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Dictionary of Medical Terms 4th Ed

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Dictionary of

Medical Terms

fourth edition

A & C Black London


While every effort has been made to be as accurate as possible, the author, advisers, editors and publishers of this book cannot be held liable for any errors and omissions, or actions that may be taken as a consequence of using it.

First published in Great Britain in1987 as English Medical Dictionary

Second edition published 1993

Third edition published 2000

Fourth edition published 2004

Reprinted 2005, 2007

A & C Black Publishers Ltd

37 Soho Square, London W1D 3QZ

©P. H. Collin 1987, 1993, 2000

©Bloomsbury Publishing Plc 2004

©A & C Black Publishers Ltd 2005

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the permission of the publishers

A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library

eISBN-13: 978-1-4081-0209-1

Text Production and Proofreading

Heather Bateman, Ruth Hillmore, Daisy Jackson, Sarah Lusznat,

Katy McAdam, Charlotte Regan

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This dictionary provides the user with the basic vocabulary currently being used in a wide range of healthcare situations. The areas covered include the technical language used in diagnosis, patient care, surgery, pathology, general practice, pharmacy, dentistry and other specialisations, as well as anatomical and physiological terms. Informal, everyday and sometimes euphemistic terms commonly used by people in discussing their condition with healthcare professionals are also included, as are common words used in reading or writing reports, articles or guidelines.

The dictionary is designed for anyone who needs to check the meaning or pronunciation of medical terms, but especially for those working in health-related areas who may not be healthcare professionals or for whom English is an additional language. Each headword is explained in clear, straightforward English. Pronunciations, uncommon plurals and uncommon verb forms are provided. Illustrations of some basic anatomical terms are also included.

Very many people have helped or advised on the compilation and checking of the dictionary in its various editions. In particular, thanks are due to Dr Judith Harvey for her helpful comments and advice on this fourth edition and to Dr Marie Condon for some revisions and clarification. Also to Lesley Bennun, Lesley Brown and Margaret Baker who copy-edited the text and Dinah Jackson who revised the pronunciations.

Pronunciation Guide

The following symbols have been used to show the pronunciation of the main words in the dictionary.

Stress is indicated by a main stress mark ( ) and a secondary stress mark ( ) . Note that these are only guides, as the stress of the word changes according to its position in the sentence.
























a ə














































































A /e / noun a human blood type of the ABO system, containing the A antigen (NOTE: Someone with type A can donate to people of the same group or of the AB group, and can receive blood from people with type A or type O.)

AA abbr Alcoholics Anonymous

A & E / e ənd i /, A & E department / e ənd i d pɑ tmənt/ noun same as accident and

emergency department

A & E medicine / e ənd i med(ə)s n/ noun the medical procedures used in A & E departments

AB / e bi / noun a human blood type of the ABO system, containing the A and B antigens

(NOTE: Someone with type AB can donate to people of the same group and receive blood from people with type O, A, AB or B.)

ab- / b/ prefix away from

ABC / e bi si / noun the basic initial checks of a casualty’s condition. Full form airway, breathing and circulation

abdomen / bdəmən/ noun a space inside the body below the diaphragm, above the pelvis and in front of the spine, containing the stomach, intestines, liver and other vital organs pain in the abdomen (NOTE: For other terms referring to the abdomen, see words beginning with coeli-, coelio-.)

COMMENT: The abdomen is divided for medical purposes into nine regions: at the top, the right and left hypochondriac regions with the epigastrium between them; in the centre, the right and left lumbar regions with the umbilical between them; and at the bottom, the right and left iliac regions with the hypogastrium between them.

abdomin- / bdɒm n/ prefix same as abdomino- (used before vowels)

abdominal / b dɒm n(ə)l/ adjective located in the abdomen, or relating to the abdomen abdominal aorta / b dɒm n(ə)l e ɔ tə/ noun the part of the aorta which lies between the diaphragm and the point where the aorta divides into the iliac arteries. See illustration at KIDNEY in Supplement

abdominal cavity / b dɒm n(ə)l k v ti/ noun the space in the body below the chest

abdominal distension / b dɒm n(ə)l d s tenʃ(ə)n/ noun a condition in which the abdo-

men is stretched because of gas or fluid abdominal pain / b dɒm n(ə)l pe n/ noun

pain in the abdomen caused by indigestion or

more serious disorders

abdominal viscera / b dɒm n(ə)l v sərə/ plural noun the organs which are contained in the abdomen, e.g. the stomach, liver and intestines

abdominal wall / b dɒm n(ə)l wɔ l/ noun muscular tissue which surrounds the abdomen abdomino- / bdɒm nəυ/ prefix referring to the abdomen

abdominopelvic / b dɒm nəυ pelv k/ adjective referring to the abdomen and pelvis abdominoperineal / b dɒm nəυper ni əl/ adjective referring to the abdomen and perineum

abdominoperineal excision / b dɒ m nəυper ni əl k s (ə)n/ noun a surgical

operation that involves cutting out tissue in both the abdomen and the perineum abdominoposterior / b dɒm nəυpɒ st əriə/ adjective referring to a position of a fetus in the uterus, where the fetus’s abdomen

is facing the mother’s back abdominoscopy / b dɒm nɒskəpi/ noun

an internal examination of the abdomen, usually with an endoscope

abdominothoracic / b dɒm nəυθɔ r s k/ adjective referring to the abdomen and thorax

abduce / b dju s/ verb same as abduct abducens nerve / b dju s(ə)nz n! v/ noun the sixth cranial nerve, which controls the muscle which makes the eyeball turn outwards

abducent / b dju s(ə)nt/ adjective referring to a muscle which brings parts of the body away from each other or moves them away from the central line of the body or a limb.

Compare adducent

abducent nerve / b dju sənt n! v/ noun

same as abducens nerve

abduct / b d"kt/ verb (of a muscle) to pull a leg or arm in a direction which is away from



the centre line of the body, or to pull a toe or finger away from the central line of a leg or arm. Compare adduct

abduction / b d"kʃən/ noun the movement of a part of the body away from the centre line of the body or away from a neighbouring part. Opposite adduction. See illustration at ANA-

TOMICAL TERMS in Supplement

‘Mary was nursed in a position of not more than 90° upright with her legs in abduction.’ [British Journal of Nursing]

abductor / b d"ktə/, abductor muscle / b d"ktə m"s(ə)l/ noun a muscle which pulls a

part of the body away from the centre line of the body or away from a neighbouring part. Opposite adductor

aberrant / berənt/ adjective not usual or expected

aberration / bə re ʃ(ə)n/ noun an action or growth which is not usual or expected

ablation / ble ʃ(ə)n/ noun the removal of an organ or of a part of the body by surgery

abnormal / b nɔ m(ə)l/ adjective not usual

abnormal behaviour an abnormal movement

‘…the synovium produces an excess of synovial fluid, which is abnormal and becomes thickened. This causes pain, swelling and immobility of the affected joint.’ [Nursing Times]

abnormality / bnɔ m l ti/ noun a form or condition which is not usual (NOTE: For other terms referring to abnormality, see words beginning with terat-, terato-.)

‘Even children with the milder forms of sickle-cell disease have an increased frequency of pneumococcal infection. The reason for this susceptibility is a profound abnormality of the immune system in children with SCD.’ [Lancet]

abocclusion / bɒ klu (ə)n/ noun a condition in which the teeth in the top and bottom jaws do not touch

aboral / b ɔ rəl/ adjective situated away from or opposite the mouth

abort /ə bɔ t/ verb to eject an embryo or fetus, or to cause an embryo or fetus to be ejected, and so end a pregnancy before the fetus is fully developed

abortifacient /ə bɔ t fe ʃ(ə)nt/ noun a drug or instrument which provokes an abortion

abortion /ə bɔ ʃ(ə)n/ noun a situation where a fetus leaves the uterus before it is fully developed, especially during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy, or a procedure which causes this to happen to have an abortion to have an operation to make a fetus leave the uterus during the first period of pregnancy

COMMENT: In the UK, an abortion can be carried out legally if two doctors agree that the mother’s life is in danger, that she risks grave permanent injury to the physical or mental health of herself or her children, or that the fetus is likely to be born with severe disabilities.

abortionist /ə bɔ ʃ(ə)n st/ noun a person who helps a woman abort, usually a person who performs an illegal abortion

abortion pill /ə bɔ ʃ(ə)n p l/ noun a drug that causes an abortion to occur very early in pregnancy

abortion trauma syndrome /ə bɔ ʃ(ə)n trɔ mə s ndrəυm/ noun a set of symptoms

sometimes experienced in the period after an abortion including guilt, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, eating and sleeping disorders and suicidal thoughts

abortive /ə bɔ t v/ adjective not successful an abortive attempt

abortive poliomyelitis /ə bɔ t v pəυliəυ ma ə la t s/ noun a mild form of polio which

only affects the throat and intestines abortus /ə bɔ təs/ noun a fetus which is ex-

pelled during an abortion or miscarriage abortus fever /ə bɔ təs fi və/ noun same as


ABO system / e bi əυ s stəm/ noun a system of classifying blood groups. blood group

abrasion /ə bre (ə)n/ noun a condition in which the surface of the skin has been rubbed off by a rough surface and bleeds

COMMENT: As the intact skin is an efficient barrier to bacteria, even minor abrasions can allow infection to enter the body and thus should be cleaned and treated with an antiseptic.

abreact / bri kt/ verb to release unconscious psychological tension by talking about or regularly remembering the events that caused it

abreaction / bri kʃən/ noun the treatment of a person with a neurosis by making him or her think again about past bad experi-


abruptio placentae /ə br"ptiəυ plə senti / noun an occasion when the placenta suddenly comes away from the uterus earlier than it should, often causing shock and bleeding abscess / bses/ noun a painful swollen area where pus forms She had an abscess under a tooth. The doctor decided to lance the abscess. (NOTE: The formation of an abscess is often accompanied by a high temperature. The plural is abscesses.)

COMMENT: An acute abscess can be dealt with by opening and draining when it has reached the stage where sufficient pus has been formed. A chronic abscess is usually treated

with drugs.

absolute alcohol / bsəlu t lkəhɒl/ noun alcohol which contains no water absorb /əb zɔ b/ verb to take up or soak up something, especially a liquid, into a solid

Cotton wads are used to absorb the discharge

from the wound.

absorbable suture /əb zɔ bəb(ə)l su tʃə/ noun a suture which will eventually be ab-



sorbed into the body, and does not need to be removed

absorbent cotton /əb zɔ bənt kɒt(ə)n/ noun a soft white material used as a dressing to put on wounds

absorption /əb zɔ pʃən/ noun 1. the process by which a liquid is taken into a solid 2. the process of taking into the body substances such as proteins or fats which have been digested from food and enter the bloodstream from the stomach and intestines absorption rate the rate at which a liquid is absorbed by a solid

abstainer /əb ste nə/ noun a person who does not drink alcohol

abstinence / bst nəns/ noun a deliberate act of not doing something over a period of time, especially not eating or drinking abstinence from alcohol

abulia /ə bu liə/ noun a lack of willpower

abuse noun /ə bju s/ 1. the act of using something wrongly the abuse of a privilege 2. the illegal use of a drug or overuse of alcohol substance abuse 3. same as child abuse 4. bad treatment of a person physical abuse sexual abuse verb /ə bju z/ 1. to use something wrongly Heroin and cocaine are drugs which are commonly abused. to abuse one’s authority to use one’s powers in an illegal or harmful way 2. to treat someone badly sexually abused children He had physically abused his wife and child.

a.c. adverb (used on prescriptions) before food. Full form ante cibum

acanthosis /ə k n θəυs s/ noun a disease of the prickle cell layer of the skin, where warts appear on the skin or inside the mouth

acapnia /e k pniə/ noun the condition of not having enough carbon dioxide in the blood and tissues

acariasis / kə ra əs s/ noun the presence of mites or ticks on the skin

acaricide /ə k r sa d/ noun a substance which kills mites or ticks

acarophobia / kərə fəυbiə/ noun an unusual fear of mites or ticks

acatalasia /e k tə le ziə/ noun an inherited condition which results in a lack of catalase in all tissue

accessory /ək sesəri/ noun something which helps something else to happen or operate, but may not be very important in itself adjective helping something else to happen or operate

accessory nerve /ək sesəri n! v/ noun the eleventh cranial nerve which supplies the muscles in the neck and shoulders

accessory organ /ək sesəri ɔ &ən/ noun an organ which has a function which is controlled by another organ

accident / ks d(ə)nt/ noun 1. an unpleasant event which happens suddenly and harms someone’s health She had an accident in the kitchen and had to go to hospital. Three people were killed in the accident on the motorway. 2. chance, or something which happens by chance I met her by accident at the bus stop.

accidental injury / ks dent(ə)l nd əri/ noun an injury that happens to someone in an accident

accident and emergency department /

ks d(ə)nt ənd m! d ənsi d pɑ tmənt/ noun the part of a hospital which deals with people who need urgent treatment because they have had accidents or are in sudden serious pain. Abbr A & E

accident form / ks d(ə)nt fɔ m/, accident report form / ks d(ə)nt r pɔ t fɔ m/ noun a

form to be filled in with details of an accident

accident prevention / ks d(ə)nt pr venʃən/ noun the work of taking action or

changing procedures to prevent accidents from happening

accident ward / ks d(ə)nt wɔ d/ noun a ward for urgent accident victims. Also called

casualty ward

accommodation /ə kɒmə de ʃ(ə)n/, ac-

commodation reflex /ə kɒmə de ʃ(ə)nri fleks/ noun (of the lens of the eye) the abil-

ity to focus on objects at different distances, using the ciliary muscle

accommodative squint /ə kɒməde t v skw nt/ noun a squint when the eye is trying to focus on an object which is very close accouchement /ə ku ʃmɒŋ/ noun the time when a woman is being looked after because her baby is being born, or has just been born accretion /ə kri ʃ(ə)n/ noun a gradual increase in size, as through growth or external addition an accretion of calcium around the joint

ACE /e s/ noun an enzyme that increases blood pressure

acebutolol / s bju təlɒl/ noun a drug which reduces both the heart rate and how strongly the heart muscles contract, used in the treatment of high blood pressure and irregular heart rhythms

ACE inhibitor / e s n h b tə/ noun same as

angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor acephalus /e sefələs/ noun a fetus born without a head

acetabuloplasty / s t bjυləυ pl sti/ noun a surgical operation to repair or rebuild the acetabulum

acetabulum / s t bjυləm/ noun the part of the pelvic bone, shaped like a cup, into which the head of the femur fits to form the hip joint. Also called cotyloid cavity (NOTE: The plural is acetabula.)

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