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Introduction to the Computing……………………………………….5

Dialogue I…………………………………………………………………..5

Prereading Discussion.………………………………………………….7

Text A Vocabulary as it is.………………………………………………9

Dialogue II How Much an Educated Person Should Know.…….14

Discussion What the Notion ‘Educated Person’ Means..………..16

Text B1Word-Formation: Prefixes..…………………………………..17

1.Prefix tables ………………………………………………………….18

2. Negative and Positive Prefixes………………………………….22

3. Prefixes of size…………………………………………………….22

4. Prefixes of location……………………………………………….23

5. Prefixes of time and order……………………………………..23

6. Prefixes of numbers………………………………………………25

7. space / time tables.……………………………………………….27

Prompts for Dialogues...……………………………………………….28

8. Other prefixes.…………………………………………………….29 Dialogue III……………………………………………………………….31

Text B2 Word-Formation: Suffixes.…………………………………..37


Text C Information Technology – IT.…………………………………38

Dialogues IV……………………………………………………………...43


Unit One This is a computer……………………………………….48

Prereading Discussion…………………………………………………48

Text 1A Computing & Computers …………………………………..49


Text 1B Computer ………………………………………………………56

Dialogue 1.16..…………………………………………………………..57

Answers to the QUIZ……………………………………………………57

Text 1C Computer Studies? …………………………………………..60

Text 1D What is a computer?.………………………………………..64

Unit two Development of Computers……………………………67

Text 2A Analogue & Digital Computers..……………………………67

Dialogue 2.10 Using Portable Calculators.………………………...77

Text 2B Prehistory………………………………………………………78

Text 2C The Analytical Engine……………………………………….83

Pop Quiz How Modern are You?……………………………………..88

Unit Three Computer Generations………………………………91

Topics for Essays, Oral or Written Reports……………………….92

Prereading Discussion…………………………………………………92

Text 3A History of Computers.………………………………………..92

Dialogue 3.7 A Look at the Prehistory of the Computers…..….99

Text 3B Babbage's Dream Comes True.…………………………..100

Dialogue 3.15 Basic Units of a Computer..……………………….108

Dialogue 3.16 Computer Generations..……………………………108

Text 3C Computers in our country.……………………………….113

Dialogues 3.25 a) The Stored Program Concept.………………..115

b) Computers Step by step.……………………..116

Unit Four Computer Systems.…………………………………..119

Prereading Discussion……………………………………………….119

Text 4A Types of the computers..………………………………….119

Dialogue 4.10 a) Computer as it is.………………………………..126

b) Computer hardware.……………………………128

Dialogue 4.11 Computer Software.………………………………..129

Dialogue 4.12 Some advice.…………………………………………130

Text 4B Microcomputers..…………………………………………….133

Text 4C The Input & output Units..………………………………..138

Text 4D The Internet..…………………………………………………141


Introduction to the Computing

Dialogue I. a) Role-play the dialogue & translate it.

Nancy: Peter, I wonder what does the word computing exactly mean?

Peter: Well, let me think a bit. As I know, computing means calculating.

Cal­culating is the verbal noun of the verb calculate which, in its turn, means “to find out some result by means of arithmetic operations, i.e. by adding, by subtracting, by multiplying, or by dividing”. In other words, it means “to work with numbers”. As for calculating, it means “the process of finding out some result with the help of the four rules of arithmetic”.

Nancy: I see. I guess computing is a synonym to calculating and it also means “the process of finding out some result with the help of four arithmetic op­erations: adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing”. Am I right?

Peter: Certainly, you are. It goes without saying. But be careful. There are some differences in the meanings of these two words. If you are not short of time, I can give you some examples, which will clarify the things.

Nancy: No problem. I am always eager to listen to you the day and the night. Your explanations and advice are very helpful to me.

Peter: Good. Suppose you've got some money from your parents and decided to buy some things. But before going to the shop you sit down with a pencil and paper and focus your attention on adding one cost to another and, at last, you have arrived to the answer that the total sum, you have calculated, does not surpass the sum you've got from your parents. So, you can go to the shop to pur­chase the things you want. When you do this you are computing.

Nancy: But this example doesn't show clearly any difference in the meanings of the words mentioned above. Can you give more examples?

Peter: Just a moment. Imagine, you stop at a street corner, looking first to the left for any coming car, then to the right, trying to decide whether to cross the street or to wait some time on the sidewalk. Here you are computing.

Nancy: Sorry, Peter. But I don't count any cars, don't add, subtract, multiply, or divide them. Why do you consider I'm computing?

Peter: It's a good point. Really, you are not counting or calculating here. You are computing. You know, computing means not only doing arithmetic operations, but logical operations as well.

Nancy: Oh, yes. I understand it. Computing means providing both arithmetic and logical operations. Am I right?

Peter: Surely. But there is one point more. Suppose you are in a wood trying to find the path that is poorly marked. It also means you are computing. You are looking for the marks which show you the right way.

Nancy: Oh, thank you very much, Peter, for the explanations. Now I understand that in order to provide computing a computer must be able not only to add, subtract, multiply, or divide something, but also to perform logi­cal operations and to look for the instructions as well.

Peter: In addition, a computer machine must also take in and store data and information, display them onscreen, and do some other things.

Nancy: I see now what the term computing means.

Word power

a bit немного

to mean означать

to find out узнать

adding сложение

subtracting вычитание

multiplying умножение

dividing деление

slightly слегка, немного

a cost цена, стоимость

a verbal noun отглагольное существительное

to purchase приобретать, покупать

to store information хранить информацию

to surpass превышать, превосходить

to take in information принимать информацию

to display … onscreen выдавать … на экран

to provide operations выполнять операции

b) Translate the following phrases.

1. I wonder / exactly mean / let me think a bit / in other words / as for / I see / as I guess / as I know / am I right? / certainly, you are. / it goes without saying / but be careful / there are some differences / if you are not short of time / the total sum does not surpass / well / some examples will clarify the things / no problem / I am always eager to / suppose you've got some money / to buy some things / focus your attention on / at last / to pur­chase the things / so / doesn't show clearly any difference / just a moment / the words mentioned above / imagine / to decide whether to cross / on the sidewalk / why do you consider / it's a good point / as well / really / providing both … and… / surely / but there is one point more / poorly marked / to the right / the right way / in order to provide / in addition (to) / to take in / do some other things.

2. делать кое-что еще / вдобавок / воспринимать / для того, чтобы осуществить (обеспечить) / правильный (истинный) путь / направо / но есть еще одно / плохо обозначенный / конечно (2) / осуществляя как …, так и …/ я прав? / конечно, прав / правда / это хорошо / так же / почему ты считаешь? / на тротуаре / решить, переходить ли / минутку / вышеупомянутые слова / итак / наконец-то / не показывает ясно, какая разница / купить кое-что / покупать вещи / обрати внимание на / предположим, ты получил деньги / без проблем / я всегда жажду (очень хочу) / некоторые примеры прояснят ситуацию / общая сумма не превышает / но осторожно (внимание) / ну / есть несколько отличий / другими словами / что касается / если ты располагаешь временем / само собой разумеется / интересно? / дай мне немного времени это обдумать / точно означают / ясно / как я думаю / как я догадываюсь.

с) Complete the definitions given below.

the verb calculate means …

the term calculating means …

The term computing means …

The computer is able to …

d) Make your own microdialogues on computing.

Text A Prereading Discussion

1.What is better: to know exact words to name things or to use the same ways to describe different objects (like: this / that thing/gadget)?

2. What are terms and what are they used for?

3. May we use one and the same word as a term in different sciences?

4. Is Computing a young science?

5. What can you say about terms used in Computing?

6. Are terms specially invented words?

7. Does the Russian Computing jargon, being originally based on English terms, help computer users to understand their foreign colleagues or prevent them from it?

8. Do you think each field of science/technology has very many terms or just a few?

9. Should a specialist in Computing know pretty well english Computing terms?

10. Are you sure you understand clearly all the terms you use?

Word power

Nouns существительные: a term термин; a feature черта, особенность; a unit единица; целое; a root корень; a prefix приставка, префикс; a suffix суффикс; an ending / inflection окончание; a speech-sound (a phoneme) звук, фонема; a sign знак; a meaning значение; a phrase / a word combination словосочетание; a sentence предложение; mind ум, разум; память; мнение; a definition определение; a variety разнообразие; a curve кривая (линия); an appearance (внешний) вид, внешность; a drum барабан; a drumstick барабанная палочка; a rope канат; верёвка; a wire провод; проволока; a hollow полость, пустота; a rat крыса; fur мех; a creature живое существо, создание. Verbs глаголы: to con­sider рассматривать, считать; to possess владеть, обладать, иметь; to consist of состоять; to mind беспокоиться, возражать, иметь в виду; to belong принадлежать; to represent представлять (в определенном свете); to investigate исследовать; to involve вовлекать, включать в себя; to associate объединяться; to provide обеспечивать; to invent изобретать, придумывать; to denote обозначать; to owe быть обязанным. Adjectives прилагательные: single одиночный, предназначенный для одного; passable сносный, удовлетворительный; compound сложный, составной; similar схожий, подобный, однородный; hollow пустой, пустотелый; complicated сложный; запутанный. Adverbs наречия: appropriately подходящим образом; apart отдельно; naturally естественно, конечно. Phrases словосочетания: in spite of несмотря на; in order to для того, чтобы; on the other hand с другой стороны; dealing with имея дело с; a defi­nite structure определённая структура, строй, строение, организация; called morphemes называемые морфемами; always bear in mind всегда иметь в виду, помнить; not to be near to hand не находиться под рукой; are filed away in the less immediately accessible reaches of the mind размещены в менее доступной области сознания (памяти); more or less более или менее; of the same kind того же вида (типа, copтa, качества); literary set of the town литературное общество города; put simply короче (проще) говоря; in order not to be confused with для того, чтобы не оказаться перепутанным (смешан­ным) с чем-либо; in their turn в свою очередь; for instance / for example например; first of all во-первых; i.e = that is to say [Latin id est] то есть; to be aware of the fact осознавать факт; the hollow part of the middle ear барабанная полость среднего уха; an onscreen frame рамка на экране дисплея; setting it apart from помещая его отдельно; surely несомненно.

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