a billboard - _____________________________________________


3. Listen to the lecture and fill in the following outline

Marketing and Advertising


A.Advertising is important to companies because ___________


B.Three categories of media




II. The print media consist of _________________ and


A. _________________________________________________

Advantages: 1. _____________________________________



___________: 1. No color

2. ____________________________

B. Magazines

Advantages: 1. ___________________________________

2. ___________________________________

Disadvantage: _________________________________________

III. _________________ media: _______________ and



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