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Labview Code Interface Reference Manual.pdf
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Chapter 1 CIN Overview

Note: The THINK C compiler will only find extcode.h if the file extcode.h is located on the THINK C search path. You can place the cintools folder in the same folder as your THINK C application, or you can make sure the line #include "extcode.h" is a full pathname to extcode.h under THINK C. For example: #include "harddrive:cintools:extcode.h"

If you are using System 7.0 or later, you can extend the THINK C search path. To do so, first create a new folder in the same folder as your THINK C project and name it Aliases. Then make an alias for the cintools folder, and drag this alias into your newly created Aliases folder. This technique enables the include line to read #include "extcode.h"; therefore, it is not necessary to type the full pathname.

Symantec C++ 8.0 for Power Macintosh

To create CINs using this environment, you will need to install the ToolServer application from the Symantec C++ 8.0 distribution disks. ToolServer is an Apple tool that performs the final linking steps in creating your CIN. It can be found in the Apple Software:Tools folder. Copy the ToolServer 1.1.1 folder to your hard drive and place an alias to ToolServer in the (Tools) folder in your

Symantec C++ for PowerMac folder.

You need the following files in your project to create a CIN for Power Macintosh.

CINLib.ppc. This file is shipped with LabVIEW and can be found in the cintools:PowerPC Libraries folder.

Your source files

© National Instruments Corporation


LabVIEW Code Interface Reference Manual

Chapter 1 CIN Overview

You may also need the following file:

LabVIEW.xcoff. This file is shipped with LabVIEW and can be found in the cintools:PowerPC Libraries folder. It is needed if you call any routines within LabVIEW e.g.,

DSSetHandleSize(), or SetCINArraySize().

An easy way to set up your CIN project is to make use of the CIN project stationery in the cintools:Symantec-THINK Files:Project Stationery folder. For Symantec C version 8 projects the project stationery is a folder called LabVIEW CIN SC8PPC. The folder provides a template for new CINs containing almost all of the files and preference settings you need. See the Read Me file in the Project Stationery folder for details.

When building a CIN using Symantec C++ for PowerMac, many of the preferences can be set to whatever you wish. Others, however, must be set to specific values to correctly create a CIN. If for some reason you do not use the CIN project stationery, you will need to ensure that the following settings in the Symantec Project Manager Options dialog box (accessed from the Project menu) are made.

Project Type—Set the Project Type pop-up menu to Shared Library. Set the File Type text field to .tmp. Set the Destination text field to cinName.tmp, where cinName is the name of your CIN. Set the Creator to LVsb.

LabVIEW Code Interface Reference Manual


© National Instruments Corporation

Chapter 1 CIN Overview

Linker—Set the Linker pop-up menu to PPCLink & MakePEF. Set the PPCLink settings text field to -export LVSBStart,LVSBhead. Set the MakePEF settings text field to have -l LabVIEW.xcoff.o=LabVIEW in addition to the factory setting.

Extensions—Set the File Extension text field to .ppc, the

Translator pop-up menu to XCOFF convertor, and press the

Add button.

PowerPC C—In the Compiler Settings sub-page, select the Align to 2 byte boundary radio button. In the Prefix sub-page, remove the line that reads #include <PPCMacheaders>.

Build the CIN by selecting Build Library from the Build menu. Then convert the .tmp file with lvsbutil.app (with For PowerPC checked).

Metrowerks CodeWarrior for 68K

You need the following files in your project to be able to create a Metrowerks 68K CIN.

CustHdr.68k.mwerks (This file must be the first file in the project.)



Your source files

© National Instruments Corporation


LabVIEW Code Interface Reference Manual

Chapter 1 CIN Overview

Note: All of your files must be in a single segment. LabVIEW does not support multi-segment CINs.

An easy way to set up your CIN project is to make use of the CIN project stationery in the cintools:Metrowerks Files:Project Stationery folder. For CodeWarrior 68K projects the project stationery is a file called LabVIEW CIN MW68K. The file provides a template for CINs containing almost all of the settings you need. See the Read Me file in the Project Stationery folder for details.

When building a CIN using CodeWarrior for 68K, many of the preferences can be set to whatever you wish. Others, however, must be set to specific values to correctly create a CIN. If for some reason you do not use the CIN project stationery, you will need to ensure that the following settings in the CodeWarrior Preferences dialog box are made.

Language—Set the Source Model pop-up menu to Apple C. Empty the Prefix File text field.

Processor—Check the 68881 Codegen and MPW C Calling Conventions checkboxes. Leave the 4-Byte Ints and 8-Byte Doubles checkboxes unchecked.

Linker—Check the Generate Link Map checkbox.

Project—Set the Project Type pop-up menu to Code Resource. Set the File Name text field to cinName.tmp, where cinName is the name of your CIN. Set the Resource Name text field to the same text as in the File Name text field. Set the Type text field to

.tmp and the ResType text field to CUST. Set the ResID text field to 128. Set the Header Type pop-up menu to Custom. Set the

Creator to LVsb.

Access Paths—Add your cintools folder to the list of access paths.

Build the CIN by selecting Make from the CodeWarrior Project menu.

Caution: This operation will destroy the contents of any other file named cinName.tmp in that folder. This could easily be the case if this is the same folder in which you build a Power Macintosh version of your CIN. If you are building for both platforms, you should keep separate directories for each. The convention used by the MPW CIN tools is to have two subdirectories named PPCObj and M68Obj where all platform-specific files reside.

LabVIEW Code Interface Reference Manual


© National Instruments Corporation

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