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1. Выбор:

The study of the choices people make in a effort to satisfy their needs is called …..


В- Experience

В- Specification


2. Выбор:

The …… is an activity done for others for a fee.


В- Product

В- Capital

В- Purchase

3. Выбор:

The people making the goods and providing services are called ……..

В- Competitors

В- stockholders

В+ Producers

В- Managers

4. Выбор:

Resources used to produce goods and services are called …….

В- Human resources

В- natural resources

В- technological resources

В+ capital resources

5. Выбор:

…… gained through time spent doing an activity.

В- Appointment

В+ experience

В- Qualification

В- Specification

6. Выбор:

The …… of an employer asking for employment.


В- admission

В- Appointment

В- Advertisement

7. Выбор:

A business owned and controlled by one person is a …...

В- General partnership

В- Limited partnership

В+ sole proprietorship

В- Closed corporation

8. Выбор:

…… is the main aim of any business organization.

В- Growth

В- Image

В- Survival

В+ profitability

9. Выбор:

A partnership contract outlines the distribution of profits and …….


В- Taxes

В- Wants

В- Services

10. Выбор:

……. is a business owned and controlled by two or more people.

В+General partnership

В- Limited partnership

В- sole proprietorship

В- Closed corporation

11. Выбор:

Stockholders invest in a corporation in order to gain …...

В- Provision


В- Stocks

В- Shares

12. Выбор:

Organizations are established to meet …… in society.

В- Commercional wants

В- Specific services

В -Social welfare

В+ material needs

13. Выбор:

The aims of an organization are normally decided by the …...

В+Board of directors

В- Public departments

В- Estate firms

В- Retail stores

14. Выбор:

A merger between two or more companies producing or marketing different products is …..

В+Conglomerate combination

В- Horizontal combination

В-Vertical combination

В- Corporate merger

15. Выбор

…. are the equal parts of a company that you can buy as a way of investing money.

В- Earnings


В- Dividends

В- Capitals

16. Выбор

Money needed to start or grow a business is …..

В- Turnover

В- Profit

В- Investment


17. Выбор

The corporations must pay to their shareholders some ……

В- Earnings

В- shares


В- Capitals

18. Выбор

The …. remains after the costs of doing business have been paid.


В- Profit

В- tax

В- capital

19. Выбор

Market researchers try to build up ……, i.e. the age, sex, occupation and location of its consumers.

В- Consumer demand

В+Consumer profile

В- Consumer forecast

В- Consumer distribution

20. Выбор

The … is period of the purchasing power of money is falling.


В- Breakdown

В- Demand

В- Supply

21. Выбор

In economic terms a ….. is a physical object that can be purchased.

В+ good

В- sale

В- production

22. Выбор

Выберите соответствующее слово

The people who make the goods and provide services that satisfy consumers’ wants and needs are called ….

В- makers

В+ producers

В- engineers

23. Выбор

The ….. is a person who attempts to start a new business or introduce a new product.

В- partner

В- businessman

В+ entrepreneur

24. Выбор

The building, structures, machinery and tools that are used in the production process are called …..

В- natural resources

В+ capital goods

В- private property

25. Выбор

Anyone who works is considered a ….. resource.

В- working

В- businessman

В+ human

26. Выбор

Items provided by nature that can be used to produce goods and to provide services are called ….. resources.

В- earth

В+ natural


27. Выбор

Do the employers try to attract as many people as possible by job …..?

В+ advertisement

В- interview

В- application

28. Выбор

I’ve …. for a job at a hotel in the city centre.

В- got

В+ applied

В- given

29. Выбор

Many steelworkers are worried that they’ll …. their jobs.

В- get

В- do

В+ lose

30. Выбор

My friend has been …. a job in Tokyo.

В- awarded

В+ offered

В- presented

31. Выбор

There are not many job ….in this region.

В+ opportunities

В- interviews

В- qualifications

32. Выбор

There appear to be no …. prices for repairing shoes.

В- normative

В- common

В+ standard

33. Выбор

Shoes made of leather have a higher …. cost.

В+ marginal

В- additional

В- extra

34. Выбор

The … marginal cost the higher price of a unit.

В- lower

В+ higher

В- bigger

35. Выбор

Several firms are able to charge different prices for a similar product which is called price …..

В+ discrimination

В- evaluation

В- adoption

36. Выбор

….. pricing is a tactic adopted by a company when it is first entering a market and is trying to establish a market share.

В- evaluation

В+ penetration

В- discrimination

37. Выбор

…. price is where a firm charges a high price for a product in order to “skim the top end” of the market.

В- jumping

В- increasing

В+ skimming

38. Выбор

…. pricing is when firms offer prices below the cost of producing the item in order to encourage the sale of the products.

В+ loss leader

В- gross leader

В- boss leader

39. Выбор

…. pricing occurs when a firm drops the price of its product to limit the entry of other new competitors.

В- increase

В+ limit

В- decrease

40. Выбор

…. pricing occurs when a firm holds the price of its product below those of its rivals to establish a monopoly position.

В- monopoly

В- oligopoly

В+ predatory

41. Выбор

….. pricing is when the firm prices its product in line with those of its competitors.

В+ competitive

В- effective

В- affective

42. Выбор

The amount of money necessary to produce one individual example of a product is the unit …..

В+ cost

В- sale

В- price

43. Выбор

Changes in the costs of production can ___ the supply of goods.

В- effect

В- depend

В+ affect

44. Выбор

The sum of fixed and variable costs of production is the ___ costs.

В- average

В+ total

В- medium

45. Выбор

Supply is concerned with ____ side of the market.

В- the buying

В- the production

В+ the producer’s