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Present Continuous Tense (Настоящее продолженное время)

Образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола – tobe– в настоящем времени и причастия настоящего времени (PresentParticiple=ParticipleI) основного глагола.

I am asking We

You are asking You are asking

He, she, it is asking They

В вопросительной форме вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим, а причастие настоящего времени основного глагола – после подлежащего.

Am I Are we

Are you asking? Are you asking?

Is he/she/it Are they

Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи частицы - not-, которая ставится между вспомогательным и основным глаголом.

I am not ( ’m not) We are not (aren’t)

You are not (aren’t) asking You are not (aren’t) asking

He, she, it is not (isn’t) They are not (aren’t)

Present Continuous описывает действия или состояние, длящееся в момент речи или в настоящий период времени. Этим данное время отличается от Present Simple, выражающее действие или состояние как обычное или характерное для субъекта.

Present Continuous употребляется:

  1. для выражения действия, совершающегося в момент речи:

Please don’t make such noise. I’mstudying.

Указателями времени являются: -now

  • right now, just now

  • at the moment

  1. для выражения действия или состояния, длящегося в течение настоящего периода времени, но не обязательно относящегося к моменту речи:

Have you heard about Nick? He is building his own house.

  1. для описания изменяющейся ситуации:

The population of the world is rising very fast.

  1. для выражения действий, намеченных на ближайшее будущее (при этом часто употребляются глаголы to come, to leave, to stay, to call и выражения to have guests /a party/ a holiday; to give a party / a presentation

When are you coming to see us?

So you are leaving for Moscow on Saturday, aren’t you?

  1. для выражения постоянной привычки или наклонности; в этом случае глагол сопровождается наречиями always, constantly, all the timeи выражает неодобрение, нетерпение:

You are always coming late!

He is constantly getting into trouble.

Формы ContinuousTensesупотребляются преимущественно с глаголами, обозначающими действия. Глаголы, обозначающие состояния, чувства, желания, мысли, как правило, в формах длительных времён не употребляются.

К числу таких глаголов относятся:

- глаголы общего значения: to be, to have, to possess, to belong, to consist, to result, to depend;

- глаголы желания и волеизъявления: to want, to desire, to wish, to mind, to refuse, to forgive;

- глаголы чувственного восприятия и мышления: a) to see, to hear, to feel, to notice, to smell, to taste; b) to love, to like, to hate, to prefer, to care; c) to agree, to believe, to doubt, to remember, to forget, to know, to suppose, to realize, to mean, to think.


  1. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

  1. The secretary is typing a letter.

  2. I’m going to bed now, because it’s late.

  3. It’s raining very hard.

  4. They are having a German lesson now.

  5. The wind is blowing outside.

  6. I’m reading a very interesting book at the moment.

  7. You are making a lot of noise.

  8. They are enjoying the party.

  9. Jack is driving so slowly.

  10. This team is playing well this season.

  1. Ask questions to the following sentences with the words in brackets.

  1. Martha is still working in the garden. (When? Who?)

  2. Longman is publishing a new book this year. (What? When?)

  3. Now Tom is doing English courses in the British Council. (Who? What? Where?)

  4. Jane is looking for her glasses. (Who? Where? What … for?)

  5. They are working hard at the moment. (Why? How?)

  6. She is reading a letter from her mother. (What? What kind of? Who?)

  7. Mr. & Mrs. Barret are watching TV in the living-room. (What? When? Why? Where?)

  1. Complete the sentences with one of the following verbs in the Present Continuous.

come get happen look make start try work boom have build

  1. Eg.‘You ‘re working hard today.’ ‘Yes, I have a lot to do.’

  2. I ….. for Christine. Do you know where she is?

  3. It ….. dark. Shall I turn on the light?

  4. ‘Are you ready, Ann?’ ‘Yes, I ….. .’

  5. Have you got an umbrella? It ….. to rain.

  6. You ….. a lot of noise. Could you be quieter? I ….. to concentrate.

  7. Why are all these people here? What …..?

  8. Business in this area … much at the moment.

  9. Have you heard about Nick? He ….. his own house.

  10. Our boss … meetings with clients this afternoon.

  1. a) Complete the texts with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Put 5 questions to each text.

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