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Студент выполняет вариант согласно последней цифре номера студенческого билета:

1, 2 - вариант 1;

3, 4 - вариант 2;

5, 6 - вариант 3;

7, 8 - вариант 4;

9, 0 - вариант 5.

Вариант 1

  1. Спишите. Подчеркните сказуемое в каждом предложении.

In October 1851 Paul Julius Reuter, a German-born immigrant, opened an office in the City of London which transmitted stock market quotations between London and Paris via the new Calais-Dover cable.

Reuters, as the agency soon became known, extended its service to the British press as well as to other European countries. It also expanded the content to include general and economic news from all around the world. As overland telegraph and undersea cable facilities developed, the business expanded. It included the Far East in 1872 and South America in 1874. In 1923 Reuters pioneered the use of radio to transmit news internationally.

In 1941 Reuters restructured itself as a company. The new owners, the British national and provincial press, formed the Trust. The Trust preserves Reuters independence and neutrality. In 1984 Reuters became a public company.

В октябре 1851 году полом Джулиусом Рейтером, уроженец Германии иммигрантов, открыла офис в Лондоне, который передается фондовом рынке котировки между Лондоном и Парижем через Нью-Кале-Дувр-кабель. Reuters, агентство вскоре стало известно, расширила свою службу в Британской прессе, а также в других европейских странах. Он также расширил содержание включают в себя общие и экономические новости со всего мира. Как overland telegraph и подводные кабельные удобства разработаны бизнес расширен. Он включал Дальний Восток в 1872 и Южной Америке в 1874 году. В 1923 Reuters пионером в использовании радио передавать новости на международном уровне. В 1941 Reuters реструктурированных себя как компания. Новые владельцы, Британской национальной и провинциальной прессе, формируется доверие. Доверие сохраняет Reuters независимости и нейтралитета. В 1984 Reuters стала публичной компанией.

  1. Переведите текст упражнения 1.

3. Спишите и переведите предложения, указывая значение окончания “-s” :

А) признак множественного числа имени существительного;

В) признак притяжательного падежа имени существительного;

С) признак 3 лица, единственного числа глагола в Present Simple.

  1. Does this information interest you?

  2. She is wearing galoshes in all weathers.

  3. I picked up a city map at the station’s tourist office.

  4. Michael works at Bill and Susan’s firm, who are partners.

  5. The Queen of England’s palace is a quarter of an hour’s ride from the center of London.

4. Составьте предложения из данных слов.

  1. Denmark/Norway/the Vikings/9th century/from/arrived/and/in/the.

  2. biggest/the/London/seventh/is/city/world’s.

  3. Kings and Queens/residence/of/oldest/the/what/is/England/the/of?

  4. York/capital/the/of/was/Lower Britain/provincial?

5. От следующих утверждений образуйте все возможные типы вопросов:

а) общие, в) альтернативные, с) разделительные, d) специальные,

e) к подлежащему.

  1. I have some pets at home.

  2. You’ll get a nice present for your birthday.

  3. He is driving a new Ford today.

6. Напишите множественное число существительных.

Noun, lady, play, box, swine, fruit, crisis, stimulus, curriculum.

7. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.

  1. I arrived home late last night.

  2. They translated this text at the previous lesson.

  3. Children usually sleep very soundly.

  4. Tom has lost all his money.

  5. Somebody will have shown up by six .

8. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

Jack comes from …United Kingdom of …Great Britain and Northern Ireland. That’s … official name of … country, but there are … other names for it. He lives in … Highlands, which are in … northern part of the country. Jack is … friend from … school. In fact he is … best friend I have from there.

9. Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной временной форме.

    1. If you (not to listen) to the radio, why don’t you switch it off?

    2. I (not to see) him yet, but two days ago I (to talk) to him on the phone.

    3. I am writing in connection with the advertisement which (to appear) on December 3.

    4. I (to try) to find a permanent job for a considerable time. I haven’t found it yet.

    5. I (to read) some books by this writer, but I (not to see) this book yet.

10. Употребите глаголы to have или to be в нужной форме.

    1. I … a headache since I got up.

    2. For centuries cricket ... the most popular English national pastime.

    3. What … you fond of? My hobby … drawing.

    4. I … no time to help you yesterday. I … very sorry about it.

    5. Our family … a rest in the countryside last summer.

11. Спишите. Отметьте правильный вариант.

1. Yesterday at five John … in the park.

a)walked b)was walking c)has been walking d)is walking

2. Tom is fourteen. He … fifteen in 1981.

a)will have b)was c)has d)will be

3. The Browns have got a new car. … new car is a white Volvo.

a) An b) A c) Some d) The

4. He crossed … Atlantic in no time.

a) an b) the c) - d) any

5. Who … on Saturdays?

a) do help you b) you help c) do you help d) you do help

6. Our neighbor’ sons … come here very often.

a)doesn’t b)aren’t c)don’t d)weren’t

7. My dream is to visit … Sahara.

a) the b)a c)- d)an

8. Where … you … this weekend?

a)have … spent b)did … spend c)was … spent d)is … spent

9. We shall go to the country if the weather … fine. a)is b)was c)will be d)has been

10. In the sitting room there … a table, four chairs, a TV-set and a sofa. a)is b)are c)has d)have

11. I wonder what time … now.

a)it is b)it was c)it has been d)is it

12. Bright … should start school as early as possible.

a)childrens b)children c)childs d)child

13. This is … room.

a)Jane and Mary’s b)Jane’s and Mary’s c)Jane’s and Mary d)Jane and Marys

14. Man … live by bread alone.

a)do not b)does not c)is not d)was not

15.… there a good connection from the airport to the city?

a)Are b)Does c)Is d)Will

Вариант 2

  1. Спишите. Подчеркните сказуемое в каждом предложении.

Radio is very popular among the British. Many people rely on the radio to learn the latest news. Radio is convenient to listen to while driving a car to and from work in the morning and in the early evening. Later in the evening the British prefer to watch TV programmes.

The main television and radio broadcasting organization in Britain is the British Broadcasting Corporation (the BBC). The BBC World Service broadcasts in English and about forty other languages of the world. There are some independent radio and television stations which compete with the BBC. A lot of people listen to local radio and watch local TV.

The first public demonstration of television in Britain was given by John Logie Baird, a Scottish inventor, in 1926. The BBC began the world's first high-definition TV service6 in 1936: The centre of the British newspaper industry is considered Fleet Street in London.

  1. Переведите текст упражнения 1.

3. Спишите и переведите предложения, указывая значение окончания “-s” :

А) признак множественного числа имени существительного;

В) признак притяжательного падежа имени существительного;

С) признак 3 лица, единственного числа глагола в Present Simple.

  1. He remembers that Margaret owns a villa on the Adriatic.

  2. All Beth’s money goes on clothes.

  3. I’m sorry to say that there are “friends” who delight in bringing bad news.

  4. How different are the beliefs of various peoples across the world!

  5. Derek’s brother’s name is Gregory.

4. Составьте предложения из данных слов.

    1. Europe/originally/continental/the/came/Celts/from .

    2. the /descendants/the/are/English/all/invaders/the/of.

    3. “Britain”/of /origin/is/the/what/word/the?

    4. Saxon king Egbert/Queen Elisabeth II/the/descended /from/directly/is?

5. От следующих утверждений образуйте все возможные типы вопросов:

а) общие, в) альтернативные, с) разделительные, d) специальные,

e) к подлежащему.

  1. That man has been to Australia five times.

  2. You must call your elderly parents every week.

  3. There are all modern conveniences in the cottage.

6. Напишите множественное число существительных.

Evening, toy, lamp, woman, roof, table, horse, bench, thesis, deer.

7. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную форму.

  1. They were at the seaside last summer.

  2. The lecture will be delivered by a visiting professor.

  3. You have to write letters.

  4. It often rains in autumn.

  5. They have visited India twice.

8. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

  1. …recent newspaper article on … British teenagers’ use of … pocket money proves what … most parents already know. … teenager these days spends nearly all … pocket money given by … parents on … computer games.

2. … vase is a kind of pot for holding … flowers.

9. Откройте скобки, употребив глагол в правильной временной форме.

    1. Usually he (to spend) time with his friend, but tonight he (to go) to the theater with his aunt.

    2. The party is wonderful! … you … (to enjoy) it?

    3. I (to see) this woman on the platform yesterday. She (to sell) flowers.

    4. We (to fly) to Australia later this summer. It’s a long flight.

    5. Today is Tuesday. Rosie says she (to finish) her assignment by Saturday. We hope she will do so.

10. Употребите глаголы to have или to be в нужной форме.

    1. He … a lot of trouble with his car yesterday.

    2. Their new furniture … very beautiful and expensive.

    3. I think that three days … not long enough for a good holiday.

    4. My grandfather … short gray hair but my grandmother’s hair … long and thick.

    5. Money spent on the brain … never spent in vain.

11. Спишите. Отметьте правильный вариант.

  1. … Professor Brown found his watch yet? a)Did b)Has c)Had d)-

  1. I am, in every sense of the words, … man of habit. a)the b)- c)some d)a

  1. How much … this house worth? a)does b)is c)will d)has

  1. …breakfast on the train was awful! a)A b)An c)The d) -

  1. …Mississippi is one of the longest rivers in the world. a)The b)A c)An d) -

  1. I don’t think … him now. a)it is necessary bothering b)there is necessary bothering c)it is necessary to bother d)there is necessary to bother

  1. We’ve never met before, … we? a)haven’t b)have c)are d)aren’t

  1. Your jeans … torn. Is it fashionable? a)is b)has c)been d)are

  1. We first of all went to … Louvre. a)a b)an c)the d) -

  1. Everybody wants to know if you … his bride. a)is b)was c)are d)had been

  1. Simon met his wife while she … at his hospital. a)work b)works c)has worked d)was working

  1. The ship sank somewhere near …Bermudas. a) - b)a c)the d)an

  1. Turn over … page 20, please. a)a b)an c)the d) -

  1. I … to visit this beautiful country. a)always wants b)have always wanting c)always had wanted d)have always wanted

15.What was the result of the dispute you … in?

a)are b)were c)have been d)had been

Вариант 3