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Вопросы ГАК теор и метод 2011-12.doc
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Кафедра теоретической лингвистики

Вопросы гак

по теоретическому курсу

английского языка

факультет европейских языков



(2010-2011 уч.год)

Иркутск 2010

Вопросы теоретической составляющей государственного экзамена по дисциплине «Теоретический и практический курс первого иностранного языка (английского)»

History of the English Language

  1. The formation of the National English Language.

  2. The development of analytical verb forms in English.

  3. The development of the system of strong and weak verbs in the English Language.

  4. Quantitative and qualitative changes of vowels in Middle English.

  5. The unification of the ways of building the plural forms of nouns in the history of English.

  6. The development of the English vocabulary: Latin, Germanic, Scandinavian and French substrata.

  1. The formation of the National English Language.

The definition of the Standard English Language. Old English – the first English Literary Language. The Middle English dialectal diversity. Spread of London dialect in the 15th century. The introduction of printing. The struggle against foreign words in the native English Language as one of the means of raising the national consciousness. The role of the most famous writers and scientists in the development of the national English Language. The problem of the norm in phonology, grammar and lexicography. The normalized written and spoken varieties of the Modern English Language.

  1. The development of analytical verb-forms in English.

Characteristic features of the analytical forms. The ways of expressing the future actions in OE. Modification of the future tense verb-forms from MidE to Modern English. Development of the Passive Voice analytical forms from MidE to Modern English. Evolution of the Perfect forms from OE to Modern English. Development of the analytical Continuous forms from MidE to ModE. Meaning and forms of the category of mood.

  1. The main morphological changes in the system of verb.

The morphological types of verbs. Verbal categories. The strong verbs classes in OE and MidE. The weak verbs classes in OE and MidE. Preterite-Present, suppletive and anomalous verbs in OE. Interchange of strong and weak verbs in MidE. Development of weak verbs in MidE. Development of preterite-present, suppletive and anomalous verbs in MidE.

  1. Quantitative and qualitative changes of vowels in Middle English.

The system of vowel phonemes in MidE. Shortening and lengthening of vowels. Monophthongization of OE diphthongs. The rise of new diphthongs. Levelling of unstressed vowels. The phonological essence of quantitative changes. The Great Vowel Shift.

  1. The unification of the ways of building the plural forms of nouns in the history of English.

Markers for the grammatical category of number in OE. The peculiarities of expression of plural in OE. Phonetic distinctiveness of the singular vs plural contrasting forms of nouns in OE. The paradigm changes of the noun plural forms in MidE. The plural markers in ModE.

  1. The development of the English vocabulary: Latin, Germanic, Scandinavian and French substrata.

Stylistic stratification of the ModE vocabulary. Three layers of Latin borrowings. Words of Germanic origin in the Modern English vocabulary. Germanic derivational affixes in Modern English. Scandinavian substratum in the ModE vocabulary. French orthography in the English language. French sounds. The rise of bilinguism. French borrowing in the MidE vocabulary. Assimilation of the French loan words. French derivational affixes in Mod English.